US fail

>fire 59 missiles at an airbase
>Syrians resume using it a couple of days later

Why does America fail so hard?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a british failure thread

>shoot 59 missiles at an airbase as a show of force but make sure to not cause loss of life so the situation doesn't intensify
>syrians fill in potholes and resume using planes
What did you expect?

It was probably done to probe the missile defenses.
Still, it's a sign of coming escalation from our side and we won't let their war end.

>have the strongest navy and empire the world has ever seen
>lose war after war to independance movement geurrila fighters
>have your country reduced to the role of sidekick by a former colony
Sure is Euro trash in this thread

He was just getting rid of old ordnance and letting the junior naval ratings have a turn aiming,

They tens of millions of equipment with very expensive missiles (I think hundreds of thousands per missile?).

Do you really think its a good idea using a 6 figure missile to shoot up a small part of runway that is essentially concrete and asphalt (under 100 to repair).

>fight North Vietnam
>lose literally ten thousand aircraft
>get run out of the country with your tail between your legs
>make films about how you're the real victims in all this and killing all those women and children made you all sad

>>fire 59 missiles at an airbase

Have you actually ever been to an airbase or an airport, user?

It's pretty much just a big road or two and a few hangars and fuel tanks.

In 1982 we put one bomb crater in the runway at Stanley airfield which stopped the Argentines from flying fast jets there.

>hundreds of thousands per missile

It's 1.41 million. But don't worry they just put it on the 'Qatari natural gas plumbing' tab once this whole syria thing blows over.

They have a president who embodies what it means to be American - fat, lazy, ignorant, obnoxious, wasteful. It's no wonder they fail.

But temporarily.

Very effective if you're engaging in dog fights, but in Syria there were no dog fights. It was just intended to be a very expensive slap on the wrist.

>It's 1.41 million.
for all 60?
In an ancap society I could devote my life savings to get back at people.

>not understanding the 4d chess move
haha, but you're dumb so i wont tease you over it

Don't forget

>The cost of just one of those missiles could ensure you and everyone you know live comfortably for the rest of their lives
>the government will continue to take 30% of everything you earn just so that it can fire more 2 million dollar missiles at mud huts populated by brown people that cant count to ten (and miss their targets)

For one cruise missile. And people wonder why the USA has such a high military spending.

I like how the cost of the missile goes up every time someone posts anything about it.

The only actual cost with source is from the USAF in 1999 which stated about $525k per missile.

Everything else is just pulling numbers out of a hat. I can never find a root source for the numbers that are stating over $1mil.

Drumpftards BTFO

>send a powerful message while using old military hardware that would end up in a disposal site in a few years anyway

Either shill, or the OP doesn't understand geopolitics at all.
Wiki says 1.8M

Their kike president is going to resell those missiles in the black market.

it's impossible to fire missiles at a big road or two and a few hangard and fuel tanks?

>vietnam owes the U.S. $56 billion in trade and weapons sales

we won teaup

oh shit goys i mean guys wikipeadia said it

>the black market
What criminal syndicates, aside from the entire state of Israel, have access to a Cruise missile launch ramp?

It was leveled to the ground, which made it a better airbase.

The military aims weren't the only aims, bud.

There's no political agenda in lying about the price of a missile. Well there could be, but I doubt there is in this case.

Whatever freedom fighters murica needs to support in order to make the world a better place.

there's always an agenda

Trump arranged this shit with Putin to scare Chinese president.

Kek controls trump through putin. Putin is the high priest of kek.

why do you have that picture?

>being this surprised that the US is shit at warfare

there is definitely an agenda for pricing a weapon of war higher than its actual cost.

ask yourself who are the competitors/contractors for the individual components of a tomahawk missile.

Tomahawks have to get certified every 15 years - mid way through their expected 30 year life

Navy had planned to do a recertification and upgrade of the current Tomahawk Block IVs in 2019

Depending on the cost of the upgrade, it might have better economic sense to just use them and buy new missiles at the improved standard.

Plus you get to probe how good Syria/Russia's air-defence network actually is.


US bombs are meme, we know it best, you cant do shit from 16000 ft

coz they elected a neo con kike puppet as president

If I remember the Canadians wiped the floor with the yanks during that op.

>Making fun of France
>Frogs actually fought wars against relevant enemies, not vietnamese farmers with outdated weapons
Oh yeah and soviets made most of job during ww2

>when you invest trillion on weaponry but zero on brain

Don't even bother. Americans legitimately believe they won both world wars entirely by themselves.

We could all be living better lives if it wasn't for military bullshit

>teh country that attacks tanks with horses
>can't even kill emus

Eveyone you know could live comfortably for half a mil?

Child with no concept of money confirmed.

God damn that Easyjet marketing team. Brilliant ad placement!

At least we don't strut around pretending we DID beat the emus. Unlike Americans who spend decades insisting they DID win Vietnam and that they fought World War 2 all by themselves.

I cant stop looking at this image

I honestly wish there were more specifics about the operation.

How could they have not known about each other

It was a message to not use chemical weapons. Do you think repairing blacktop is complicated or time consuming?

Fuck off crumpet.

How hard do you think it is for army engineers to fix a road?

The message was a economical loss for the USA, and even then it only makes the rebels more eager to falseflag another gas attack to provoke more US action. It's literally encouraging the factions responsible for the gas attacks to do it again.

you might be homosexual

>americans lost two blackhawks to fucking s o m a l i a n s

I don't see what's homosexual about that image.

kek fucking how

Ok...Im triggered...the attack was to soften up assads air force for an easier invasion in the near future.
Honestly, would you blow up and air field then waste American tax dollars on rebuilding it or would you rather show that you can fuck shit up and take it for further use.
Jeeze, you fucking people don't understand military tactics.

We've lost blackhawks to a lot less than that :^) fuck military lawn darts. Crashhawks need to be retired.

1.8 isnt even the correct price for the most exspensive version of the tomahawk
those missiles cost 800 grand each

fuck off dove. most of our military spending is because military supply contracts are used to pay back donors who bring up politicians, and these donors operate in the middle east. if we had no military we could not compete globally and would eventually sucumm to extreme foreign influence once americans cant afford to put their people in office. read a fucking book.

Yeah and the thing is literally nobody from the pentagon said they were trying to destroy the whole base, they were just trying to destroy the aircraft and other key points

I don't agree.



You have brains, I thank you neighbor.
MI bro here.

France also attacked the farmers


If you peanut brains can't grasp that there are sexual urgencies and you need to satisfy those I don't know what to tell you.
They made an agreement between MEN that they would take turns at being the giver and the receiver to satisfy said urgencies, that's typical in extreme situations like being in a FUCKING WAR.
The third man probably couldn't find a partner and did the next best thing, no biggie.
Stop being know it all idiots and have some respect for people who went in enemy territory risking their lives.

We have another with brains, I thank you sir.

wtf I'm a #CruzMissile now


Instead of throwing away arms that are ready for recycling might as well just use them up

>It was a message to not use chemical weapons
Actually it alerted the Al Qaeda bastards that they can use chemical weapons and as a gift the US will bomb Syria for them.

Or how about this Assad, Putin and Trump are all in this together. Hit airfield. Rebels think they can go out and start trouble. Assad has airfield fixed in a few hours. Send out jets and take out the rebels that were ferreted out of hiding.

This is normal. Airfields are difficult to permanently destroy with bombings or missile strikes as all you need is to flatten out the runway and move up replacements for destroyed fuel/munitions. Hitting a bunker containing chem weapons would not have anything to do with whether air flights are operational the next day


nigga, think for a second

Just filling potholes.

We have a few American-made cuck films that admit wrongdoing or paint the US involvement in a terrible light.

Not as many though, I admit.

Syria can sell it as a modern art piece.