How many Jews died in Auschwitz during WWII?
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Not enough.
4 million, no wait 2 million, no wait 1.1 million, no wait 1 million, no-
About 400 to 500
20 Million
Not nearly enough, obviously
none it was german hollywood production
First post best post.
6 gorilion
my last 7 digit will tell you
About five or six,
my dude
800 trillion
don't believe me? then where did the 800 trillion jews go???
The Jewish population increased from 1933 to 1948 according to the World Almanac. The Red Cross also issued a report in 1948 saying only 272,000 concentration camp inmates died in German custody, about half of them Jews.
Where are the 1.1 million dead bodies?
never happened
but it should happen again
Not funny guys have some respect.
My great grandfather died in the holocaust. He fell off the guard tower
That's as inaccurate as claiming 600 billion.
see image
6 million™
A Factual Appraisal Of
The 'Holocaust'
By The Red Cross
The Jews And The Concentration Camps:
No Evidence Of Genocide
>never happened
>should happen again
checks out
muh 25 gorillion shekels
That isn't ausschwitz.
1. it's from every kz
2. it's about people who died after being in a kz.
3. it's a lie.
All of them?
burned to ash
6 septillion
7 million
Um... Okay.
Where's the ash and the bone fragments?
according to cremationresource.org, cremating a corpse leaves 3-7 pounds of ash.
Tell me, where are the 5.5 million pounds of jewish ash?
About 0
4 Brazilian
Used to make soap
actually nerly 300.000 but they died because of the tifus, they were burned to stop the propagation of the sickness :)
well you see goy the helpless innocent chosen jewish victims of the murderous genocidal holocaust atrocity never before or again seen in the acts of man were so starved that they only weighed about 1-6 ounces at the time they were burned alive by the evil nazis in their masturbation/murderdeath shower machines
typical stormfront to try and ask about the ash though
Ferst pust bist pust
Sadly, none
This guy gets it.
Typhus is spread by body lice, that's why their clothes were taken away and their heads shaved. That's why there were "gas chambers" and that's why there were ovens.
7.5 billion goyim, 7.5!
All of them
Do you have any evidence to back those images up? They could've just been altered the other way around
already debunked
try harder stormfags
>million not gazillion
wew and I thought America overcame antisemitism
yep, ziklon-b the """"Gaaaass"""" were used in their clothes for descontamination
t. Reddit
Go read some kikepedia articles
And one of the biggest things that seems odd to me is that in "Night", Ellie Wiesal claims that the men were immediately separated from the women and that the women were immediately killed, including his mother.
And yet Auschwitz had a maternity ward for prisoners?
None all the jews that died there were communists in the first place
we are looking at the biggest lie in human history
Trotsky was a jew my comrrad
I have seen photos of prisoners from the US civil war who look exactly like KZ inmates.
Its Typhus that gets you the Auschwitz look
About 1.5 million, largely on the Eastern Front.
Also the Allies kept bombing supply lines to the camps. Near the end of the war, even the Germans had a very hard time feeding themselves
American Civil War survivor
show me some evidence
Exactly 0. No jews died in Europe at all, you fucking cuck. Zionist shill.
>tfw Nazis traveled back in time to gas literally everyone who ever lived
Also those "deathmarches"
Why would we evacuate the inmates instead of just mowing everybody down?
Why would we even build housing units for them instead of locking them into a fenced area for 4 days without water and then just bulldoze them?
Inmates in Dachau even got to vote for Reichstagselections two times. Look it up
Uironically, a little less than 6 million jews + 5 million disabled/homosexual/other enemies.
Right? If the goal of the "death camps" was to kill all the jews, I would've just lined them up and put a bullet in each of their skulls.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhggg my jewish mind hurtssss aahgrrr so much facts destroying my perfect exuse for asking money and reparations
How many people usa killed, for Israel? I wonder
a real death camp would have exterminated them in maybe a week, no one would have survived
a few at the end after the allies started bombing the railways that brought in the food
We all know it was 6 million. Still not a reason to give them Jerusalem; or what they think is "their land gifted from God".
People actually think Hitler stood over fields of dead jews
Joke's on you OP, Auschwitz is a myth
Whatever number my politicians tell me this week because I don't want to go to prison.
so how many died in buchenwald
In Auschwitz alone? not that many. less than a million. Most Jews died in Russia and Poland in mass graves.
>We all know it was 6 million
I expect the Holohoax house of cards to fall within the next two decades.
Which means jews will cause global trouble to shit public attention to something else
2 one fell drunk from his room in the second floor. the other one drunk in the pool
> less than a million.
fake news
I know. I am an embarrassment to my race.
Does anyone in this thread have any evidence or is everyone literally talking out of their ass?
>Damn it Ezekiel why aren't you peddling Soviet war propaganda.
Do you have any evidence that it happened?
Auschwitz trial in Poland - 1947 - 300k dead.
Maybe 100k max
Wait a second..
If the Nazi's in Hitler's time truly intended to mass exterminate Jews, why didn't they use Zyklon B chambers to gas them? Why would they transport them in a train far away only to put them in concentration camps if they had the technology to do it right there and then. Why would the Nazi's make attempts to cure them of Typhus that would of killed all them? The narrative behind the Holocaust denies all evidence against the Holocaust due to anti-Semitism, Typhus was a disease that evidence shows thrived in Jewish populations, the Nazi's trying to stop the epidemic, forced the Jews into Steam, Cyanide gas chambers that did not kill them, later replaced with Zyklon B in order to kill the Typhus carrying lice that lived in the clothes and hair. Why cure them? Why not just burn them all if they intended to kill them anyways?
Because signs equate evidence, yes...
It's Sup Forums, literally everyone talks out of their ass
Well not the gas chambers...the number iare wright thou