Seriously though, ask yourself what's worse?
A couple of swedes getting killed or THOUSANDS of innocent Syrians forced to go back to a war?
Seriously though, ask yourself what's worse?
Why didn't they stay and fight?
If they have to flee, why go to a high HDI country thousands of miles away, why not to a culturally similar place in a neighbouring country?
That's the big flaw of the whole thing
>women and children
>implying dead swedes are a bad thing
Kill all cucks
>women and children
>fat amerilard
>staying and fighting
Economy is worse,
Less welcoming.
All in all Europe is far better than the middle eastern in terms of stability and opportunity.
First off we as the general population of say the u.s. or sweden. Have no idea how or why this all started because its all classified. But just think of this . Whatever that is happening in syria is syrias problem. We are not letting them die , we are not responsible for them. They choose to stay there . They choose not to defend them selves . Now look around the world , because you feel sad you try to bring them to your relatively safe country. Well they bring their anger pain and jealousy with them and your citizens pay for it . Its not right to bring lunatics to peaceful land and let them loose as if there normal. Whos gonna control them ? You? Your gonna fight them if they get crazy? No your not . Therefore the death of swedens is on your hands and the governments hands aka jews .
A couple of Swedes getting killed is worse. Not holding the value of your countrymen higher then others is the ultimate form of cuckoldry rarely seen in history before.
Probably the former (if they weren't Swedes), innocent people being killed because of the malicious acts of others is a thousand times worse than people deciding to leave their country and then having to go back, no matter the scale.
I'm sorry to say it, and I have the luxury of not being drafted into a war myself, but wars have just become part of humanity, there may be a chance that you are forced into one. Would the world be a better place if nobody ever fought a war and just fled to richer places to leech off them whenever things looked bad? I don't think so.
yes but that's because there weren't muslims here.
don't worry buddy, no Muslims are going to be coming over there
>everytime there is a war in some shit sand country we are obligated to take millions of refugees
>Swedefag not knowing over 70% of refugees are grown men
Why does it matter which country someone comes from when we are all humans?
why not just close the Swedish borders and have one of those things happen at all?
You have two options. You can save a group of 5 swedish scientists who are working on a cure for cancer, or you can save a group of 50 Syrians (75% male) who are poor and have no skills. Which group do you save?
Its not our obligation.
The swedes but also the dog, mostly the dog.
but also the swedes.
send them back, better for everyone.
I'm all for letting in refugees as long as:
1) They come directly from a warzone without passing any safe country, or are selected by the UN as refugees.
2) And there's a set timetable for their return home, as mandated by UN's stance on refugee handling.
3) And that any criminal activity results in immediate lifetime expulsion.
Furthermore, refugees will:
1) Voluntarily let their figerprint, iris scans, DNA be taken and checked against available databases to determine that they have not applied for asylum before, or are wanted by the Police, Interpol or other cooperating law enforcement agency.
2) Voluntarily let their age be determined by physicians and dentists.
3) Be checked for any dangerous diseases (e.g. tuberculosis) requiring quarantine.
4) Show their passports and tickets if they came by air or sea.
Accepted refugees will then:
1) Gain one year of residence, that is extended one year at a time until return is possible.
2) Gain no monetary benefits whatsoever.
Residence is extended by supplying the migration court with a fresh criminal record and $100 in administrative fees.
Residence ends when:
1) It is determined to be safe to return (e.g. dictator deposed).
2) Residence is not extended.
3) The person returns voluntarily, e.g. as a tourist.
4) The person commits a crime with possible prison-time.
Political refugees are handled on a case-by-case basis by the foreign minister.
A billion sandniggers lives aren't equal to one white life. I'd destroy an entire planet of them to save one white child.
There are no such thing as an innocent sandnigger.
You either stay and fight for your sandpeople or come here and die for leaving your shithole of a country.