HAHAHAHAHAHA and people made fun of Trump for wasting 100M dollars.
HAHAHAHAHAHA and people made fun of Trump for wasting 100M dollars
>openly admitting funding ISIS
we need more peaceful trucks
the next gas attack is gonna be filmed in 3d IMAX
this guy is such a fucking moron. we are screwed, no matter who wins next election
>hahaha trudeau did something even dumber than trump see trump isnt dumb hahaha seriously stop criticising the god emperor
back to discord
The fucker already gave away over a billion to fight climate change in Africa
as a canadian, i'd take trump over trudeau any fucking day
this is a no brainer
even my lifelong liberal relatives and their friends have shifted against trudeau -- they hate what he's doing to the country with immigration, spending, climate bs, etc.
they're all for o'leary so that we have a business guy in the office to "stand up to trump"
i really hope mad max pulls through but it's tough to compete with an o'leary business brand name.
Who would have thought that Trudeau is more cuck than Trump. Really makes me think.
When is the next leaf election?
Seriously though. which companies are being given this 840 million dollars to oversee this "charity"
>another billion down the budget drain
Can we somehow larp a humanitarian crisis in some faraway place no one will check to get gullible leftists to give us other people's money?
I feel embarrassed, can anyone come pick me up at the Canada to U.S border?
globalists are #winning
trump and trudeau bff
just fuck me.
>socialist believes he can piss away a never-ending supply of money
huh, reminds me of something. can anyone help jog my memory?
why provide money to find the perps when they said it was assad, evidence gathering wtf?!?
this reads like a Scooby-Doo special just fuck my shit up bcbud4lyfe
This guy is nuts. I think all the leaders know world is ending so they are ruining us. Conservatives were shit too. Conserved only debt