British teacher adpots an Ugandan baby
She will get aids in 12 months time
Can you imagine the smell of that little dindu?
Cute! I wish them both the best =)
Don't worry she's probably Jewish. She's doing a GoFundMe as well.
Is this the 2 girls 1 cup new version?
How long until it's old enough to rape her?
There tons of native children in western countries that want to get adopted.
waiting for the incest porn video
God I fucking hate white women I see them do shit like this all the time
part of me would like to adopt a kid from somewhere radically removed from where i am.
just so i can see how far i can push nature versus nurture.
only thing stopping me is you know... ethics.
what pisses me off even more than this dumb bitches decision to take care of this shit nugget, is the fact that a jew probably gave it to her out of the blue, or some other Uganda people who wants this dindu to destroy the white race.
Either way, both need to be destroyed.
foreign adoptions should be banned
Pretty shitty of her to already be pimping out the lil nigga
You can't instantly virtue signal with a white kid.
Instead of bringing africans into white countries why don't these whites move to africa? They clearly love africa more than their home countries
>Ugandan parents: Thank god, now our precious baby is safe from this horrible nightmare
>Makes 12 more
White people can't spend 20 seconds looking at a black child without adopting it and feeding it, whatsupwiththat
youre starting to get it user, yes yes good good. The truth is near.
Why don't the jews do ANYTHING like this? why are there no liberal SJW movements in Israel? Where's BLM? Where are the jews visiting the middle east and africa to spread their love? etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
The jews are putting all the degenerate bull shit on the US to let us deal with it. Social engineering at tis finest.
>biological women
>doing stupid shit
Who would have guessed?
2 good looking europeans adopting a fugly nigger kid
boy this is sad
I am saving all this to make a database for the future for all to see how things went down
Hope he can be PM some day
Why dont we ban adoptions from foreign countries?
>why are there no liberal SJW movements in Israel?
You're very, very wrong. Spend a week in Tel Aviv and you'll want to bleach yourself
white savior syndrome
she just bought herself a black sex slave
those two are europeans
doesn't matter if they live in brazil or not
that's what they are
Even the little nigger in pic related seems to want the crazy white bitch to get away from him.
Also it's what's wrong with all your 1st world countries.
The need to show you're not racist and that you're such a good person outweights logic and doing actual good deeds.
Basically as long as you look like a virtuous individual it doesn't matter if you're the a child molester.
what exactly are we talking here? show me some BLM marches and protests in Isreal. PLEASE
sicko leaf
fuck this cracker, we don't want you damn sympathy damn pale-faced devils.
why don't they adopt a white child instead of some foreign animal? Literally adopting a pet
Where's Polandbro? He'd buy that.
Why are Normies so dumb
Could of got a pet monkey instead.
little nigglet is literally the most disgusting "think" you could see. 3 years old niglets have face of 40 years old crack addict
I might start this myself. I can dedicate myself to a cause and get money from around the world.
There are tons of SJWs there but they get shunned I believe.
the university in tel aviv is as bad as everywhere else
brzezinksi isnt lying about the fact that every single western controlled nations educational faculty has been infiltrated.
Hareetz reading, meretz voting chilloni cucks hate themselves with a passion. And they don't even have white guilt to blame for it
>get's fired
>thinks god will save her
How long until she gets raped?
All babies including pigs are cute, except chimps and niggers and Indian babies.
i read it as "british teacher adpots an Ugandan pet"
wtf does adpot even means
>except chimps and niggers and Indian babies.
even chimps and niglets can be cute.
not sure about poos though
a Paki raped a young British girl in Rotherham in the meantime
Why is this baby begging me to kick her in the face?
And fuck, those two actually look good, their genes would actually be worth preserving.
well that's a fucking cute niglet
99% of the comments are from Americans on a british website kek it's like you people are magnetically attracted to niggers
Look at his face. Not even an ugandan baby needing adoption tolerates libturds
she could be holding a kid with most likely 20 IQ points and 50% her genes more but no
The comments are by African Americans who get horny at the sight of white women holding anything black
There are tons of beautiful white eastern european orphans and they pick some 80 IQ ape future rapist looking creature, literally why?
This is nice desu :3
Do you get coupons for free watermelon and grape soda when you adopt one of these things?
If only other Sup Forumslacks felt the same way
That's doesn't make much sense, now, does it?
>There are tons of beautiful white eastern european orphans and they pick some 80 IQ ape future rapist looking creature, literally why?
well that's easy
the bribes are higher in eastern europe
you have to literally wait for 3 years to adopt any european and lawayers will examine even your books
in africa it's fucking easy
Please... that is bullshit and you know it, the only reason they adopted the negroid is because they are cucks and not because it is easier
The irony is that this "adopting nigger babies" fad was started by rich celebrities who were using them to dodge taxes. No, I am not making this up.
no it's because it's easy and because tv show us starving niglets every 6 adverts
himba are based desu
Aussies are sleeping and the kiwis are stealing their BANTZ
breivik pls go
you're disgusting
they are all thic and chubby
of course its namibia
their low popualtion is key