reasons to hate number 1 he's a Satanist
2. he laughs off pizzagate
3. he defends spirit cooking
4. he's an alt lite civic fag
5. he "likes" 15 year old kids
Other urls found in this thread:
6. he advocates abortion
7. Why even care?
7. he is bisexual
8,tortures his cats with weird satanic frequencies designed to brain wash the kitty to have sexy with him
9. does minecraft let's plays
My Gods man watch the actual videos. He's a former Satanist, pizza gate is questionable, he didn't defend spirit cooking either. Calling someone a sex perv isn't a good move either.
Wow he really must of really pissed off some retards
>5. he "likes" 15 year old kids
I could have sworn he was at oldest 19.
10.was once a transitioning trany until he "just can't stand the way hormone replacement therapy makes me feel anymore"
do you want me to be your girlfriend user?
i would
Wow he really must of really pissed off some retards
He also sucks at geopolitics
11.he thinks its halloween every other day
and does a retarded occult video
12. lives with his mom
What video is that from? I've seen the screencaps so many times.
I'm guessing it's just photoshopped memes but i'd love a link if anyone has one
look at those manlets
13. Republishes public domain works for a living
1. He isn't a satanist.
2. Pizzagate is a shill campaign to undermine actual pedophile rings
3. Spirit cooking is literally edgy liberal art
4. Can't argue about this one
5. Obvious shill tactic "he's a pedo goy!!!!!!!!!"
Look, if you don't like him, don't watch him. But don't be a fucking unpaid shill, that's just sad. Styx does a good job of taking what Sup Forums has been talking about for the past day and reducing it to the important things.
Styx stopped being a Satanist years ago. He's a a Pagan now.
holy shit styx is a big guy
14.lives in a 95% white state but tells you not to be racist and that race means nothing
Implying that's somehow any different/better
The only thing you need to know about Styx is that he's so physically repulsive that he can't be one of us. Can't have genetic failures as allies of national socialism.
I wouldn't talk shit about Styx if I were you. Remember this is the guy who was gonna go to HWNDU and beat up shia and he was also going to lead an army to take over california if they ever seceded. You really wanna fuck with someone like that?
found the satanic shill
He's not even a pagan anymore go watch his video 'why do people mistake me for a conservative' for a hashed out guide on his opinions and beliefs.
I'm shit scared of styx
14. unironically believes any random crazy anti trump chink in a viral video is his ex fiance
then why did he release this video the next day?
alright world. Its actually quite funny. I'm a fucking loser who thinks I know everything and my shit doesn't stink. I'm building a youtube coalition to fight for content creators rights. Also fighting because youtube is my only source of income since I cant work a real job and nobody buys my shitty books on witches. Support me on pahh treyyy onnn so my mommy doesn't kick me out. *spoon clings against coffee mug* legacy media is dead that's why they are going after youtube. That's about all peace out.
>reasons to hate
1. He is ugly as fuck.
That's it.
No more reasons needed
Why do you care enough about this individual to make a thread about him? That just makes you the loser in this situation.
t. Styx
the satanic bullshit he shit out of his mouth
needs to be stopped
>He's a former Satanist
yeah... because they weren't autistic enough for him and didn't believe in spirituality. so now he's a "pagan occultist"
tfw to intelligent for Sup Forums
Who is this guy anyways? A quick rundown?
Can't stand his Civic Nationalism while live in a 95% white State. Meanwhile I'm in an 80% Hispanic city
He's an ugly ass cuck.
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Styx is a pagan apatheist, you slow cunts. He's tall, rumored to have a big dick, maybe a little metabolically excited, and reasonably good-looking. I gotta admit that the pic in OP gets me every time, tho. Feels bad for laughing at it, man.
fuck off you nigger kike