What is your honest personal opinion on vaccines?
anyone here who would never under any circumstances take one?
What is your honest personal opinion on vaccines?
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Spread the myth (as was done earlier), that vaccination causes sterilisation, in Muslim nations
who /antimedicine/ here?
if it cant be solved with coffee, whisky or sleep, you deserve to die from it
>Take vaccine
>Got sick
>Dont take vaccine
>Got sick
They just want to fatten up the American population so the jews can sell the fat burgers to cannibals in Asia
I think giving them to newborns/very young kids is an absolutely braindead thing to do but once they're like 7 or something (maybe older) they should get them.
>sending Obese Burgers to cannibals
Eww no, even cannibals have better taste than that
i should be enforcing this. since you people are so dumb it would be natural selection´s way to clean you guys out of earth.
Ever since vaccines started we got rid of polio and all the other garbage. Even if they did cause autism (which they don't) it would be a fair trade.
What about the risk that the child may catch something measles, which is far more dangerous for children during that age span than later, or even something like Diphtheria?
Only trust vaccines from Cuba.
Have zero trust in western government. They want you to spend your savings on medication, and then to soon drop dead after you retire. So you don't cost them much.
I havent got the flu since i got the flu (((vaccine)))
been 10 years without the flu now
all vaccines are made by jewish big pharma, is that who you want injecting sketchy shit into you?
gotta love the jews. Invent an addictive medication. Write a book on pain management for medical schools saying that it's non addictive.
How often did you have the fly before the vacc?
Except that it isn't, vaccines have really low profit margin.
The real villan is medicine like fentanyl and opioids, basically making you a heavy addict so you can fill mr Shekelsteins pocket.
got the flu every year i got the flu vaccine. stoppe getting the vaccine and stopped getting the flu. doubt its a coincidence, i know many people who this happened to as well
the vaccine makes you sick and then you go buy the jews medication to fix it. are you retarded? or just too many vaccines?
What about the rabies vaccine?
>dont get vaccine
>get flue
happened to me last year it sucks. Shit maybe it isnt too late to get autism in my mid twenties and a comfy google job.
brb getting my shot.
Took a tetanus shot in 2012 and developed Multiple Sclerosis. Didn't officially know until 1016 after 4 years of being told
By shit California Doctors that it was a back Injury/problem . Thanks Obamacare (((globalists))) for long lines and 3 month waits to see "specialists" that are fucking morons . Now I'm barely able to walk and recovering . Never ever take the JEWneedle I had to learn the hard way
Sign of weakness tbqh. Maintaining a strong immune system is the way to go. Vaccines are for pussies.
>brb getting my shot.
good goy
Yeah getting a flu shot every year is redundant and may not have any benefits at all.
Vaccination against smallpox essentially eradicated the disease all together.
We are close to eradicating polio (we have already eradicated type 2,3 but type 1 remains), so there is definitely legitimate use of vaccines.
>he fell for the vaccine polio eradication meme
I have autism so I believe all the Sup Forums theories about vaccines.
jews own the pharma industry, did you really think they were injecting you with some miracle shit? top kek your autism is well deserved
That picture is pretty retarded. Vaccines don't contain mercury anymore.
>what is thimerisol for 300 alex
I don't disagree with you that the flu shot doesn't work but most vaccines have little to no profit margin (so they have to be subsidized).
If you buy medicine when you already have the flu you are being scammed since the only thing that can cure viral infection is your own immune system.
A mercury-containing perservative that isn't even used in vaccines anymore.
If you think vaccines are redundant you're fucking idiots. There's a reason why no one has polio anymore
>getting sick and not dying
>"vaccines are useless!"
it turns out that millenials are the greatest detractors of vaccination
not a surprise because they're the only stupid idiots who weren't alive when things like small pox and polio was killing everyone
Yes, goy, just inject mercury into your baby. It's 100% safe!
dude you took wayyy too many vaccines
newborns are the weakest and first to die from people not vaccinating
they don't have a strong enough immunity to take a lot of vaccines and their first defense is herd immunity
>wtf is herd immunity we're not animals
well, my ignorant friend, herd immunity is the majority of people being immune to a certain virus or disease so the disease is unable to spread to those who have extremely weak immune systems (newborns, old people, people with aids or sickle cell anemia)
which is why most countries have deemed that not vaccinating your children is a public health concern and have barred unvaccinated children from going to school
which i ASSUMED was the case in the US because i remember as a kid having some teachers come up to me and give me a paper telling me that they noticed my health records indicated i hadn't been vaccinated and to give that paper to my parents as soon as i got home so i could go to the doctor or else i wouldn't be allowed to continue going to school
but apparently that's only the case in a few states
It no secret that the large portion of the medial industry is money hungry but if you disregard all medical science as a large conspiracy you need to get your fucking head checked.
vaccines are the blue pill
who pushes or you to get vaccines?
you guessed right... the jews
Water is contained of the most flammable element and one that fuels all fires. Yet it fucking extinguishes it. You're not injecting pure mercury but a mixture of random shit that was done by a people way smarter than you that actually know what they're doing, Ivan.
Look it up, retarded. Prove yourself wrong.
I have 4 kids and I did thorough research on each of the vaccines that my kids had. None of them contained mercury, you dimwitted fuck.
double trips of undisputable truth
yes! this. so. much.
shekelberg cares about you and wants you to be healthy!
please get those vaccines ASAP!
nice numerology
I've got all my childhood ones and recently had to get a cocktail of fancy expensive ones for my trip to Vietnam
And quads to prove it even more. Kek vaccinates his children, why won't you?
vaccines for most dangerous sickness, viruses are necessary . but not all the fucking sickness ...
parent should have a choice to use vaccine or
old school methods(for example honey+garlic+hot milk mixed up in a cup) and let kid immune system get strong.
>secret jewish plot to inject babies with harmless levels of mercury-BASED thimerosal
>mercury having no connection to autism
>with billions of people already being injected with it with no negative health effects
truly the Joos' evil knows no bounds
>get bit by bat
>either die or get autism your choice.
oohhh i see. you injected your kids with the jew needles and now you are in denial that they are bad. it's ok man, you didn't know. they may find a cure for your kids autism one day, theres still hope
>landwhale struggles to even step onto the treadmill
These kind of people are a disgrace to humankind. We need to gas the fatties for the good of the country.
>fancy expensive ones
((( )))
people who are stupid enough to get vaccines should keep getting them so we can finally weed the low IQ's out of the gene pool.
Why are lowercase posters consistently posting the most retarded garbage imaginable?
>1 in 25,000 kids got autism in the 70's
>1 in 50 kids now get autism
>only thing that really changed is the amount of vaccines children get
>American education
Thimerosal hasn't even been in vaccines for like 20 years now. If anything the rise in Autism has a negative correlation.
Don't take um
>this much denial
this is the one thing i agree on with the jews. we should weed out the low IQ's via contaminated vaccines
i havent had a vaccine since i was a child and asside from the minor cold, haven't been sick in over 7 years
>gas them
>waste perfectly viable biofuel
lad this is shameful
Please provide vaccine info
Contents of every vaccines are freely available from your pediatrician and from the manufacturer's websites.
correlation does not equal causation IQlette
digits of truth
>I haven't had a vaccine since I was a child
>haven't been sick since
Yes, I have refused to take any (((vaccine))) shots once i entered high school. Going on 15+ years, never caught the flu since and rarely ever come down with a cold/fever. Friends on the other hand that routinely abide by what (((they))) say are often always catching a flu every winter season.
I would attribute that more-so to the Internet and retarded parenting styles.
Autism is not as prevalent as people think it is, it's just a cookie cutter diagnosis given to kids that aren't "normal".
It's like ADHD in the 90s
>What is diagnosis method
according to your graph that means children are taking 10,000 more vaccines than people were in the 50's
you could make a better case for lead and asbestos being buffers to autism
Everybody now have autism because we made up so many spectrums you'd fall in at least one category
what causes autism? why is autism linked to gut microbiota? How do vaccinations affect gut microbiota?
everyone has autism and adhd and depression because of pharma wanting to sell more meds for mental health
that's the REAL conspiracy theory
It's such a curse to be a non-American, to live far away from the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, it's such a bummer, to not be a part of BACK TO BACK WORLD WAR CHAMPS, it's very depressing, cuz dey run da shit BIG ARMY.
This is completely speculation on my part, but I would be willing to blame the increase of autism to to the fact that for a very long time now, people have been much more safe medically. The gene pool isn't being cleansed of bad genes through natural selection.
The incredibly small amount of autism genes or whatever are exponentially spreading due to the fact that they are not dying off.
Are there people who would seriously deny a rabies vaccine if exposed to a rabid animal?
it's linked to autism because some jewish moron wrote a paper that was debunked hundreds of times after he published it
and then admitted he faked his results later on
then some famous blonde bimbo read his book and started telling everyone how her kids got autism because of vaccines
even though there's absolutely zero medical or scientific evidence backing that up
and the only people that actually believe it are single moms over the age of 40 and idiot new age medicine millenials
There's no way you'd see such a huge increase in just one generation.
The outside world is getting more hectic and people are getting more isolated. And then wow, people aren't adjusting as easily to public life, let's stamp AUTIST on them.
you guys realize they vaccinated in the 50's right?
and they had even more unsafe vaccinations back then?
the 50's were a golden age in regards to culture and economy but that doesn't mean they were ahead of us in medical science and technology
we can strip them of their fat to burn later. It's much more humane to kill them beforehand and a lot easier to harvest them when they are not trying to escape by waddling away.
What better way to kill tons of fatties than to lock them in a room and let their own foul odors do the work for us?
Yeah doctors give out Concerta and similar amphetamine derivatives like tic tac.
You barely have to buy it illegally, you can just say you have issues focusing on studying and you will most likely end up with a recipe.
Keep pumping it into you. I'm sure pharma industries main concern is to keep the population healthy with their products.
The development of a consumer base that won't need your products in the future seems like a sustanable business plan!
I think vaccines work, but they also cripple the human body's immune system. It is like driving a stick shift and grinding the gears. You'll burnout the clutch, and then you're fucked. There is a direct link between the immune system and intelligence. In other words, vaccines reduce overall IQ. Aside from decreased IQ, I believe vaccines cause allergies and chronic illnesses to manifest. I don't know about you, but I'd rather die than be alive and retarded.
How is that in any way related to what is being discussed? Fuck off, lowercase poster. At least read the reply chain before you comment.
Anti-vaxxers BTFO.
The two groups of people that hate vaccine are both the "New Age Medicine" hippes, and the Jesus Nutjobs who think science is a lie.
I don't get vaccinated once a year. I was vaccinated some times when I was a child for some major diseases so I wouldn't catch them. Constant vaccines are dumb, I agree on that.
I've had the same thoughts. We don't let nature kill off whats not working, what a shame.
when i was in the air force i convinced my doctors i had ADHD so i could get out
i could probably get adderral if i wanted
>I think vaccines work, but they also cripple the human body's immune system
this, we are going to have a huge problem in the next few generations.
i never get flu shots either and i rarely get sick
i love Jesus and science
i hate those people... giving christianity a bad name
A miracle of medicine that has the potential to actually eradicate many diseases.
Anyone who consciously increases their pool of potential lethal diseases is a fucking moron. Anyone who does so for their yet immature children is a cruel moron.
We are all autistic because we were vaccinated at children.
>which is why most countries have deemed that not vaccinating your children is a public health o
not true only burgers do this
>american education
The only vaccines you should be taking are the ones that save your life.
What's the point of getting a flu vaccine? Isnt that why we have an immune system?
they do the opposite of that...
you guys know how vaccines WORK right?
they give you an extremely small dose of the actual disease they're trying to immunize you against
and then because the dose is so small your body easily fights it off before it can spread
your immune system basically saves the information about the small sample of the disease that you were vaccinated for and makes your body immune to the stronger disease
vaccines are literally using your own immune system and making it stronger
really... australia did this and canada as well i believe
a lot of other european countries have done this as well
but the only one i remember specifically is australia
Yeah and diseases are improving to get pass our immune system. You guy know how evolution WORKS, right?
I normally don't care, but that reddit spacing is pure cancer here.
But yes, I'm an idiot I was thinking about the medical crisis of running out of drugs that work well to combat illness.