Hey so I just found this political guy's Twitter and I think he makes some great points. I wish our president would listen to him.
Hey so I just found this political guy's Twitter and I think he makes some great points...
Eat shit and die Ted
I dunno, this Donald guy seems spot-on. He's a Republican these days too, I think.
you are a paid shill from discord shariahblue
Would be great if we could get a wise man like this into the White House instead of the nut we have now.
You guys I'm serious this time, we CAN'T let this guy get the nuclear co-
include me in the screencap pls i want my friends on reddit to see this
he's totally compromised by the Jews though.
>retarded liberal obsessing over year old tweets
im really not surprised. hang yourself please.
Yeah, sure. Everybody who disagrees with you is just being paid to say such things. I'm sure this Donald guy is just being paid by the shill company to warn us about our crazy leader too, huh?
trump dindu nuffin
the sad thing is you're not being paid, you really are just a fucking loser with nothing better to do
>Bringing up Trumps tweets is anti-Trump shilling
get a load of 2017 Sup Forums
The sad thing is that you're so attached to another country's insane leader that you sit on a message board all day calling anyone who criticises him a shill. For free. Is Trudeau not worth defending all day for you?
>he's an 8d chessmaster
>his son-in law is the one who is fucking up foreign policy
>n-no, you're a loser!
absolutely pathetic. You think I just randomly call you a shill? I can tell you're not from here you stupid fucking faggot. now make your family proud and kill yourself
>retarded monkey wanted to go full war with Syria knowing that Russian wouldn't allow
>first white president in 8 years launches some missiles which most of them missed the target and warned Russian military that in turn warned Syrian one that he was launching an attack to tell Assad he should fuck with him.
Pretty similar shill. Keep your cancer in
Not that I agree with the current bullshit, mind you.
This image makes Ivan dissappear. It is illegal in russia.
Wait, he warned Russia? He colluded with them again?
I've been here since months before Gamergate you blathering retard. You sound like some plebbit invader who desperately wants to be a Sup Forumsack but can't debate above the level of calling everyone a shill. I wish you had even a modicum of self-awareness so you would kill yourself in disgust already.
Yep. Anybody who says anything about Trump, even if all we do is post a picture of his tweet, is now a shill. It's impossible that any of us actually voted for him and supported him. I miss old Sup Forums.
yes, because not warning russia would've literally caused ww3 you braindead fuck
What an hypocritical piece of shit.
Yeah imagine posting politics on a fucking politics board I mean what a loser right?
>I've been here since Gamergate!!
wow, nobody gives a fuck. nice butthurt reply though, i clearly touched a nerve you fat retard
Sup Forums was never good though
>I'm not butthurt!
>You're butthurt!
>Quoting Trump is a sharblue tactic
Fucking hell. Maybe your enemy should be (((Kushner))) and not Trump's own words.
j-just wait and see what daddy Trump's next move is....i'm sure he won't do what he did to us last time...
>too retarded to realize 2013 isn't 2017, they are literally years apart, and circumstances surrounding each instance are different
When you're all languishing in bedlam after a constant string of failures and disappointments 16 years Lefties, remember we gave you every opportunity to smarten up and act like mature adults.
>why won't you just grow up and agree with me
He didn't "attack" Syria, he authorized a limited airstrike on a specific airbase for a specific (((reason))). I don't support what he did, but I'm pretty sure he's talking about boots on the ground (or at least more than one airstrike) in those tweets. Not a good look, but not definitively hypocritical.
it literally is a shill tactic you incredible retard
>gets ignored
>tries again
Thanks for the (You) kind stranger!
It's a valid question, why won't you? You're clearly in the wrong.
If a throw rocks at your house, am I attacking your house? Why sending unwarranted missiles is suddenly not attacking? Right wing, don't fall for the same doublethink the left always had. If the sentiment is positive, he'll keep doing it.
>blowing up a military installation is not an act of war
>Trump is betraying his voters for the 200th time
No shit sherlock
kys my man
Trump is such a cuck. Fuck Trump
it's simply enforcing rules you dumb subhuman. why did you abandon the last thread after i proved trump wasn't a globalist? were you really that embarrassed by your last response?
>replies instantly
>people aren't allowed to change opinions on things
the shills have arrived i see
>replies instantly
Oh, sorry I couldn't be cool like you and perfectly time my responses to be fashionably late.
Because global politics stay 100% stable haha
He only changed his opinion when he directly benefited from the electoral college.
Come on now, you can't be this stupid. he is not even hiding his own hypocracy
they all start posting tweets at the same time. really makes you think. actually it doesn't, it's blatant.
Wow who is this man, he should be the president of the USA, he will definitely stop the war in Syria and bring the troops home
Japan didn't attack us. They just authorised a limited airstrike on a specific naval base.
I said I was here back then because you said I'm new you goddamn moron. Shit like this is why people with your flag have such a bad reputation on here.
Maybe one day he'll be president.
(jk lol)
>>people aren't allowed to change opinions on everything
IF you accept the narrative (and let's assume for the sake of the argument) that Assad gassed his people, HE committed an act of war on the entire human race. Blowing up the airbase that was "responsible" is extremely measured in response.
A better comparison would be a police officer handcuffing some guy that just shot up a daycare. Is the police man "attacking" the shooter? I guess on some technical level...
daily reminder Ivanka's darling jew hubby is controlling the white house.
Bannon has no say in anything.
Stop smoking crack, I just arrived here. The initiation of force is an attack. There's no way around it. You may try to justify it, but you can't deny it.
For you, attacking someone is sometimes justified. For people with integrity, it never is. Trump is not defending anyone there, he's merely attacking for some dumb reason. The situation have not changed at all.
>HE committed an act of war on the entire human race
Trump campaigned on not messing with syria. Hillary wantes to do more than what he did and is the reason why I didn't vote for her in the first place.
you realize youre the only one shilling here, right? or is that the joke
if shareblue says 2+2 is 4, I say it is 5
>waits a little longer this time to hide the fact that he's actively monitoring the thread
False equivalency, that attacked was unprovoked on an immediate level. Trump didn't launch the strike because he was an insane imperialist opportunist and Syria was giving our economy boo boos.
>so new he doesn't even know what the multiple brackets refer to
literally, you have to go back
>What are the Geneva conventions
>What are crimes against humanity
Nah dude he changed his opinion when he started learning about why the founding fathers specifically instituted an electoral college
No need to be so asshurt you need to dig up old irrelevant opinions
just a scrap of paper you dumb nigger
Still waiting for the US to be tried for war crimes.
I said I don't support it in the next sentence. Go back and read it in that context, sorry if the nuance is too much for you.
And then all the responses are: oh what a shill, shareblue, blah blah blah.
It's okay, we know that you have no principles and prefer neo-cons fighting wars over dead babies. You don't even realize the deep state has won and the attack on Syria was just the beginning.
> HE committed an act of war on the entire human race.
really? I'm feeling a-ok man. I don't think anybody but some shitskins got gassed. And the difference between gassing and putting a building on top of their head is what? A literal act of war on Humans? Because the death is a little more painful?
top kek
cant you leftists not just go and do something else?
The only thing that you will reap here is what you have sown.
We could either choose between Hillary or Trump.
Both have the same character.
The difference is that Hillary plays the political correct version, and Trump the politically incorrect version.
They are the same, they eat from the same table.
You are doing exactly what they want you to do. Left versus Right.
What is your aim? What is your goal?
The Right saw destruction coming anyhow, they hoped Trump would be what they thought he would be.
He is not, that means its time to get out of the major cities and go to the remote towns.
Whatever madness will hit them, it will be right in the cities.
>a bunch of anti-trumpers arrive at the same time and post trump tweets
>it is confirmed that there are shills/butthurt anti-trumpers trying to divide pol
but im the shill for calling this out
you're a fucking retard bro
Seriously eat shit. You're not welcome here.
Are you really gonna play semantics here to try to weasel your way out? Restraining someone because they committed a violent act is not the initiation of force in the same way as killing is. Don't be a fucking retarded.
But even if ignore the first part of your argument, what is a investigation? The last time Assad was accused of doing this, three months later it was proved it's not him. Trump can't be the judge, the jury and the executioner. He should, at the very least, went through Congress if he was so sure.
right so what should happen to America for it's crimes against Humanity and it's breaches of the G C?
This is the exact same stuff that was going on when Trump said these things. Nothing has changed in Syria, except that a false flag got us to actually attack this time.
yes, because arguing with them is meaningless, as they just leave as soon as you prove them wrong. they are clearly shills and it's been proven. there are multiple "lel who regrets voting drumpf" with a copy-pasted text threads created every 5 mins, and there have been many groups caught in the act colluding. aka fucking kill yourself because you're wrong. bye fatty
Not that I know anything on the matter, but wasn't that comment relevant to the situation at the time.
As you can see Syria has changed a lot since then.
>taking the board of peace meme literally
nice digits btw, pseudohitler
you know ID's are thing, right shillfag?
>>it is confirmed that there are shills/butthurt anti-trumpers trying to divide pol
Yikes, you sound like a liberal screeching about putin meddling in our elections.
>but im the shill
yes you are lol thats the funny thing about people like you, youre shilling for trump and trying to invalidate opposing viewpients without even realizing.
yes, it was cropped
leave the don alone
Why dont you suuport trump? He is like Israel's servant.
>haha u sound like alex jones for pointing out a fact
lol ok fatty
DELET this
yeah, nobody should be allowed to change their opinions withing years. hell it should be illigel to change your opinion ever
>>haha u sound like alex jones for pointing out a fact
i didnt say nor imply any of the above, but keep deflecting friendo, you should consider going back, this place isnt for you
lel, he changed them in three fucking days
This is honestly the next best thing to trump losing the election. I was waiting for him to lose just so we could get the cancer that is trump supporters off this board and shit post "BTFO" for a week. This is in a way funnier just because he literally is doing what he said not to like 20 times. It shows him for the gigantic hypocrite, and that he's no better then any other politician.
>not reddit
It's confirmed that nerds photoshopped several images to continue their T_D delusion posting without fear of hearing a differing opinion
actually just fucking pathetic, you're as bad as the left
take your "muh alt right" shit, and fuck off back to the website you came from.
>not an argument
Back to the_donald pleb. Enjoy your echo chamber of Zionist ideas and mods.
Trump became a neocon overnight after years of saying it was wrong.
and shooped