Easy enough, rate different positions on the political compass.
Easy enough, rate different positions on the political compass
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Which is the one where you RPG the rival warlord for violating the NAP?
Ancaps are usually bottom complete right to middle complete right, but they don't believe in RPGing rival warlords.
Wtf are you doing here faggot ?
Kike spotted
I'm alt-left. Most of alt-right stuff can be theoretically employed with alt-left.
Years alt left is the opposites of the alt right you dumbfuck
>Most of alt-right stuff can be theoretically employed with alt-left
Oh cool you guys are pro white too?
Don't know why it says years but oh well
Methods can be the same. The direction is opposite.
Nope, but we can support nationalism of white.
Ah I see. Haven't been seeing much of you're memetic warfare though, can it rival ours?
We are smaller in numbers than any other ideology at this moment.
Then you're nothing like the alt right stop dick riding faggot
you guys are alright
We are much more flexible because we are progressive.
how do you go from nuke to good in one square?
this is not realistic
Thanks papi
>hillary clinton area being yellow
The bait is obvi
lazy fuck
Here it is
lazy nigger
thanks m8
Progressive monarchist, what?
going from good to nuke in one square doesn't make a lot of sense
In the authoritarian world it does.
Fuck you guys im on mobile
come to think of it...
the only thing that upsets me about this odd political forum is that people say the n word
any other transgender activists here? curious
sup comrade
>Nearly nuking Hitler
oh nvm then
Nat-(((soc))) is a terrible ideology and needs to be physically removed.
It's not perfect, but something like this.
pic related
>Industrial prosperity
>Booming national economy
>Minimum degeneracy
>Obliterated crime rates
Oh yeah, SO terrible
>Nuking Pinochet
Nigger wtf
Got daddy issues?
I'm National Socialist
>Got daddy issues?
Maybe if your father was as chill as mine, you wouldn't have grown up to be such a bootlicker.
I'm exactly the same
No authoritarianism
No collectivism
No anarchism
Centrists should be nuked the hardest. I have more respect for hardcore Nazis.
Is this Shareblue?
That's because you're an idiot who thinks holding extreme views = being a real man and rational views = being apolitical.
looks like the best one desu 10/10
said the autistic ancap.
Claiming that a centrist can have rational views is a category error. You need to have a coherent system of values before you can form rational opinions.
>Be socialist
>Think it causes an economic progress
Good guy, jewishmerchant.gif
the fuck
Go to sleep
The only RIGHT answer.
Everything not top right must be nuked.
Why can't we just be friends? We're all right wing
I just like a strong governement
That's your opinion. Individualism and common sense views such as the necessity of a state for a functioning and prosperous society are the foundation of my values.