Opinions on Black Pigeon Speaks? I thought his recent assessment of the Syria bombing was pretty good.
Opinions on Black Pigeon Speaks? I thought his recent assessment of the Syria bombing was pretty good
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Reddit tier
How so? Because he's not a Nazi like you?
I like him, but his new style is getting a little bit cut-and-paste
What the fuck is wrong with you? If someone doesn't agree with you they're automatically a nazi? Sup Forums doesn't care for shit tier liberals like BPS. If you care so much about being "redpilled" - which apparently you do because you want the approval of Sup Forums - you'll drop him.
He's the only tolerable one
What? We're all nazis on Sup Forums man, now what is it we usually say? Seek Hail!
go back to plebbit shill
I like most of his stuff even if I disagree with a lot of it
I'm not calling you a Nazi because you disagree with me, I'm saying you might be a Nazi because there is a good possibility that you are calling him reddit tier because he is not extreme enough. Otherwise please explain.
great content, could be more critical on Trump in last video.
also, wish he'd make more content, but then it would be probably lower quality..
He's fine. He rides Japan's dick a little too much but seeing as he lives in Canada I can see why someone would be envious of a country with strong nationalistic views. Other than that he isn't too strong or too offensive. Fairly entry level to be sure.
get out you plebbit
Who the fuck are all these people on Sup Forums who have hours to watch all these garbage bag youtubers? Honestly do we need a thread for every single faggot ass channel they make?
He comes from Canada but he lives in Japan, thats why he has such a hard on for them
Honestly, I got tired of listening to Molyneux insult and interrupt his callers all day.
That's beside the point.
He isn't extreme enough. His appeal is that he appeals to a lot of people. He doesn't have anything substantive to say or else he couldn't be as popular as he was. No endorsements here I imagine the majority of his fan base are liberals.
Literally the only guy that didn't sperg out like a complete autist but rather wait for dust to settle.
I see the channel as on of the best ways to redpill average fags by reasonable means, i.e. not pol style shitposting and full "let me tell you about the Jews".
That's all there really is to it. And I find this channel better than most of the other e celeb cancer because you don't have to look some guy in the face all the time and see him talk...
>His appeal is that he appeals to a lot of people.
You lost all credibility with that bullshit remark. I'm not that naive.
What credibility did I have to begin with? Tell me, what does he stand for? Does he care about the white race?
Weaboo lolbertarian faggot.
If he cares about Europeans not being displaced than yes, he effectively cares about the white race.
to both of you
>pol is one person
bps is a disgusting kike tier person but his videos are sometimes pretty spot on. i'd say the channel is about 50% spot on
Good speaker but wrong on a few things. His Syria analysis was too optimistic. Like some people he thinks the US government is like Game of Thrones with nobles backstabbing each other, protip: it isn't.
His views on Japan are also too optimistic, Japan is just the west but without immigration: still degenerate. On that note in my opinion he should focus less on Islam and more of the dirt in our own house like feminism.
Fair enough. Can you give me an example of something he is wrong about? I haven't seen all of his videos.
That's not enough. Until he's willing to put it on the line and say "I stand for the white race, America is a white country" I don't want to hear him cucking on everything.
like most Sup Forums figureheads he's a pretty shallow thinker, but popular because he goes after low-hanging fruit.
Do you have an example of a deeper thinker who goes after high-hanging fruit?
i said 50% of his videos are spot on, not that the other half is necessarily wrong. the videos he uploads that are from other people tend to be kind of lame, and sometimes he focuses on literally nothing tier topics
E. Michael Jones
Im tired of reading shit like this. He brings up the connection with race and IQ regularly., the problem with women in politics and has a really good understanding of how to maintain good appearances to win people over to your side
I've come to believe that everyone who gets even a little popular will receive hate from Sup Forums
A bit too optimistic, but likeable.
I stopped watching/listening to pretty much all political stuff for now because almost everyone have gone to either vitriolic doomsaying taking the worst possibilities as reality, or faggots trying to excuse everything that happened as 4D chess and nobody dindu nuffin wrong. No middleground to be seen and not much waiting to see all of the facts come out. Even the shitposting on Sup Forums is preferable because at least here there's some middleground and an attempt at finding the objective facts underneath it all despite the extreme shilling on both sides.
Stop shilling these dime-a-dozen pandering fucks on Sup Forums
why are redditfags unable to blend in at all?
Sorry user. I'm definitely against the racist war that is waged against whites in the media and universities. I'm against things like special treatment of "minorities" and importing welfare families from Mexico etc. But the US is just as much of a black country as it is a white country.
I know I'm setting myself up to be called a liberal cuck by saying thing but so be it.
Like calling someone a nazi isn't the most basic liberal taunt.
>But the US is just as much of a black country as it is a white country.
Legally maybe. Historically it's not. Blacks will never contribute as much as whites will, and imo that's a sufficient condition to make America a white country.
Felix that fat Canadian sex tourist needs to make more videos on his other channel again.
Storm weenies and berniebros are throwing a tantrum as usual
His presentation on women was solid gold. youtube.com
Kill yourselves you falseflagging fucks
he is dad
>I thought his recent assessment of the Syria bombing was pretty good.
He's retarded and lives in 4 dimensions.