Your opinion on the Jews...
Your opinion on the Jews
I don't like the jews who gave up their religion and live in countries other than Israel.
>Pol hates niggers for being dumber than them
>Pol hates Jews for being smarter than them
>Pol is full of retards with too much time on their hands
They follow judaism
jews fuck up America.
I hate orthodox jews. Wish they'd go away.
The parasite among the entire human race.
they are our greatest ally and have never betrayed us
A good and honest people
i believe they're up to something, but i dont know what
they seem like a good bunch
Enlightenment of mankind
Don't worry norsebro
God's will
if they breed and love their parents I class them beside the niggers
I gas some of them are Ok.
They are the single biggest and most consistent problem with white countries in the past 300 years. Any reality without Jews is a better reality. I'd sacrifice dozens of white people just to kill a single Jew. Black homicide rates? Illegal immigrants? China? North Korea? Muslim extremists? I'd accept them all to get rid of Jews.
History has shown time and time again it isn't cultural, either, it's biological. There's no such thing as a good Jew. Press them up against the wall and the most secular, individualist Jew will suddenly show their true colors.
Look at Albert Einstein
>professes no particular interests in or biases for Jews
>stout pacifist
>Holocaust becomes public
>signs off on the atom bomb
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew and the world is fucked as long as they're in it.
As a Jew, I am always up to something. I just don't remember what.
What is the solution to naming the Jews? Where is Sup Forums talking about containing them, or is containing the parasite a proposal. Does Israel suffice? Are we going to contain them in Israel and break up their lobbying and infiltration here?
Are we just talking old fashioned banishing them to the next country? That's been going on for thousands of years and it hasn't fixed the problem.
As per the recent Israeli threatening Jewish centers, the Jews like anti-semitism. It enforces their identity and culls the herd.
Without an alternative to central banking I fear Sup Forums is playing into the Jews hands.
>gas the kikes race war now
have you not been paying attention
also, Assad > Trump
t. based oldfag since 2002
The only good Jew is a dead Jew.
The diaspora and their ideas are cancerous.
Honest opinion, not being paid a single shekel:
>Glad that they humiliate Muslims with Israel
>Like some of them, including Michael Savage
>Not glad that so many have embraced leftism and taken it to new levels with their Jewsmarts
>Not glad that some are clannish and look down on us as goyim and shiksas, and even say those words in their movies!
send them all to madagascar and forbid them from leaving
cute would pet
>Sup Forums made in 2003
Off by one there
Take out the Old, and leave the fag
>oy vey so much hate
>muh anotha soshah
Highly intelligent amoral psychopaths that are a liability not only to their host countries but to the human race as a while
Do you mean the David Duchovny type Jew, or the Rothschild type Jew?
Literal jew here, stop hating me for being born. I would have picked white if I could.
How do you defend our love for (the smarter) Asian waifu.
Natural intellectual elites. There's a reason why they almost encompass majority of the top 1% of income earners.
Why just the orthodox ones?
I wish them nothing short of complete destruction
I don't like jews. They're so skimpy and selfish.
Jews are fine. Some are good, some are bad. Dumb religion. High average intelligence, though.
scapegoating fucks
>be Jew
>be unsuccessful
The Jews run the L.A. Times.
you should see today's article on the protests in South Africa. the reporter was practically gloating over the plight of the whites, including the lower class whites
Have you ever called somebody a Jew? I mean just like that without the reason. Watch how they react. The word JEW is perceived as very negative and offensive slur. That's because everyone, deep down in their hearts hates the Jews and is disgusted. They're just too blind to see it.
In fact Jews are known for being self hating and obsessed with destruction and degeneracy. Even if most jews aren't aware of their nature and goys aren't either, it's an universal truth that Jews are like a invasive parasite or virus killing the host slowly from within
Ethiopian and Israeli are bro teir but everywhere else you'll just find kikes.
They aren't hiding it anymore.
>wasn't paid
Well color me surprised
If someone got in my way and I pointed fingers at him saying "that man has anti-German sentiment; he opposes me because he dislikes Germans", would you consider me some wronged underdog poor sod victim? Of course not. You'd say that Germans have done and still do a lot of bloody shit that we should fix first before complaining about someone having negative opinions about us. And that's fine. And one day, in a better time, people will make that same point when a Jew accuses his opponents of antisemitism. It's a goddamn fairytale, non-issue.