If a woman feels she was raped then she was raped. The other facts do not matter.
Rape does not require a rapist
Holy fuck what a nose
> I considered fucking it for a moment
well played schlomo
What about for a woman (male)?
Your pic tho... Sup Forums keeps saying that Jews are endeavoring to destroy western societies by promoting degeneracy while not doing the same among themselves, but if that were true, transgender Jews wouldn't exist.
Jesus Christ that nose
that nose is a mountain. what the flying fuck is that abomination.
If they ever do a MASH reboot, there's the new Klinger.
Look up frankism.
A lot of the degeneracy comes from the Jew.
Because the Jewish is superior than the goyim he tries to be more progressive. To give society moar freedoms.
But what the Jew often forget is that the goyim are weaker intellectualy.
So for them something that rhymes with "muh freedom" is obviously a good thing.
Eradicate the goyim?
haha oh wow
Your comment was original and inclusive. Let's together stare into the abyss....
Everyday we stray further from Gods light
Jesus wept...
Do Jews fall for their own trickery, or are they so disconnected from nature that they actually desire this themselves?
I can hear the choir of madness calling, We must do the will of God.
>Off by one
Yesss Chosen Trans Kyke Dyke, yesss...I am happy with what I see.
I hope the entire country of Hellsrael takes cues from the degenerate cesspool known as Tel Kykiv.
Not all jews are (((jews))).
this is true only in anglosphereshit
I already hate this man
how many times do you think shes been told, 'no of course youre beautiful boobuhluh, oim sure avrybody luves you'
Angela Merkel likes it
Why would (((them))) do it with their own kind?
Do jews just have a corruption fetish?
>jews are made in God's image
Can we finally lay this awful myth to rest?
They have a progressivism problem.
They also are overrepresented in positions in wich they have an impact on society.
Don't think they do that to destroy the white race.
It's just what democrat liberals do under the pretence of philanthropy.
After all that all transgender mania doesn't come solely from the Jews.
It comes from Kinsey and his Institute, and a man who comes from there, John Money.
Now a lot of liberal foundations(including plenty Jews) finance this.
But the ones behind the ideas are goyim.
Low level Kikes are expendable.
Jesus is the last person I think of when looking at that nose.
As a atheist I will find Jesus if it means putting a end to this shit.
Jesus made it known who their fathers were...
< He can do something for you :)
*cough* sharia *cough*
Out Zinédine.
its redundant to label yourself as a jew with a nose like dat
ça vaaaaa ohhh, il avait qu'à se repentir
Jews are totally high on their own supply at this point. Leftism was a jewish creation designed to hobble the white man and let the kikes take control. At this point it has taken on a life of its own and will devour us all.
Can someone remind me why do Jews still think they're God's chosen people?
whelp we had a good run world. bring on the nukes ruskies. im ready.
Do coloured women get raped In North America?
I thought it was mainly white women
This, they're cannon fodder in the battle of cultural marxism.
nose to end all noses
There is a difference between the average jew and a globalist kike. You think that all the millions of jews are in on a giant conspiracy? Of course not, just the high level ones.
Black men rape everything.
It's just that white men don't rape black women.
>tfw the Schlomo Schlomed himself
>Friendly fire
feelings are not facts.
this post + image hahaha
This is literally the most degenerate thing I've ever seen.
Not all jews are kikes but all kikes are jews
we've finally reached the day when jews are paying for their spaying
fuck islam nigger
>complain about degeneracy
>"muhh fukk izlam xD"
I'm going to take your precious mohammed behind the wood shed and fuck him in the ass, achmed.
You can't stop me!
Islam is the most degenerate religion in the world. You fuck goats and little boys while you cover your women in garbage bags and get so triggered by cartoons in other countries that you throw temper tantrums and cry like manchildren until you get your way.
Use better bait next time.
>Talk about Islam
>Talk about zoophilia and homosexual pedophilia
Pedophilia and zoophilia = death penalty by Sharia
Just foh leaf, we're not all hardcore Iranians
did you know muslims are not native to France
i'm not sure if anyone taught you that.
you belong in the desert with your camels
you're the enemy
>= death penalty by Sharia
Then why is it so prevalent in muslim countries? Not to mention the fact all of you are inbred
>In Pakistan, where there has been cousin marriage for generations, and according to professor Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen from South Danish University, the current rate is 70%
Degenerate as fuck senpai. No one is falling for your sjw fairy tal
Good lord look at that nose.
That's likely what Jesus' nose looked like.
Does anyone have a picture of that weed Youtube guy that looks like Jimmy Neutron?
>If a woman feels she was raped then she was raped. The other facts do not matter.
Yeah there are actually a few renegade jews out there but they just keep quite. They don't wanna be labeled an anti-semite or a nazi for using common sense
Well, 6 millions of enemies in here, gotta deal with that.
Nope it's not, if you're goingg to talk about bacha bazi afghani shit then
And the inbreeding affects Arabs, and Arabs = 20% of the Muslim population.
Should be noted that cousin marriage is dying in the middle-east and have the same risks as non-cousin marriages, it's just more likely to happen (it's still wrong tho).
>facts do not matter.
See, this makes no sense, considering that the goal of making claims of rape is to implicate and thereby punish the rapist.
In a court of law facts are ALL THAT MATTER.
Thatt is incorrect
Rape has not required rape since the 90's.
>Rape does not require a rapist.
But then who committed the rape?
Unless you want to arrest the feeling that made a woman feel she was raped.
You forgot Pakistani inbreeding, Afghan inbreeding, even in Indonesia.
Pretty much anywhere you find Islam.
Because it comes from the Sharia.
Like wife beating, hate speech in mosques and violent prozelytism throughout the world.
Zoophilia and homosexual intercourses are due to a sexualy repressive ideology, female circumcision and many other cultural factors.
Islam is a cancer, first to the muslims themselves, then to the kuffar.
Come on, death for apostasy? You guys really want to believe.
these are the war-beasts they unleash on middle america. the constitution may have been a mistake.
she was raped or she wasn't feelings are not facts and have nothing to do with it
>check flag
Seems legit
I like Trump and Kennedy, but Nixon was the most based president of all time.
Aller toi tu fais du gros mix de tout tu peux partir. Y'a Enquête exclusive sur les chrétiens d'orient, va regarder ça et t'indigner contre les méchants mozlem va
>toucan beak
WTF is that?
Not all of us are "le globalist elite kike merchants". If you honestly thought that, you're retarded. Jewish anti-communism grows day by day.
You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs
Daniele Buetti “Le Grand Rhume”
I would do something about that nose, it's probably longer than her feminime penis
I've been on Sup Forums since day one. Have seen everything, But THIS is definitely among the top 5 of degeneracy accumulated in 1 picture. Congrats!