Redpilled swedes

After the terror attack my friends decided to vote for SD (Sverigedemokraterna) in the general election 2018. They did not know I was already a member. I will candidate for the party as I have secretly been a member for 3 years. When the time comes I will quit my job at a well known consulting firm and act as an impeccable representative for SD. There is still hope for Sweden, we must unite and support SD in 2018 as we supported Trump in 2016.

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only nordfront is redpilled in sweden besides that sd party

good for you

Nordfront is to small to make a difference. SD is the only main stream party with a chance to stop the massive immigration we are currently suffering from.

Thank you I will campaign on Sup Forums and in Sundbyberg. I can't make good posters though. But when the time comes I will ask Sup Forums for help.

good for you

you have your priorities in order

Most of my friends already hate niggers and kikes.

Except one, he is a fucking cuck. No way to change that guy.

Try showing him this:

First thing he did when he heard there was a terrorist attack was posting a meme making fun of Jimmie. He really thinks that Fredrik Reinfelt was a good option for Sweden

Wow, that is beyond repair...

Nice make them deport them all please
Will vote SD for riksdag NMR for kommun

There's Alternative for Sweden, I'd suggest them to anyone who feels SD is weak or jewish.

Then there's Medborgerlig Samling, I'd suggest them to anyone who feels SD is extreme.

I wouldn't suggest voting Nordfront/NMR/SMR/Svenskarnas Parti/NSF/whattheyrecalledinthenextelection to anyone.

Any of these are better than voting the mainstream parties, turning in a blank ballot or abstaining.

Abstainers and blankvoters are the worst, I have more respect for communists and feminazis than "hurr durr nobody cares anyway".

>After the terror attack my friends decided to vote for SD

goood go- ... I mean very wise.

Good luck!

Yeah, feels bad

Same here, no point in voting nmr for riksdag as they are way to small, but for kommun they have a better chance.

Too bad it wasn't this year. Means we gotta fight the current government propaganda for another year.

Thank you user

The fire rises Nordman

> secret member for 3 years

the irony is that le fredde expanded the socialist/ooga booga state instead of making sweden a copy of american capitalism and shut down the bloat socialist institutions where the do-gooders and multicultiretards work and spew their propaganda from...

never trust a swede, will vote SD just to make money like Trump, bookies 4 lyfe

Shill detected

That's so fucking retarded
It's like they don't want to help refugees. They just want pissed of us by showing how cucked they are
>Hey look at me I am so stupid and love Big Black Cock and what you gonna do about that? terrorist attack? pff who cares It's only 4 people and we still have big support from society
It's like they made a mistake and still try to show that they are right no matter what

>det svänger ju för fan

Bättre sent än aldrig

Aa väldigt svängig :)

När är kommunalvalet?

Why would you quit? Wouldn't be better to get fired for your political opinions and than use it to your advantage?

2018, det är samma valsedel.

9 september 2018.

> Red pilled
> Swede

Pick one niggerlover

You have to quit if you get elected as a "congressman"

Oj, jag är efterbliven.

Not really.

Being elected for the Riksdag will probably suck up a lot of your time, but Landsting and Kommun aren't that hefty.

The latter two also don't pay very well, so the elected are either pensioners or have real jobs on the side.

Ok, jag är verkligen efterbliven. Jag är 28 år och hade ingen aning om att samerna hade ett eget språk, och de har ju fasen tre stycken. Nu är jag från södra Sverige iofs, men ändå.

I won't run for kommun or landsting unless the party tells me to and then I will keep my other job.

muh beautiful babies

Shit shit shit. Kommunal elections just ended here, True Finns got slashed by -4% to mere 9%. Greens, leftists and social democrats all made some gains. Even that batshit crazy feminist party that came from you won one seat in Helsinki.
Finnish version of Moderats remains the biggest party.

Im ashamed I know nothing about the political situation in Finland
True Finns only ones who want less immigration?

Sorry to hear that Jarmo. I was there on Gotland when FI burned 100k SEK for some stupid reason. Truly crazy.

He's a good candidate for the gallows and nothing more.

There is a wing in Kokoomus (Moderats) of around 30% that want stricter immigration. But True Finns is pretty much the only party that wants less immigrants on a party policy.

They are currently in a coalition cabinet that has made huge cuts on medical and social benefits so it's a tough sell at the moment. (All the leftists are in opposition so it's easy just promise a pie from the sky)

God speed brother

I've noticed that people are getting more and more tired of what is happening. Particulary on social media, Jodel and in an-cap/libertarian circuits.You can say openly that there are areas where the police is pelted with rocks without actually getting much refutation. But there's a long long long road ahead.

They don't think about the consequences of mass immigration.
We don't have enough housing for the people living here and yet they try to bring in more.
It's like they want people to live on the streets and have people to live 10 in a 2 mans house.


Haha I met that fat relative of Olof Palme at a bar in Helsinki. Fat fucker said he's a member of F! party.

He seemed like a literal cuck.

Man lär så länge man lever.

Nordfront is full of autists and white trash.
They are as equally retarded as Feministiskt Initiativ.

You missed the opportunity to play this song



Don't count on the terrorist attacks stopping.

They caught a 17 year old ISIS supporter with a homemade bomb in Norway a few days ago

Point in case.


Vad fan sa du om mig din lilla slyna? Du ska veta att jag är utbildad som attackdykare, och jag har varit inblandad i ett flertal hemliga räder mot Antifa, och jag har bekräftat dräpt över 300 människor. Jag är utbildad i vargkrigföring och jag är den översta prickskytten i hela Svenska Militären. Du är inget mer för mig än ytterligare ett mål. Jag kommer utplåna dig med precision vars like aldrig tidigare skådats på denna jord, sanna mina jävla ord. Tror du att du kan komma undan med att säga att säga sån skit till mig över Internet? Tänk igen, din jävel. I talande stund tar jag kontaktar mina hemliga nätverk av spioner över hela Europa och din IP spåras just nu så det vore bäst att du förbereder sig för stormen, daggmask. Stormen som utplånar den patetiska lilla sak du kallar ditt liv. Du är så jävla död, grabben. Jag kan vara var som helst, när som helst, och jag kan döda dig på över 700 olika sätt, och det med mina bara händer. Jag har inte bara omfattande utbildning i obeväpnad strid, jag har tillgång till hela arsenalen av Svenska Kustjägarna och jag kommer att använda den till fullo för att sopa ditt eländiga ansikte över hela kontinenten, din lilla skit. Om du bara kunde ha vetat vilka oheliga vedergällning din lilla "smarta" kommentar var på väg att få över dig, så kanske du skulle ha hållit din jävla käft. Men du kunde inte, det gjorde du inte, och nu du betalar priset, din gudsförgätna fullblodsidiot. Min ilska kommer rasa över dig och du kommer att drunkna i den. Du är så jävla död, grabben.

You idiots need to stop with this "hurrr they are equally as retarded as SJW's!!!" horseshit.

Maybe Nordfront acts idiotic sometimes - but guess what, you fucking squarehead cuckold? At least Nordfront is advocating for YOU! But no, go ahead, throw them under the bus alongside your enemies. See how far that gets you.

Why does a fucking burger need to come in here and lecture you? When will you fucking furniture vikings get your shit together?


>3 languages
They have way more than that, results of not having had a written language or advanced culture and very little contact with each other, they have such fractured dialects that they are intelligible to Saami from other areas. They fall under 3 groups of languages that are understandable to others within the group.

Does the swedish politicians still refuse to coopererate with SD?

>attackdykare, vargkrigföring
tack för skrattet

Just saw someone suggest a pretty good verse for use in discussion, maybe you'll enjoy it as I did :)

>Öppna era hjärtan, här kommer en lastbil full av öl

Oh really? I am pretty sure i was told that i had to go on the day of the rope since i said Swedes on welfare as as equally useless as immigrants on welfare.

This. The time for arguments has passed. Time to forcibly remove race traitors, if you know what I'm saying.

There are rumours Moderaterna might, if they do they can undermine the current block and make Cuck in Chief Löfven step down. Maybe even force an election before 2018 but that's unlikely.

If SD gets the 25% of votes it's pretty much impossible to for the left and right block to form a coalition without their support.


>Svenska Militären
>Svenska Kustjägarna

Hehe aa kul pasta :>

The true redpill is knowing that SD is not the redpill.

M halfheartedly tried, no fucking idea what they really want.
KD has a pragmatic stance I reckon.
C/L *autistic screeching*

S recently reshaped a proposal to get SD's support so that it would pass through parliamental votation.
V/MP *autistic screeching*

It depends on the former allies C and L but they seem to have a really bad case of the cuck flu since they rather want Löfven in power and even want to pass the social democratic budget "with changes".

I agree with you on that, welfare is shit.
I don't like that NMR wants to create a Nordic central bank, because at heart I'm an ancap.
But we don't have time for that kind of shit discussion. Time is running out. With our high IQ genes replaced by niggers, we will never have freedom.
No country with an average IQ lower than 80 can even uphold democracy.

Good Luck!

M and KD aren't rejecting it out of hand as of present, but the retards are still going to campaign as a block. How the hell they expect to harmonize any sort of policy with Annie Lööf's ongoing mutiny is a complete mystery.
We already have a minority government.

Here's what will happen. No one will vote for the alliance. They're dead in the water. C can never cooperate with MP or V. C and S will not form a government because they won't have the votes. M will team up with SD and they will rule. SD will get very favorable terms when M comes begging, since they can't have any serious talks before the election unless they want the rest of the alliance to take all their votes.

If we're real lucky, they'll be a minority government and everyone will collude against the SD government. They would have a majority in the extra election.

I see them as a mitigation, not a complete treatment.

Like stopping a bleeding to buy time to get to the medic.

But they don't talk about gassing kikes and lynching nignogs so they're cucks.

jesus how could they lose seats in this climate?


Northern Sweden shall survive. South Sweden will become part of the Muslim German military state.

Their party leader did a U-turn at the first waft of money.

still better than the other riksdag parties. we won't go full 1488 within the next couple of decades. SD to win in 2018 is the best we can do for now

Luckily this was only city municipal elections but it's a very worrying trend. And the worst part is that cucks everywhere will be celebrating for a full week about how they defeated racism

Well the good thing in all of this is that race mixing is haram for arabs (hence all the cousin marriages).
The bad news is young maternal age and the amount of children.

Vote SD. Trump has been a huge success so far so better hurry and make sure we seize this momentum and get more incompetent single issue populists into real power because that'll teach em.


Awesome! I voted SD last 3 times, will continue.

That fat fuck catholic zionist is out in june luckily and we finally get a pepe worthy leader for the True Finns


Svenskar gå med i den svenska discord kanalen för valet 2018!

But TF was ruined by populist neocon assholes like that fat fuck Soini?

Arnstad snälla gå.

It was but it's all we have. A new leader will be appointed in june and it will be glorious.

att vara så här paranoid....

Fuck, so sad.
All my feels go to you dear neighbor Jarmo

your pic seems (((bugged)))

May the keks be with you swedebro