How do we bring back the real Germany?
How do we bring back the real Germany?
Bring back France.
German identity was 99.9% based upon hating the french.
And also pic related.
I would love to have the old flag back, it looks so much better.
Also we need to bring back the Wehrmacht
>How do we bring back the real Germany?
We are past this now. The question is: how can Germany survive the next thirty years? (same goes for France, GB and all European nations)
gib rightful bavarian clay to us and you'll be one step closer
>Going for divide and conquer instead of Anschluss.
The same way you survived the Weimar era, by getting really angry and starting a world war
We need more Führungspersonal, but you have to take all of Germany. You can ethnically cleanse the muslims though.
Kaiser und execution of Merkel ending parliament. The only hope for Germany is a new authoritarian regime. A Christian one only possible under a strong monarchy.
>only the muslims
>A Christian
Hell no, current Christians are uber cucks and completely useless. They are the ones shilling for more refugees the most.
Stop your grandpa from liberating the world for bbc today.
Oh time machines still not invented.
with right-wing parties barely moving past the 5% mark in your country, HC will have to do some serious 200% campaigning all over the country to wake goymany's sheeple up
shut down the ZOG media.
Is the German military still using broomsticks or has it gotten better?
Why don't they overthrow the cuck government?
Corporate republic. No more ideology. No more policy. Only business.
you can't
it's over
Make Germany catholic again.
Real German flag.
me too. today the gold in the flag only reminds me how jews own the goverment.
Exactly. That's why it's needed a strong traditional Christian rule that bring all Germans back to line and ends the degeneracy the republic and the leftist kikes have caused.
That's what I'm talking about
Silence Shitzerland. You don't want us to initiate the Gaddafi method.
NSDAP merely were trying to bring back the real Germany, they succeeded but failed in the end, and now it's over
Richtige Antwort.
Germany military is basically disolved. Only a few military camps are still in operation, most through germany haven been closed. Those still in existance are mostly administration.
Around y2k, it was said "Germany needs a small mobile action group of soilders rather than an full army"...
In my opinion, with the rapefugee influx the jews probably don't want people have the ability to defend themselves. Plus, those still in the military are probably "the chosen" cucks to build a nice fugee-camp for those still coming.
sweden deserves to be wiped out as well
i dont care anymore, i hope muslims will rape all of you and we'll just have our peace
all this fucking annoying shit talking all day long muslims this muslims that , we are whitest this we are whitest that blablabla
just go and die already you dumb fucking cucks
*anti pope included
Try to reinstall that crusading spirit
lol maybe never
kinda good thing imo
you'd have to bring back the spirit of the real Germans before it was forcibly bred out of them, which would require a time machine
so tsundre
>pick all mountains captcha
It was called holy because the pope crowned the Kaiser.
Goddamn frogs and their propaganda, everybody always believes their bullshit.
Only wars you all won:
Putting down rebellions
Franco-German War
Spanish civil war
So you can beat the french & communists (when faggot FDR isn't supplying them).
I think every German should read Infanterie Greift An by Rommel. To see how the mighty have fallen will wake them up
Just call Swedes snow niggers, and you magically stop caring about them.
Strange, but works.
This is completely true, actually. Hitler probably complained more about the French in Mein Kampf than the Jews.
Burn Merkel at the stake. It's a start.
>American Education
And rightly so
with enough poking
How do you get the real german empire back? by learning one thing you fucking nazis could never learn before, something called LOVE
>Not understanding difference between German Empire & Prussia
Not knowing about the Holy Roman Empire and not knowing Prussia created the 2nd German Empire.
I agree. We'll give them if you guarantee we get Lwów and Wilno back. And we keep Gdańsk.
I have the feeling that everything has to end somehow. And Germanys time has come. Surely after Germany there will be something else that will take its place but now it seems that its fate is written.
Kinda like in Hotline Miami when the nuke came. Something ends and something new begins. Sad but I think that's just the way it goes
Was a united Germany a mistake?
As I understand it, the German navy over a decade ago was gearing up to potentially have a modern aircraft carrier, but the plans fell through.
Please don't let your military go the way of Sweden, no military presence (and oftentimes a high police presence) placates a society. And considering Europe is already pretty fucking placated, Germany doesn't need anymore.
>30 years
When the muslims have taken over Germany and the West. A new Djihad against the east will follow.
Poland, be warned.
After the Deutschritter and the Nazis, next time around it will be the Mudjahedin comming for you.
First step is to get (((America))) out.
>something called LOVE
I think they love too much now.
Germany is a cucked country. Just throw it out and reform Prussia with the elite Prussian government system by Frederick the Great.
I am happy to say that by the time this may happen, Poland will be developed enought to deal with such a problem. On the other hand I fell sorry for you. Shit used to happen in past, but no nation shold end this way.
>elect AFD
>Petry marries wilhelm's direct descendant
>the empire is restored
Unfortunately you probably won´t, bro.
No offense, but even in its decline, Germany will be technologically more advanced than poland.
And it´s not just Germany. It´s all of western europe.
Imagine western technology in the hands of fanatical muslims, who would blow themselfes up for their belief.
It would be NS 2.0
And you wouldn´t stand a chance.
If the west falls - so will you.
The Prince of Prussia, Georg Friedrich Ferdinand Prinz von Preußen is married and has a daughter.
There is no way for Frauke to marry him. But no problem, let's just crown him instead.
>those noses
lol is this a joke/
Bring back real Germans. You know, the 6'0"+, blonde haired, blue-eyed übermensch von DEUTSCHLAND UBER ALLES, not Merkel era nu-males.
That is the Prussian Royalty, Prince Georg Ferdinand and his bride Princess Sophie the former Princess of Isenburg.
Any German who doesn't know his heraldry should be thrown into a dungeon.
where were they compromised?
Did he died
When they had the chance, Russians should have sent all the Germans to work in uranium mines.
I prefer the term reeducation camps. We could concentrate our efforts in showing them the history of their blood and nation. We need those camps, don't you think?
Look into their ancestry yourself.
Shut up worst ally, you are worse than Italy.
A peace treaty ending WW2, reinstation of the (allied-approved) december 31st, 1937 borders and cancellation of the UN charta declaring Japan and Germany to be "enemy states to the UN" would be a good start
The jews tried to crush Iran with sanctions just like they did with natsoc Germany , and both economies flourished. Iran is the spiritual successor anyway. Iran means Aryan
>How do we bring back the real Germany?
To get rid og syrian rapefugees would be a good start indeed
Germany should follow the UK example
We will see. If Poland won't catch up with west by 2050's we deserve to be wiped out.
I hope Germans will wake up in time. Time is short, but it would be nice to have a strong partnership in the future.
Stop posting that masonic shill, retard.
what is poverty like in Poland?
We're trying to uncuck Germany, Hans, not cuck it further.
Decreasing fast af. Percentage of ppl endengered by poverty is over 10 p.p. lower than 5 years ago.
Make Prussia Great Again.
but what is life like for someone in poverty?
A LOT of lynch mobs.
And this time without Italy.
If you are just poor, it's not much different than it is in any middle tier country. You will somehow live from payday to payday. You will drive 15 yo german uesd car. But you won't starve or sth.
On the othee hand there are hobos and rednecks too. But who cares ab ppl who are poor by their own wish?
Really? Where can I read more about this? And don't just say "look up Franco-Prussian War". I'm looking for things nationalists of the time said.
French is said 63 times, Jew is said 447 times.
so what are you trying to catch up to?
Poland should desire to remain right where it is. Economic and great powers always become multiculti.
Maybe you are right, but we miss good times. Try to understand. We used to be great power. Maybe even the most powerfull in that times. And now we live in post-comunistic country with knowleage that we are not sons of winged hussarians but regular gopniks. It is the desire of our nation to become someone more.
Just a question; which emperor was the best (Holy Roman) emperor according to Germans?
Obviously Franz der Zweite of Austria
Yes, but it's a shame he didn't try to restore and reform the HRE. It could have prevented two world wars and we could have had a HRE today.
Well hindsight is 20/20
Also politics are complicated and multiple factions probably would've objected
The problem of the World Wars can't really be placed on him, but mostly on Otto von Bismark and his premature death.
There wouldn't have been an Otto von Bismarck if the kingdom of Prussia and Austria where still united within a strong HRE. But perhaps it would just have been an utopia.
How likely is it that Germany will ever be a monarchy again?
The Reich still exists.
Very unlikely because Germany got cucked by Weimar and then again by Hitler and then again by Stalin so no one even remembers the Kaiser.
Anyway I don't believe the Kaiser's lineage even exists.
Only happened with initial Jewish support