Let's set this once and for all
Stormcloaks or the Empire?
Are the aldmeri (((they)))?
Let's set this once and for all
Stormcloaks or the Empire?
Are the aldmeri (((they)))?
Stormcloaks duh
Even as an orc, I stood with the Stormcloaks. I also refused to betray my race so I married an orc female.
now, you got to be kidding
we all know stormcucks are just an elf plot to destroy the empire, you guys are being semited
>trusting (((ulfric)))
>when hes a known (((thalmor))) assest
Empire all the way.
the imperial cult!
oh thats right skyrim casuals almost forgot
I played it for a bit, picked Imperial race because I didn't want to look like a fuckin mongrel, and my first mission led me to some castle where I was asked to entrap some dragon in the backyard.
So when the king of that castle called me for war, I was on their side.
Hope I wasnt kykin?
Doesn't matter (((they))) will win in the end when the dragon becomes unraveled
Ulfric is a Thalmor plant set to divide and conquer the Empire
Empire- its the only way
Aldmari, they believe in a racially pure society. The other two are rednecks and cucks
Only Dark Elfs
Praise Almsivi
bethesda makes horrendous games
(((The Empire))) are cucked civic nationalists. Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
Played a s a Nord, and married Lydia.
I didn't stay with the Imperials, nor with the Stormcloaks. The reason is simple:
the whole crisis between the Empire and Skyrim has been set up by (((Thalmors))). The war between humans and thalmors ended with both sides exhausted. Thalmors proposed a treaty, which the Empire accepted, for both were too tired to continue to wage war.
Thalmors included a clause: the banishment of the cult of Talos, under the foolish excuse that it was "heretical" to worship a simple human (they knew all too well that Talos was not a mere human anymore: going by a Talos sanctuary grants a blessing, if he was a simple human he couldn't do that).
They put the clause because they knew that, by banishing the cult of Talos, the Empire would have enraged the inhabitants of Skyrim, where the Talos cult is prevalent.
This rage would have ultimately led to a crisis and a rebellion of Skyrim against the Empire: such thing is auspicated by the (((Thalmors))), because an internal crisis would weaken the Empire. So, while the Empire weakens under the civil war inside itself, the (((Thalmors))) pose as friends, regaining silently their strenght and preparing to land another blow to a now weakened human coalition.
Siding with the Empire or the Stormcloak means helping (((Thalmors))). Trying to bring peace between the two is the true act of salvation of Humans.
Know your enemy.
The Thalmor are the real redpill. Lorkhan was a fucking liar and a Jew.
If you are not a stronghold leader than you've already failed your race greenskin
Empire. Ulfric is a plant to weaken the Empire in the north.
Can people in TES even racemix? You never see a racemixed person. Or maybe they're all red pilled af kek.
>implying imperials are not violating the NAP
Imperials. Ulfric was a Aldmeri agent. The civil war only benefited the Elfs, and kept the Empire exhausted and unprepared for the upcoming Second Great War.
I'm Italian and the Imperials are based off Romans so I always play as one and join the Legion.
The Stormcloaks are just Thalmor plants.
Brainlet: Empire
Reddit: Stormcloaks
Normal: taking Skyrim for yourself
Redpilled: playing Daggerfall instead of Skyrim
What about Oblivion? :(
All hail the Ulfric you are High King. In your great honor we drink and we sing!
The Empire sold out to the Thalmor, Elven supremacy? nah im good.
Modded Oblivion is redpilled, vanilla is 9GAG.
I would even give it a shot if there was a way to get around that click-to-rotate mechanic that those old ones had.
For Skyrim!
They can. If I remember correctly, the mixed offspring takes 90% of physical and mental traits from the mother. Although it would seem that most don't want to race mix
Ulfric is literally Vladimir Lenin, and the plot is just Germany's attempt to end WW1.
Whether ulfric is a thalmor plant or not; Skyrim DOES belong to the nods. Look how even an argument over talos can devide a secular nation other races and ideas will follow similarly
In that case, Africa belongs to the Africans.
Ulfric is Trump. Talks big shit about not being a globalist (Empire) nation, and shit about refugees but in reality he is controlled by the Aldmeri (Jews).
It does?
Better NIggers in Africa than in America and Europe,
Literally containment continent.
Everyone should stay within their own country. Whites in white countries, etc.
very accurate, per lore
Even elves and men can racemix. Bretons in the lore a mix of elves and men sometimes referred to as 'manmer' by elves literally 'man elf'
Thankfully on PC you can spend a day modding it and it becomes on the verge of be8ng enjoyable after... until it crashes.
Is there any video games with more complex politics than Fallout and TES?
yeah but she was sworn to carry your burdens
>muh nords
Remember any form of rebellion against a superior authority is always degenerate
Never used Lydia as a pack llama. I like to go around alone, without companions. She always stayed in Whiterun, until I married her.
No which tells you how basic vidya is when it comes to complexity and theme
the dwemer
Their should be a third option were you go against the empire and the stormcloaks
Ulfric was a huge faggot.
Empire is truly the only way to get those Thalmor to fuck off.
Nothing makes me happier than the fact that those reddit faggot dwemer are gone
ummm no sweetie
Bethesda makes the best games ever