MAT has been raiding us.
Other urls found in this thread:
They're accusing each other and banning each other left and right.
$0.05 Kushnerbux has been deposited into your account
Invite expired
>0.02 reddit gold have been added to you the_donald shilling account
>we will stop them
Still works
Yeah, since two years, faggot.
T_D pro Trump shilling is new and worse at the moment.
hard s4ge
Kek their whole shill op is crashing and burning out of sheer paranoia of Sup Forums infiltration. Pottery.
Just remember MATfags: nothing is beyond our reach.
Isn't it funny how shills announce sage as if they don't know the global rules or some shit
0.05 Kushnerbux has been deposited into your account, now you can buy a stick of gum (0.1 Kushnerbux)
Deflection! Damage control! SAD!
All you niggers do is repeat the same bogus debunked arguments over and over again like a broken record.
>we will convert them to marx by shilling u guise!!1!1!1!!11!!!!!
>oh no we are being raided by the alt-right, BAN EVERYONE
They're so incompetent, it's actually cute.
But user! Don't you know they're actually le true Sup Forums oldfags? Clearly they're telling the truth since they have such an in depth understanding of this board's culture!
most people who are hating on Trump now are the grassroots of his movement, he fucked up big time and will suck Israel's cock at every turn, I supported him since 2015 all the way here in Scotland hoping that he would bring real change for the west, turns out that was all just smoke
Isn't it ironic?
Various political agencies and companies are taking a page from China and finance their own 50 cent party.
Something they riled against and condemned back in the early 00's and continue to do so while being guilty of the same thing.
The 50 Cent Party, or 50 Cent Army, is the colloquial term for Internet commentators hired by Chinese propaganda authorities in an attempt to manipulate public opinion to the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.
In October 2004, the Publicity Department of Changsha started hiring Internet commentators, in one of the earliest known uses of professional Internet commentators.
It is so lucrative that private business have followed the Chinese governments idea.
They are called the internet water army.
They are a group of Internet ghostwriters paid to post online comments with particular content. In this "astroturfing" technique for public relations and media manipulation, online Chinese companies employ people to make postings on social media in order to change public opinion.
Not gonna lie, former r/MarchAgainstTrump user here. It's been hilarious watching their shill op crash and burn.
But in all seriousness we can't let these faggots raid our board anymore.
gas yourself kike shill
The sure do, did you know that all the Nazi Larping only started during the election? Kinda like how before 2007 Sup Forums was a friendly place like deviant art where nothing chaotic happened? Yeah, that whole Habbo raid and Menchi dramastorm weren't real
The 50 cent party creates favorable comments or articles on popular Chinese social media networks, intended to derail discussions that are unhelpful to the Communist Party and promoted narratives that served the government's interests, together with disparaging comments and misinformation about political opponents and critics of the Chinese government, both domestic and abroad.
They also rarely engage in direct arguments, and around 80% of the analyzed posts involve pro-China cheerleading with inspirational slogans
To maximize their influence, their pro-government comments are made largely during times of intense online debate
Same leaf for the last 4 days, spamming this shit. Give it a rest CADRE fucktard
"I've never heard of SRS before, stormweenie! I'm totally one of you guys, shitlords!"
"I've never heard of r/MAT before, Drumpftard! I'm totally a Sup Forums oldfag, kike!"
Different year, same shitty tactics. SAD! Goontards never learn.
Nice damage control, Goontard.
it's just other poltards pulling a triple entendre of le trole
Hello fellow anonomii. I loved Trump just as much as everyone else but the whole Syria thing made me realize he is just another cuck. I can no longer support him. Boy I sure am getting sleepy. Let's all close the computer and get some rest.
So tired, sorry I must go to sleep.
>/leftypol/ gets restored last along with furfag boards
>BO threatens exodus, own userbase tells him to fuck off
>BO exposed as a tranny soon after
>it's revealed the reason they got listed last was Jim counted real IPs only and that discarded all the bots they used to bump their dead board to #4
>also they overlap users with the furfag boards almost to a T
>get told to fuck off by everyone at /sudo/ too
>their own discord gets coup'd by Sup Forums infiltrators and they have to ban everyone and remake it
>drowning in impotent tears, they decide to raid Sup Forums
>exposed and caught within a day
>far too fucking stupid to realize the "consensus" they see here are their own shills echochambering each other, actually think they have any effect
>will be forgotten before week is over
>sanders still an irrelevant cuck
>communism still never going to work
>the shills have such low energy, they just can't fight it anymore and have resorted to mere "Don't look at this" tactics
This is funny
Any more screencaps?
>barely over 5 feet
The alleged r/T_D attack is fake news damage control done by the r/MAT shills.
>Trump fucks up
>people rage
>drumpfins have to blame someone
>dosent work and they get hurt so hard that they leave in masse back to plebit
> Sup Forums keeps with this meme to troll us all
(you) for damage control
I always knew it was false when a shit ton of Sup Forums users started bitching about some subreddit no one on Sup Forums gave 2 shits about, and the minute I questioned it, I had a ton of (you)s calling me a shill and telling me to go to a site I don't have an account on.
I already stated I was pretty angry at trump, but apparently daring to question why it seemed like a huge userbase suddenly flipped sides overnight makes you a shill now.
you guys are dumb as fuck
came to post this but someone already did
sure bro keep the fantasy thats always an outside factor who is posting anti trump memes.
>its the kikies
>its the leafs
>its shareblue
>its the_drumpfins
>its the CIA
>its shillari
sure keep on it boy keep on it yessssss
They banned me..
what will i do with myself?
Get a VPN
Use tor and a temporary email, make a new account, and get back in there
Whoa, such wisdom. You must be the Sup Forums. Good to finally meet you Sup Forums, so tell us what we really think Sup Forums.
Cocksuckers have lost anyfuckingthing like a fucking logical thread.
>and the minute I questioned it, I had a ton of (you)s calling me a shill
the only people calling others shill's are literal T_D posters, everybody who was here before knows very well why Sup Forums turned
>direct action to help ISIS and (((them)))
>actually expects Sup Forums to simply fall in line
Like I said, it's T_D
Please someone explain in simple English what is going on and what mat is?
im in the politics chat, what should i say op?
Basically new faggots that came over from reddit T_D think because Sup Forums criticizes Trump that Sup Forums has now been absolutely raided
what they don't realize is that we hate niggers and jews, and Donald trump is secondary to those views.
Now Donnie has recruited a good few kikes into his close circle, and is projecting a neo-con agenda, T_D being the cult it is has to tell themselves we're being raided by these really really smart left wing cucks
>literally no one gave 2 shits about the subreddit until now
>tfw you post niggers and kikes gas them all and you go to lvl 1
seen it mentioned many times here pre and post-election, so that's bullshit.
T_D has been getting blamed for an influx in reddit posts since 2016.
I mean it's very obvious, the only reason they come here is because they support trump and assume it's another echo chamber where their opinion won't get absolutely shat on.
Need a new invite
Fuckers from some anti-trump subreddit get on discord and plan some dumb raid on Sup Forums to abuse the recent happening and try to slowly get Sup Forums to turn on itself, claiming to be oldfags and saying "uh, yeah, the trump support was from that one subreddit we never bothered to mention, also jews, I'm totally Sup Forums"
Most people who mentioned T_D were people with Hillary Pepe images, along with saying "DRUMPF!"
if we're all shills, why would we literally sit in a fairly dead thread defending our opinion?
just fucking think u mongoloid
fucking prove that theres a shadow group of paid people that troll this comunity!
go fuck your self you all full retard mode with this antisemitism and start projecting them on everione that posts in this place
>all full retard mode with this antisemitism
MAT please leave
no, i like the (you)
my girfriend abandoned me for a black cock and now im sad
>not knowing thats absolute bait
>still think's he doesn't NEED TO GO BACK
point and case.
It's lefties LARPing as neck beards LARPing as Nazis so they can finally use words like "nigger" and "faggot"
>Mention Sup Forums once
>People are already calling for you to get banned
>Say 'kek' once
>Mention Sweden once
>Get banned
I'm giving this server one week.
>Get banned for mentioning sweden
That's fucking dumb, what if one of their users is from sweden?
I may have said something along the lines of ;
'Sweden' and 'cucked beyond recognition'
>Shills will try to argue against this
>not posting the real one
Don't these people have the slightest idea of how Sup Forums works?
You can fuck up an entire discord channel in a day and it would never be the same. But a community like Sup Forums thrives on being re-newed every day. You can't destroy a community that sheds his skin every day or so.
This image is confirmed fake. Here's the actual post.
The real ones can spot them in a heart beat.
Silly spic.
they banned me how do I get back in
The invite is revoked, gotta wait until a new one is made and leaked
Lurk and wait for a new invite.
link is dead?
I'll be lurking anons, I had fun subtly shitposting
Nah brah, we all still support him. Its just you I guess.
that doesn't make it false.
>Go in trying to be nice and in the middle, mostly asking questions
>At one point I ask if is real and I get banned
ThatSass is pretty paranoid.
I'm pretty angry at him for it, but I can't vote democrat in the next election since the DNC still can't fix their shit. I'm just going to sit and relax
I infiltrated them. Was eventually banned, I'll dump what i've got. BUMP THIS THREAD
PT. 2
ThatSass is a huge cuck faggot.
You're a fucking stupid one, aint ya?
can someone shed light onto the end goal of the shills? I mean its obvious that they're trying to kill trumps support/over encourage it.
but for what goal? to get the nazi's riled up?
to split us into fighting groups?(we're always fighting)
>join or die fag
So, what is the purpose?
Does anyone have the new invite link?
To convert people who fall for the "Trump is a kike lover" hysteria into more leftists.
It was originally posted on r/MAT. That was 3 hours ago, and the link is dead now. Hopefully they'll put up a new one
Also new shit
I'm not that happy about it honestly, but we shall see how it goes. I think many are really overreacting to it.
Yeah, I'm just gonna wait and see what happens
>dumb faggots from that discord and t_d are from completely different cultures
>they mass immigrate to Sup Forums
>can't assimilate and just makes everything worse
Really makes one ponder.
A reminder that lefty shills also run /r/The_Donald. They took it over in 2016 and posted cuck porn and stickied it and permabanned many of the original users.
they type
like fucking
>i have no idea how they operate
lmao damn right they dont. They been making tumblr tier posts referencing things that dont exist for days. And theyre still doing it today, all the while getting boned by these screenshots. Its amazing how slowly these people learn.
PT. 4
Nice quads. Proof our offensive is just.
PT. 5