redpill me on the holocaust
Redpill me on the holocaust
There is nothing to redpill about, it was the brutal slaughter of millions of people because Hitler didn't like them.
Holocaust never happened.
they only rounded up the criminals
It was actually directed at the French, but Hitler realised it was better to cut the snake at the head, than the tail.
It happened exactly as the official narrative says and the only people that disagree with this are heavily confirmation biased neo-nazis and/or people who hate jews, like hardcore muslim groups, who perpetuate shitty internet conspiracy theories that gullible and low IQ people sometimes fall for.
There is not one historian who superscribes to any denier claims and in general, holocaust denier are essentially the creationist of history
600,000,000,000,000 jews died because of the holocaust. Never forget and make sure to tell your family please.
The 6million figure is a fabrication.
Red Cross original reporting was at 240,000
>Why are all these people dead after we bombed German rail-supply-lines
The fuck's a holocaust? Sounds like a lot of fun
Holy fucking goyim
It wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.
What is this thing you mention?
It was all a plan to create feels for the Jews. So no one would ever question their power and motives to change the world in the years that followed.
And it worked.
This is 100% true
The real redpll is just that the Allies didn't give a shit about human rights either
Poland is not real. It's a hoax, made for us to believe that the Nazis moved over their (((criminals))) to someplace. In reality, all these (((criminals))) were loaded on ships and take to Hollywood. It's a coverup for one of the greatest conspiracies, made by one of the most prominent (((families))).
Poland does not exist. All things you call "proof" are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Polish friends? They're all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.
If you think you've ever been to Poland, you're terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to 3rd world slavic shitholes close nearby - or in some cases, parts of Europe, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Poles.
Poland is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created, and you have all been tricked. Join the movement today, and make it known that they have been deceived. Make it known, that this has all just been a cover-up. The things these "Poles" says to be doing, all these swear words and actions based on alcoholism, malnourishment and bad decisions, are all ways to distract you from the ugly truth that is one of the greatest genocides in history. 6,000,000,000,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land, gassed and burned during a mere 3 years, which is mathimatically impossible, and they are all manipulating the population through media by now. They reached that promised land, California.
Tell the truth. Stand up for what is right. Make sure to spread the world - Poland is not real. It's a codeword for the cold blooded murder of the white race, and it is not okay. We will not, accept this.
Stand up for the ones who died. Let it be known, that Poland does not exist.
Listen to this goy you filthy antisemitic Nazis
not an argument
>posting this picture again as if it means anything at all
Also, you are wrong about the red cross thing.
The difference between "death camp" and "concentration camp" is blurry, people died in both, it's a question of whether they were killed in certain ways and for certain reasons (in other words: who cares?)
Fun fact - after the war, ethnic German prisoners awaiting resettlement/gulag were kept in some of those concentration camps before they were finally closed by the Allies
Never let anyone tell you there were any "good guys" in any war
Nobody believes you. Not even most on Sup Forums anymore. I wonder if you even believe what you're saying
>prisoners of war were kept in camps so this means they are just as guilty as the ones who committed genocide!
lol. Its also funny how you guys try to make this into "not a big deal" in the hopes everyone just forgets about it while at the same time obsessing over it every single day.
Heres me Blowing you the fuck out on your Red Cross meme.
Show me ONE (1) history book that uses these faked fakes user.
These are neo-nazi false flags, as in neo-nazis took regular pics, photoshopped them into them hanging people, and then said "OH MUH GOD, LOOK AT HOW THEY LIED!"
Also, if the camps were just holding centers, then why were nazis threatening to kill any jew caught outside the camps or to kill anyone caught helping them? Especially feeding them?
1) How much money did Steven Spielberg personally make off his movie "Schindler's List?"
2) Why would a historian of Jewish origin (Gerhard L. Weinberg) take the trouble to find, translate and publish Adolf Hitler's unpublished sequel to Mein Kampf, the "Zweites Buch"? And if you consider it a propagandistic move by "the holocaust industry", why have so few people heard about this book?
3) If the Anne Frank story is a hoax, why did the storytellers give her a very revisionist death (transferred AWAY from Auschwitz, to die later of typhus in Bergen Belsen) rather than symbolically attributing this innocent life's demise to the gas chambers? Why needlessly complicate the story and diminish its climax? Unless of course, the story of Anne Frank is not a story at all, but reality which is told exactly the way it happened.
4) Why did so many Nazi officials carry cyanide pills with them?
5) Why did so many Nazi officials commit suicide upon capture by western Allies, often involving said cyanide pills?
6) Why did Hitler, Göbbels, Himmler and several other high ranking Nazis commit suicide, often even before capture, if they had nothing to hide? If it was merely because they were afraid of what might be done to them at the hands of the Allies, then was their belief in martyrdom as innocents so non-existent?
7) Why does the overwhelming majority of holocaust deniers today and in the past consist of civilians unaffiliated to the NSDAP rather than the once convicted Nazis themselves, or their descendants, or organizations like ODESSA?
it's irrelevant, jews are irrelevant, if somebody missbehaves or chimps out, just shoot them in the head and don't bother justifying yourself
Every fucking time. I hope the first holocaust takes place in Canada.
Holohoax never happened as they try to portray. People die im war, shit happens. Guess the Allies should not have cut off all the supply lines. You wonder why (((they))) hate and blame all whites for what they brought upon themselves for not leaving when they were asked to.
8) Even if Hitler and friends were right about International Jewry all along, how does it justify the mass deportation of Polish Jews, most of whom were poor, uneducated and in no way related to any rich Wall Street capitalists? How do you justify laying blame on an entire people, for alleged actions of a tiny few? Answering this question with a question (Japanese internment camps) is evasion and not a valid answer.
Using a sensationalist newspaper headline (Judea Declares War on Germany) which even National Socialists themselves did not take all too seriously, to justify the incarceration of an entire people as a logical reaction, is also not a valid answer.
9) Speaking of, give us proper elaboration of exactly what evils the aforementioned Wall Street capitalists of Jewish origin actually did? Or are you going to attribute something as mundane as inflation or financial depression to "the Jew"? If you want to bring up Black Tuesday, the Wall Street crash of 1929, kindly deliver proof it was all organized by International Jewry.
10) And why on earth do you keep bringing a proposed (perhaps even partially enacted) economic boycott in 1933 as legitimate casus belli to incarcerate an entire people most of whom didn't even take part in it? Again, pointing out to Japanese internment camps is a classic example of whataboutism, rather than answering the question.
11) Why are there no movements in the West to deny other genocides in history, such as the Rwandan genocide where 800,000 people were killed in around 3 months (that's 8,888 people per day!), or the Stalinist purges, the Holodomor, or Mao's Great Leap forward? How are all those death tolls historians provide accepted without question, why arent almanac comparisons made, census data questioned, official documents alleged to be forgeries, eyewitnesses dismissed with a casual hand-wave and so on?
12) Why don't revisionists attack the 50-60 million total death toll of WW2 in the same way they attack the Jewish death toll? Can anyone break this number down to the sum total of all casualties sustained in all battles fought and how many civilians died in which city during which year? And if that's not possible, then why accept this number without much question while writing volume after volume of why only the Jewish death toll is a hoax and at the same time claim you aren't fueled by antisemitism?
13) If your theory about Allied bombing destroying the infrastructure of Germany to the extent that it worsened the situation of concentration camp detainees when it came to supplies is correct, why don't you provide a SINGLE credible, independently verifiable case where a concentration camp's food supply was directly affected by allied bombing to the extent that for example the rail lines leading to it were destroyed, and therefore supplies could no longer reach the camp properly? I can wait.
14) Since many concentration camps were equipped with delousing facilities, why does the prussian blue staining only appear in Auschwitz, Majdanek and Stutthof? Why dont Dachau or Mauthausen's delousing facilities show this coloration? Why isn't HCN = PB staining common knowledge among chemists? Why isn't there any chemist on the planet, apart from Germar Rudolf, who can theorize how much PB should form on a concrete wall per hour of it being exposed to HCN?
15) Prove to me that nowhere close to 3 million Jews lived in Poland in the years leading up to WW2, and THEN we can have a discussion about numbers.
16) When you repeatedly hail Fred Leuchter as "America's foremost gas chamber expert", I consider the "what came first - the chicken or the egg" question. Given that American gas chambers have been existing since the at least the 1940s, how is it that there were no gas chamber experts in the United States till this Leuchter showed up? Who designed, built, operated, and maintained American gas chambers? How many gas chambers did this "foremost gas chamber expert" Leuchter even end up building for the US?
17) If people's careers are ruined for questioning the numbers of dead in the concentration camps, why is it no longer claimed that mass gassings took place in Dachau? Why was there even a debate about it? And why did Auschwitz and Majdanek receive drastic reductions of the death toll? None of this was the result of Faurisson and friends' meddling, it was done without their involvement. So why weren't the people who did this incarcerated? In fact, if a worldwide Jewish conspiracy needed the holocaust to legitimize the existence of Israel, why would revisions like these even be permitted? Maybe, just maybe, there is a difference between legitimate revisionism as performed by level-headed scholars, and the time wasting activity that holocaust deniers like to engage themselves with and call "research", which is just an elaborate term for flat-out denial.
18) If the Treblinka ground photos show no criminal activity, what is the logical explanation for there being giant excavators digging around Treblinka, located in the ass end of Poland where there is no mining, no rare earths, no mineral deposits, no building projects, unless of course these cranes served a nefarious purpose, which is digging, or in this case, unearthing mass graves.
There are several eyewitness report of Jews from the camps, having memories of good times. Of course you have not seen them, as it is in (((their))) interest that you believe everybody suffered horribly
You're so retarded I would think it appropriate to call the tolerance police on you
19) How can you claim Richard Krege did a legitimate archaeological investigation of Treblinka and found "the soil undisturbed", while at the same time claiming Treblinka was a transit camp where structures were erected and then dismantled, claiming all of this left behind no trace at all?
20) Why has Richard Krege still not published the findings of his report, the Treblinka and Belzec GPR scan? We have been waiting 18 years for his report....
21) HOLOCAUST DENIER CHALLENGE! If the Jews were evacuated "to the East" rather than being exterminated in Poland, what happened to them? Why didn't even one of them come forward after the war and tell historians they have got it all wrong? That the Nazis merely helped their family safely relocate from Europe to Russia? Prove one Jew had his clothes deloused in Treblinka, Belzec or Sobibor, given a hot bath or whatever, and then "evacuated" out of Reich occupied territories (rather than somewhere else within occupied territory such as Majdanek) via one-way train ticket into Russia! And while we're at it, here's another challenge of my own: PROVE not enough Jews existed in Europe in 1939 to be genocided to a tally of around 6 million in the first place! EARN BIG BUCKS!!!
What holocaust?