Redpill: Le Pen cannot win in 2017

Le Pen just doesn't have the support to win in 2017. She is even losing the runoff polls to a fucking communist.

What Le Pen can do is finish strong in 2017, then win in 2022 after an unpopular neoliberal or far-left presidency.

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According to polls, Hillary Clinton had like a 90% chance of winning

I think most of us are expecting her to lose, but they said "Trump can't win" and "Brexit cannot succeed" too.

good. a one less diasppointment


The national polls were mostly right within the MoE because she did get the popular vote.

It's the state polls that were wrong.


Why would anyone listen to polls?

Melanchon is communism, it's just impossible for him to win in France.

She will win. Watch her new campaign ad:

France ain't the USA mate. I'm hopeful she'll pull it off, but don't be surprised if she doesn't

This isnt true at all. Most of the state polls were wrong including Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Florida and most of the states on the east coast like Georgia and North Carolina.

The election isn't decided on the popular vote. Besides, her gain from the popular vote came from a single state, so it doesn't reflect the votes of the country as a whole.

I said the state polls were wrong, not the national polls based on who would simply get the most votes.

Western Europe is basically already lost at this point.
I have a tiny hope for the Tories, but the emphasis is on "tiny".

And yes, Le Pen won't win.

How do polls objectively give odds of winning? Are you sure this isn't just (((conjecture)))

It would be different if Le Pen had led in a single poll ever, but she hasn't. There is nothing that suggests she will win.

Brexit and Trump had polls that showed them ahead, Le Pen can't even top a fucking communist.

lol They said the same thing about Trump and Brexit, so what makes you think they are right this time when they have been wrong every time so far

Which means nothing.

>muhhhhhh brexit
>muhhhhhh trump

The truth is Le Pen has a chance to win because there are no strong candidats in this presidential. Fillon was, but he kill himself.

>>putting your faith in France

We have a different system than France as well. Trump still lost the popular vote.

The national poll was close when it came down to popular vote. The national poll doesn't use EVs.

France's election is popular vote. Le Pen is losing by at minimum 10 points to a fucking commie.

Good. She is controlled opposition like trump. Only real christian awakening can save france.

>he posts in a political forum
>doesn't even know how his president is elected
baka senpai desu

Digits say you can't stenchon the Melenchon

>trusting a woman
>"negotiate the treaties"
cute :3

>Asselineau's program will permanently kick zion out of politics and MSM
What are you waiting for, Sup Forums?

Jesus Christ.

Macron's month-long national service will sort them out.

Socialo-communists detected.

Mélenchon is going to win.
The right will vote for him, they don't care about his idea, they want a man that represent the might of France. He is charismatic, cultured and proud to be French.

Yeah I'm a Communist, deal with it.


Is he going to make it to the second round though? He seems to be polling just behind/around the same as Fillon.

Still better than (((la pen))) shills.

I was being sarcastic, mate

Polls don't give you the "chance of winning", you fucking imbecile.

But who in the US conducted a "nationwide poll"? Every poll I saw was an individual state poll.



yes thats right goy keep reading our (((polls)))


In the last few day is equal/in front of Fillon, also considering how well he did in both debates, he will grow stronger again with the next debate (in 11 days)

>neocons fail, time for neolibs
>neolibs fail, time of neocons
>neocons fail, time for neolibs
>etc. etc. etc.

Kek is working for the Don.

Your trips approve.

Oh I thought that debate got cancelled and replaced with individual dialogues or something? Nevertheless, yeah he comes across very well in debates and stuff.

oh yeah you're right, nevermind what i said, i read an outdated article

You can detect a communist under a meter of snow with this helmet.

>they don't care about his idea
You're a bunch of retarded niggers.

According to Sup Forums, Trump would deport all the scary brown people, make Tyrone stop fucking their oneitis, and make America white again.

melenchon loves Putin, Assad and hates NATO and globalists

why wouldn't Sup Forums love him?


She's done for. You're not even considering the that Citigroup predicted that Le Pen only has a 20% chance of winning. And unlike the unreliable polling services, Citigroup actually has stellar record because they use calculators and other methodologies that would probably go over your head if I tried explaining it here.

Fuck you she's our girl and will MFGA

Sup Forums is a bunch of faggots

We need a new party

Pro immigration multicultural society

Pro immigration multicultural society

>pretty much every party
Pro immigration multicultural society

Ukip were great in turning the tories to the right, but now they are finished, the Tories have gone back to what new Labour were.

The right in France just want to strong daddy president who makes the country relevant

But it will be replaced by another disappointment.

Britpol is invading.

Send a messenger quickly.

Melenchon also love mixed race and can't stand blond haired people. As a blond haired man why should I stand for him?

What going to happen now that Le Pen aligned against Trump on Syria? Will she gain more support?

They absolutely were not, they were claiming she was like 15 points up two weeks prior to the election, you don't get to pull those face saving last day polls out to claim polling isn't biased.

I don t think melanchon will win neither Le Pen, French are just a bunch of faggot who are affraid of changes

That's what they said about Trump. Fuck off shill kike

Macaroni goon detected.

No French culture incoming.

Lots of polls are nationwide. Just one example: that LA Times poll that was posted all the time

>Osama confirmed for alive


Do people ever learn?

There are too many Muslims and other immigrants in France. If there were majority French people in France she could win. But it's just foreigners wanting gibs at this point. France has lost the demographic war already. It's because they let the jews create a law that they can't poll race in their national census, so they had and have no idea how many Africans etc are there (it's like 70%)

>Un Luxembourgeois
>Qui critique les juifs

Rend l'argent, ton pays est le cancer de l'Europe

>She is even losing the runoff polls to a fucking communist.
You have no idea how big communism in France is. Their mainstream socialist party consists of mostly 3 parts. A communist wing that always loses its people to the actual communist party, then something in the middle that's trying get shit done and a liberal-reformist wing.
The PS always has to combine all these views but never really achieves it. But the French voters on the left of the spectrum have no problem with voting for communists at all. That's why a Melenchon-LePen 2nd round would actually pretty bad for her. She has better chances against Macron imo. He is a neoliberal shill who poses as something like centre-left.
I'm just wondering why Marine's chances against Fillon are so good. Macron is way more neoliberal than Fillon. Voters surely have noticed that, right?

I am a French and I think the majority of the people who vote are mid/old and hypnotized by their television who tell them to vote for Macron (AKA Mister without any stong opinion). But I swear if Fillon win the election I will leave this contry

I'm so glad she's losing. Come on France! Don't be stupid and make the same mistake as us!

Ha ha ha XD


This, ignore the shills saying Asselineau has no chance to win. Voting conveniently according to the "polls" is exactly what they want.