2nd for Banat
Mexico is Germanic.
Germanic people and Anglos are pussy's. Meds and Slavs are badass.
Behave now Pekka.
fuck this
this is the face of germanic master race. remember that, it could save your life one day.
I love you
Don't feed the autism.
t. Finnish Immigrant
Taiwanese and Japanese are Germanic
Also Cossacks
I wanna fuck her like her dad owes me money. But that would just be doing what she wants.
>Finally! A general made just for me! I surely love to be part of the germanic™ master race™! With my chiseled jawline i will get any women, but I only accept the best, the finest wine, or in other words ARYANS!
Invasion av Finland när?
you won't survive without your daily dose of jamal cum, Sven.
pic related will be the official definition of Germanic 10 years from now.
Celtic/Germanic master race
Alright but this thread is for Germanic peoples only.
those have been the faces of the modern germanics for the past 2 years now. very progressive!
All Europeans are great
Except serbs, anglos and albanians
Lick it
>germanic general thread
>almost every post so faris made by non germanic untermensch
Amerikikes need to be gassed.
Then make a thread for whatever kind of mongrel you are.
I don't see any Germanic people in that picture, just a Hungarian Jew and a half black guy
I'm not Germanic enough? ok I'll leave now
>b-b-b-but m-m-uh blue e-e-eyes and bl-blonde hair! im better than you all
I agree, shitskins need to fuck off.
I'm mostly Swiss German with some Scottish and Irish. My ancestors came to America in the late 1800s. I went to Oktoberfest once. What is up my fellow Germanics :^)
What do you mean "enough", either you're Germanic or not, you said you were Celtic, which isn't Germanic. Are you braindamaged?
Anglo-Saxon master race reporting in Sven.
uhm sorry bigot but I identify as trans-Germanic and have every right to post here sweetie ;)
the only thing that germanics are good at is destroying their own countries.
who is that guy?
>he doesn't know röökijäbä
these peat-gavels these days LMAOOAO
Finns are worse than Jews
That's a bone disease of some sort.
>1000000 Abduls has been added to your country
yeah it's called germanic disease, very dangerous and hard to get rid off
fuck the rules
brazilian here
ooooops wrong thread
You act alike they don't have access to your country when our welfare runs out.
Deine "Germanic Thread" Regeln sind mir total Wayne, verpiss dich diggi
they don't need welfare when morally superior swedes will give everything they have for those brown sacks of shit, even if that means their death
I've noticed that Finnish people all look sorta chinese. Do they eat spicy doggo as well?
>God-tier mix of south germanic and east finnic
what do
go to bed kevin
yeah... i wonder why
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as ""slavs"", are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids.
Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.
Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods.
All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact.
Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" post.
>Silly Deutsche boys
Kevin is an Irish name
Whatever benefits you, Swiss for business
I think you are confusing our opressive cuckerment and central Stockholm with our people.
But that's what you get when voting almost for a hundred years of socialism.
you need to get the fuck out of finland, you germanic mutt.
finland is for FINNS only. mongols will rule over europe one day
Really deactivates my twitter. How new are you buddy?
did i mention that we have the most asiatic admixture in europe?
praise tengri!
The finnish spammer faggot ITT is making me laff, he doesn't realize that finns are germanic too (not linguistically but racially speaking)
>I've noticed that Finnish people all look sorta chinese.
Sure thing lol
Wait are we Germanic or not?
>finns are germanic too
what is your favorite way to execute a germanicuck?
Rape, or a truck
>muh ancestors
fuck off americucks you guys not germanic anymore
Typical pole
Germanics you say?
did you know that in germanic countries raping to death is their idea of voluntary euthanasia?
>Porcelain complexion
>Light blonde hair
>Grey eyes
>Anglo Saxon nose
You tell me.
Hey cucks. Your women love the big Celtic cock!
Yes, enjoy reading through these.
Potato Niggers BTFO
Yeah you are our beady eyed retard cousins
You mean almost extinct mongrol anglo rape baby cock?
>Germany's left arm
volga germans are best germans
prove me wrong
>part nigger dead race
Based poster
>le butthurt bavarian mongrel face
>Non-Germanic in Germanic thread
Genetically inferior butthurt. No one has beef with you as long as you are in Italy. Just elect ethnonationalist party and stop fishing out niggers. Is it much to ask?
>No one has beef with you
>literally smearing your asshurt in each and every thread after you got btfo multiple times
why do you get so angry when I show you are just a bunch of mongrels ilke everyone else?
sandniggers confirmed for nigger
also, WE
We don't care for our pre-ethnogenesis admixtures. We don't want yours or Slavic or non-European in our gene pool. Clear enough?
>We don't care for our pre-ethnogenesis admixtures.
your hypocrisy is amazing
you know that if you were to put Otzi the iceman in the same software from the wiki screenshot you constantly spam he'd also get African admixture as well?
>non-European in our gene pool
but you are already partly non European, you're not even fully west Eurasians