I'm considering converting to Mormonism
This is a very serious decision for me, so I'm taking the time to think this through as thoroughly as possible
What does Sup Forums have to say about Mormonism? I'm interested in some second opinions
I'm considering converting to Mormonism
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Nice people, little clannish, but they have good family values and build comfy communities
is that the space jesus cult? these with the golden plates or whatever? they are cool I think
It's a cult, they took Christianity and distorted it beyond belief
Jesus for them is from some planet, and had sex with women. They also think dark skin is a curse from God.
Disgusting stuff.
Watch this:
Stay away, and seek Jesus, the real Jesus of the Bible, the Son of God.
As if the story about a Jewish reformer being the son of God isn't silly enough, now we got space Jesus. Holy fuck some people on pol might actually be retarded.
Mormons are the only white community that is saving the white race you dumb sperg
I did the Mormon schtick for a while. Couple years, even.
It's pretty lovely if you're strictly non-degenerate. I'm not, so it wasn't for me. Be prepared to clear your schedule of all non-essentials. You're pretty much expected to immerse yourself in the community; they'll make it an easy transition though.
If you do it, and decide it's not for you, be prepared to be consistently reminded (harassed?) of your mistake by missionaries for the rest of your life.
Mormonism is heresy. Become a regular Christian instead.
There are gold plates, but no space Jesus [spoiler] Unless you go really far with the 'Other sheep that are not of this fold' thing [/spoiler]. Space god is true, there's something in their doctrine that says that God is from another planet or universe, and will give followers a planet/universe to rule over as well. Mormons mainly believe that the Native Americans were displaced Jews who received the Gospel before Jesus came.
Retard tier cult, I mean, magic spectacles that translate a brass plate with 60 or so characters to a work the size of the Book of Mormon? It's for dafties.
Grew up Mormon, they have a great focus on the family unit, but as soon as you get higher up in the ranks it starts to get HEAVILY influenced by Freemasonry/Illuminati/Satanic symbolism. Plus, there's really nothing the Book of Mormon offers that isn't already presented in the Bible. Their other books, like Pearl of Great Price for example, also start to veer away from accepted Christian ideology (whether of the Catholic or Protestant variety) which is why so many people accuse Mormons of not actually being "true Christians".
For example, Mormon theology believes Jesus Christ wasn't the Son of God, but just a regular man that became a God by leading a perfectly virtuous life. This is in direct contradiction to the Bible that says Jesus was the actual Son of God, sent down to do what NO ONE else could: redeem a corrupt mankind and reunite us with God.
There's also some shady facts about Joseph Smith himself, that the Mormon Church tried to cover up.
If you're just looking for a good community to raise your kids in, Mormon Church isn't all that bad, but you could certainly do much better.
Mormonism is Islam-lite
>Multiple marriages
>Can fuck children
>No booze
>No Coffee
>Followers are just slightly nuts
>Mormons saving the white race
They go on missions to 3rd world shitholes to convert shitskins cause they can't get whites to join anymore. And right alongside the London terror attack Utah accepted a bunch of Muslims refugees, all of Utah's elected officials are Mormon.They're cucks desu.
Do Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses have turf wars?
MORMONS: Seek to bring in damage people to their neo-christian cult.
Use fear of abandonment to keep their flock in line.
If you want a group of people to dish out a life of mild psychological abuse in exchange for your money, time, and physical labor then they are the group for you.
>If you're just looking for a good community to raise your kids in, Mormon Church isn't all that bad, but you could certainly do much better.
What communities do you consider better? Not trolling.
At least they're reproducing. In fact they're the only white community with above replacement fertility rates.
Mormonism = masonry without the ability to drink and they expect you to work 30 hours a week for the church outside of your job. It's an initiatic religion where you can tell even access the temple without years of work.
The Mormon cosmology is convoluted and their system for salvation makes no sense in the context of regular Christianity.
What's the point? You might as well become a hindu if you want to do cool rituals
I don't care about race, I care about God and saving souls from hell. Are we not all made in the image of God? Have we not all fallen short of the glory of God? Do we not all need forgiveness and reconciliation with God?
The end is near, why are you trying to save race? or money? or food? or whatever earthly things? What's the point? Set your eyes on the eternal, set your eyes on God, instead.
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."
(1 John 2:15-17)
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
(Matthew 6:19-21)
We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
(1 John 5:19)
I think Christianity and all of it's many sects are ultimately a good thing. Values and family and antidegeneracy guilt. That's cool. But as far as my personal stance on the doctrine of Mormonism, they've taken convoluted nonsense and compounded it with other consulted nonsense. I would recommend going to a few Sundays at a Mormon church. Listen to their classes. Talk to their leaders and ask them to explain the Mormon view of existence and the universe,particularly on the spheres and the veil. If any of that sounds like the most likely explanation of reality, you're already desperate and retarded enough to be welcomed.
>but as soon as you get higher up in the ranks it starts to get HEAVILY influenced by Freemasonry/Illuminati/Satanic symbolism
Could you redpill me on this please im from the NE and I don't know a whole lot about mormanism also cheq'd
Do it! Welcome brother!
Very similar to Masonic rites. It's just symbolism and dramatic plays with the initiate taking an active role in the ceremony. Really nothing to redpill on. Both groups have influential members in both organizations, so a lo of cross speak has developed
If you live in the right area it's good for connections.
Hopefully you'll this post! I've been researching Mormonism for a while now.
One point to consider: read 2 Nephi. Half of the book is Nephi quoting Isaiah. The Isaiah passages quoted in 2 Nephi are directly lifted from the King James Bible, including words added by the English translators (we know which words because added words are italicized in the KJV)
This raises two questions
1) If there was limited space on the gold plates (as the supposed later Lamanite prophets say) why did Nephi cover so much of them with scripture that was already available in the brass plates?
2) Nephi supposedly copied from an original ancient source, yet he writes down the KJV translation WORD FOR WORD. How is that possible?
There are many other issues I can expand on if you'd like.
Can you expand on the harassment thing?
You get your pick of attractive virgin white women who will cook, clean, and raise your children.
If you can stand worshipping the Demiurge you are good to go!
They consider spics as whites. It doesn't count. I live in Utah and the spic population has boomed in recent years. A lot interracial marriage between spic men and white women too, never see the reverse, just a lot of perpetually single white guys.
Joseph Smith was a freemason and the Mormon temple rituals are heavily influence by masonic rituals.
Unlike what the other guy said, you don't need to get high up to see it. Every mormon is expected to go through the temple rites. These include secret hand signals, receiving a secret new name, and a secret handshake.
Here's hidden camera videos of the process:
Amish communities
Info graphics would be nice. Even a simple escalated walkup of the contradictions and simple logical fallacies would be neat
To question 2, maybe Smith decided to quote the KJV version instead of fully translating it and focus on the new stuff?
No idea about 1.
Also, I'm just playing devil's advocate here, Mormonism is heresy mmkay?
Not that user but you have to specifically ask the bishop to remove you from their roster/members list or they just mark you as inactive. As one of the goals is to expand the church and possibly a genuine care for their members, you can expect members you connected with, missionaries, home/visiting teachers to regularly call on you to see what is up.
I have not been active for 10 years and my old teacher who taught me when I was like 14 still checks up on me or wants to catch up when we bump into each other.
The LDS Church is the hardest redpill to swallow. But i am glad i have swallowed the pill and converted.
Here's a pdf with about 80 pages of contradictions
There's honestly too much bullshit to summarise, lol
That's pretty much the line Mormon apologists take, but I think we'd both agree it's not satisfying
I would agree.
How can they exist in Turkey without being beheaded by AKP supporters?
Turkey is still secular country and AKP doesnt give any shit to religion. AKP is just using religion to gain power.
There are many churches in Turkey.
Fair enough. What made you convert?
I went to an LDS service in my area and honestly wasn't impressed.
Was catching a bus home from work one day and was approached by two Mormons at the bus stop, really nice guys very friendly. Ended up meeting with them a couple of weeks later at their Church in the city here in Sydney, they explained the background to being a Mormon, there beliefs etc. They gave me a copy of their book, haven't time to read it yet, but there beliefs seemed a little far fetched to be honest. This being said, I don't really believe any religion and think that most are a way to keep the world population in line so everyone doesnt go apeshit realising that nothing happens when you die.
I'd say if you're after a bit of direction this would be the way to go, plus not too sure about the multiple wives thing here in Australia - but i dont have a problem with any religion or cult that is helping to boost the white population.
Any Christian based Church will have a community revolving around it. I admit that it's difficult to find one that fits, you might have to shop around a bit. The Mormon Church (specifically, the Latter Day Saints variety) makes it much easier, and as someone else noted earlier, you pretty much have to immerse yourself in the Church in order to not be seen as pariah within the community. It's a very tightknit community, but lots of gossiping goes on too, so expect everyone else to be up in your business.
If you just want to raise your kids properly, just homeschool your kids and strictly limit what kind of TV or computer access they get. Take them to Church, put them in some sort of sport or hobby. Mormon Church is just more convenient in that it already comes pre-bundled for you. You can even adopt some of the better aspects of the Mormons for yourself, without joining them, such as: family home evening, not ingesting caffeine or alcohol, etc.
For me, it's the theology and Freemasonry that drove me away. The holier than thou gossiping was annoying, but ultimately bearable. The theology, not so bearable.
It's based on freemasonry. Some good ideas, but a corruption. Look at biblical Christianity.
The gospel is just judaism, islam, and christianity mixed together. The social aspect is pretty friendly and welcoming. It's an ok religion if you don't mind retarded people.
They haven't had polygamy since the 1800s, they actually excommunicate polygamists now.
Well that sucks
Funny enough, the Book of Mormon actually condemns polygamy.
Actually, the Mormon Church split over the issue of polygamy. Legally, the Church of Latter Day Saints aren't the "true" Mormons, since they gave up polygamy after pressure from the US gov't.
The "true" Mormons are the ones that live in Mormon communes out in the middle of nowhere, who sometimes get arrested for polygamy or marrying underage teenagers. I admit I don't know much about them aside from a documentary or two, I was raised in the Latter Day Saints branch, which is the mainstream Mormonism people are familiar with.
Isn't this guy Mormon though?
Literally unironically Freemasonic rip off
Atheism anyone?
>Jacob 2:24 Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord.
This is in the Book of Mormon. They don't even know how to follow their own book.
nope, mormons are cucks who have fallen for the ""diversity is strength"" meme and import shiploads of dindus into the US to culturally enrich us
Complete with supposed "ghost" summoning in their temple rituals, belief in Satan and Jesus being brothers, Jehova being a physical dude just like Jesus and Satan, getting to become a god ruling over your own world, and all manner of other deeply heretical and Satanic beliefs
2/10 it is literally the Scientology of the Midwest. Becoming a Mormon in Utah is like becoming a Scifag in LA.
No it doesn't lol. Polygamy is endorsed by the doctrine and covenants. It's explained that the baptists were killing mormon men, so their buddies married their wives to take care of them "in a purely financial sense" which is horse shit. You can extrapolate that and just imagine how it was abused and how some mormons probably killed other mormons just to get their wives.
Early mormons were batshit insane.
IMO Mormonism is kinda cultish, especially with the golden plates baloney
Try Orthodox Christianity, they're pretty chill (inb4 orthodox shill)
>Actually, the Mormon Church split over the issue of polygamy. Legally, the Church of Latter Day Saints aren't the "true" Mormons, since they gave up polygamy after pressure from the US gov't.
False, polygamy is still accepted in church doctrine they just no longer practice it.
True, does Doctrine and Covenants! They have more scripture against polygamy than other Christians do. The whole religion is one big contradiction
Well the guy no doubt met LDS missionaries, the FLDS church doesn't go in for publicity lol.
There was a really interesting interview recently with a woman who's part of a plural marriage in the FLDS.
D&C Official Declaration 1 says otherwise:
>There is nothing in my teachings to the Church or in those of my associates, during the time specified, which can be reasonably construed to inculcate or encourage polygamy
From my limited understanding of Mormonism, the core bits of it are you wear your magic underpants and get a planet when you die
you must know the devil to reject him, just like teenage tits is gods best work but also satans best tool
It's not that easy senpai
The Mormon church is filled to the brim with NORMIE SCUM
Well the doctrine and covenants over rides that because it's literally joseph smith telling the mormons what to do. Don't expect consistency from mormons ever. Most mormons are naive retards with childlike minds. They don't put too much thought into their reality. Don't take my word for it, just talk to them. If they aren't reading from their script they get all retarded and don't know how to answer you.
I much prefer normies to the raging autists of the atheist community desu
If he was, he's since been excommunicated from the official church
No one wants your kind here
If you are looking for a religion that makes sense you will be disappointed, if you are looking for a place to make friends then go for it. Simple as that.
Mormons took advantage of the new-age craze that was hitting the usa in the 1800's. They are a by product of the H.P. Lovecraft fad.
I agree, just trying to be as accurate as possible.
Any thoughts on Hermeticism?
mormons are pure cult cancer
i dream of killing them daily with as much vigor as killing muslims
>What does Sup Forums have to say about Mormonism?
It's for complete fuckwits lmao
The only True Church of Christ is the Catholic Church.
Hermeticism is some crazy shit bro. Interesting but crazy and retarded as fuck.
Back in the 1800's people were getting back into spiritualism, experimenting with which craft, ouji boards and mysticism. Mormans basically capitalized on this and made it an easy pill to swallow for the normies. That's why the other christians hated them so much, they basically took satanism and made it christian because it was "cool" at the time.
How old are you? Do you have children?
Mormonism absolutely sucks for anyone below 20
Wrong, Catholic teachings also contradict the Bible in many ways.
Yeah, sure
Let me just abandon my principles real quick so I can follow the teachings of Pope "Muslim terrorism doesn't exist" Francis
Looks heretical to me.
Joined a couple of months back in California. Cool people overall, but some of them are being cucked.
The Jezebel Spirit (Feminism) is starting to take root. A girl in my ward talked with one of the 12 apostles saying she was upset about the indoctrination telling girls to get married.
Some older girls (24-28) in my ward very eager to get married, but younger cuties aren't interested. Not just me either. I get interest from random young girls now and then outside the ward.
One big mistake, I think, is sending girls on missions. It prevents them from getting married at the best time and is not scriptural ("I do not approve of a woman to teach" 1 Timothy 2)
I was baptized this February. So far, it's one of the best decisions I ever made. Honestly, all I can say is just read the Book of Mormon, don't be afraid to ask questions, and come to church when you can. Pray to God and ask if the scriptures are true and if the LDS church is the True Church. You'll receive divine testimony, and my testimony as merely a man is not worth the testimony you can receive from our Heavenly Father himself. All you have to do is ask. That's what I did.
Good luck, my friend. The Church has much to offer you, and you have much to offer the Church. If you want to hold yourself to a higher standard and take part in the work of building the Kingdom of God, you are coming to the right place.
baka, whats the real religion then
>It's just symbolism and dramatic plays
the most massive downplay of a cult in the history of humanity
this is like saying jim jones' church is just like a 6th grade dance party
What is your testimony pray tell, did you hear god speak to you? Did you see a magic fairy. Get lost weirdo.
I was raised mormon, they are mentally ill drones who know nothing about the book of mormon, they don't even read it. The prophet tells them what to do, not the book.
whats your spiritual beliefs now, desu?
I believe in the monad. We are all an aspect of god or we are all part of god. Would you steal from yourself? Would you kill yourself? Would you hate yourself? No... We are the universes avatar, it says it right in the book. Created in the image of god. We are all the same person stuck in different slices of space time.
>It's an ok religion if you don't mind retarded people
i've been seriously considering doing some IRL LARP'ing and joining one of these seacoast churches in my area to manipulate and bone every dumb woman in the congregation then moonwalk out just before all the drama i cause reaches a boiling point
has anyone here done this before?
Out of personal experience I would say Assemblies of God for the most part, but really just any denomination which doesn't blatantly contradict Biblical teaching.
>What does Sup Forums have to say about Mormonism?
Visit youtube.com
Check'd. Do you attend a faith group of some kind? I believe that God created the universe, and that Jesus was a real person who was crucified and resurrected, but I'm not sure where to go from there.
What do you make of Catholicism? Ever since a Catholic-bro pointed out that the Bible is a product of the church, and not the other way around, I've been toying with Catholicism.
Try reading the book, it's utter garbage. A 5-year old can write better.
pick one
don't be fooled by them, they are a jewish sect
'Heresy' memes aside, there are some things I genuinely do like about Catholicism, such as the emphasis on reverence (unfortunately you don't really get that in Pentecostal churches very much), but there's too much dangerous/heretical stuff, like obedience to the Pope, or how only Priests can forgive sins. And there's just weird stuff too (transubstantiation anyone?)
join an arp church
There is no faith group that believes in the "one" that I have heard of. Most religions are just private organizations used to control individuals.
Mormons get half way there, by saying they will become a god. But they don't go into it or explain it.
It's what the infinity mirrors in their temple represents. I am you, you are me. We are god.
This is the secret their leaders keep from their members. You have to jump through thousands of hoops and study a shitload to come to this conclusion. And I just told you it in like two sentences.
See the eye?
i was raised catholic and i love how most christians are unaware that one of the most prized rituals is literally cannibalism as defined by the church
I didn't hear God speak to me, but I did have a vision. I fasted on bread and water for almost a month before I even met any missionaries, just before Christmas. I was engaged in intense bible study and prayed about the fact that I had had found no church that seemed proper to me. I figured I was just doomed to be a hermit like some kind of desert father. I received a vision I thought was strange and fantastic, but it turned out that I received directly many of the primary doctrines of the church, including the Plan of Salvation, without ever having associated with Mormons or read the Book of Mormon. Then I read the book, and everything started clicking. Everything seemed suddenly clarified, and I was able to reconcile teachings I had learned from religions all over the world within a single context and church. All of my prior religious study of Buddhism, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pythagoreanism, etc, was suddenly brought together in to a living tradition where the mysteries were still understood and available for everyone. That was when it was clear that I had found the True Church of Jesus Christ. Their works confirm it, for ye shall know them by their fruits, and the LDS church has brought forth good fruits for the world.
In other words, putting that in to words that use our human social contexts, we're all God's spirit children. Wow. How much you've progressed.
That's one of many reasons why I don't like the Catholic church. I much prefer the Protestant idea that Communion is symbolic; Jesus often used metaphor/simile in parables, who's to say communion is any different?
>Mormon theology believes Jesus Christ wasn't the Son of God
not even remotely true
masonic symbolism yes, satanic/illuminati no
99.9999999% of everyone speaking about mormons as if they know anything aren't actually mormons and are just spreading hearsay
Galatians 1:8
>But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!