Autism is an atavistic trait that gets switched on for whatever reason, due to your Neanderthal bit of DNA and epigenetic factors.
>"Autism…is referenced in studies of fossil hominin brain structure and function, either as an analogy for developmental differences between closely related species or as a potentially atavistic indication of actual primitive phenotypes. For example, an autistic child lacking language created naturalistic artwork much like that from the Upper Paleolithic, on the basis of which it was suggested that fAMHS could have also lacked fully modern cognition."
Autism IS a superpower. "Socialism" is the root of all evil on Earth. Autists are Nature's way of correcting the greatest ill of humankind - oversocialization (see Uncle Ted's manifesto)
Now - the problem of getting autists to breed... but much like homosexuals, autists can be created or "switched on", especially by the right societal conditions, and more will appear as the population increases and socialism puts more unnatural pressure on the natural human being.
Neanderthals may have been Hyperboreans - the Ubermenschen that Blavatsky, Hitler and many others sought. They hoped to build the Hyperborean empire once again via its remnants. Its remnants - Neanderthal DNA.
Nazis and Autists are a match made in Heaven, LITERALLY!
Autists are descendants of Neanderthals
Other urls found in this thread:
Many sources say autists are the result of "refrigerator mothers" - lack of nurturing; a cold, loveless, harsh environment.
Neanderthals were similarly evolved - via a cold, harsh, difficult environment.
(S)motherly love/a warm mother is akin to an easy, tropical environment - yeah, it seems nice, but no one evolves or accomplishes anything. For instance, California has the second-lowest IQ in the nation, right behind Alabama.
And as we know, the cushy, easy, hot African climate did no favors to homo erectus, while the icy environments of the North caused Neanderthals to evolve large brains, strong bodies, sophisticated tools and methods, as well as the first spark of spirituality in the genus homo.
What did homo erectus "evolve"? Dancing, performing, ornamentation, and "social networking skills" (herd behavior and mob mentality).
>tfw saving the humanity with binary flying in air.
ADHD and Asperger's came from neanderthals because they were evolutionary traits which were good for hunting.
Intense focus and high energy levels were useful for survival in ice age europe. Neanderthals actually had 10% larger brains because of high natural selection in very hostile environment where you needed brains to survive.
Africa has wood and warmth around the year so it was all about multiplying and killing rival tribes for living space. That's why niggers are so aggressive and ape-like. More north you go, more neanderthal genes people have. Only race which doesn't have superior neanderthal genes are niggers.
Current society is just so much different place than forest where we had to hunt for a living. Sitting still in classroom is not what we used to do.
Neanderthals raped women from africa and created cro-magnons which also had larger brains than current humans but it was able to reproduce fast and replace and assimilate original neanderthals. They lived side by side for a long time and we still have neanderthal DNA. Sometimes those genes are stronger so we are literally cavemen.
It's not meant as an insult because all neanderthals I know have really strong mind and willpower. Asperger brain is simply wired like neanderthals, that's why they feel like different race.
But ask yourself, how did weaponized autism get (((Trump))) so wrong?
Whatever you do, don't let the neo-erectus get its filthy chimp hands on your precious remaining Neanderthal DNA. They have a welfare mentality for EVERYTHING, even genes! Erectus has done jack shit but socialize and monkey around, and history is repeating itself: erectus wants to race-mix with us AGAIN in order for them to receive a genetic upgrade for FREE, without any of the hard work. Don't let them have it! Better even to die off than to let those monkeys get another free upgrade!
Trump was useful while he lasted. Some of us needed that win and the accompanying entertainment. We also needed to further differentiate and separate and DIVIDE from libtards. Now Trump goes in the garbage - we've used him up. Idols are counterproductive anyway. Time to DIVIDE again before the ride on the Trump train gets too nice & cushy.
Praise kek
So autistic niggers don't exist?
Oh fuck
Aspergers is a gift desu
kek is with us ITT
Let that be a lesson to current-year men and women: wayward Neanderthal MALES were the cause of the last great race-mixing, as mitochondrial Neanderthal DNA is absent in us now. Women were not the race traitors last time - maybe they will be this time, it's hard to tell. However, autism is also a predominately male trait, as women are arguably more social by nature, with rare exceptions.
Not every environment is worth adapting to. I don't think ours is. To quote MLK Jr.,
>"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
Kek is autistic
This thread is just sad to watch.
Sometimes you need to be in bed with the enemy to lower their guard.
Makes sense too as Asians have the highest amount of Neanderthal DNA and are also super autistic, despite being more communal.
Which really gets you thinking...
have you ever met an autistic guy that is apathetic to society, like he just wants to fuck girls or have fun every night? No, they all want to better themselves and the world/society.
Yet, we're told by doctors who get their information by universities - and we know who runs the unis lads - that autistics don't care about society, they're anti-social. The correct word, for what they really mean is introverted, but how can they make such a big mistake in basic terminology if they weren't controlled by (((them))).
Basically, jews hate autismos and so label them as freaks or psychos, and try their best to funnel them out of society. This is also why the work-place has become more socialised over the past century - not because it needs to be, but because the jews want it to be to funnel out the autistics who just want to get on with their job. (((They))) know that autistic peoples' super-human perceptions will be the end of them.
From Uncle Ted's manifesto:
>"In primitive societies life is a succession of stages. The needs and purposes of one stage having been fulfilled, there is no particular reluctance about passing on to the next stage. A young man goes through the power process by becoming a hunter, hunting not for sport or for fulfillment but to get meat that is necessary for food.
(In young women the process is more complex, with greater emphasis on social power; we won't discuss that here.)"
Women are put through a modern "power process" that is almost 100% social. If a woman does not rebel completely against the entire process, she is completely trapped in socialized, erectus-style herd mentality. The "feminization" or weakening of society is similar in that both genders are put through the social sausage maker rather than being able to obtain power in any other way. To modern society, the only recognizable power is social power, and any "lesser" powers are merely in service to that (ex: strength, knowledge, beauty, wealth are all supposed to be put into service to propel one SOCIALLY)
Autism/Aspergers/asocialism are rebellions against that. Don't let your talents be in service of socialism. Virtue is its own reward.
>Neanderthals invented an artificial glue that required a complex manufacturing technique;
>Neanderthals developed the first industrial process.
I thought they where descendant of the denisovans ?
Sorry I just saw your flag, Asians for you guys also has middle eastern. Quite confusing to put such a big chunk of the world into the category of "Asian".
>I thought they where descendant of the denisovans
That's the Australian aborigines.
No, autistic niggers don't exist. Niggers are social animals, they can't survive on their own.
We didn't. All autismos knew he was shit, but we also knew Hillary was worse, as - even if she followed the same policies - she would be commanded by her liberal fanbase and allies. The people who had complete faith in Trump were betas - who are always neurotypicals - as they require an alpha like Trump to have faith in.
Autismos, by their very nature, are Omegas - we don't belong in some pack. Hence, they didn't see Trump as some God-given leader.
No, I mean chinks and japs (yellow neanderthals).
You see the jews like to hide this, but neanderthals had races too and neanderthals living in Asia saw yellow as a superior colour* so they basically genetically selected more yellowish (tanned) neanderthals to survive and breed.
*Ever wondered why East Asians have an obsession with the sun? Well, now you now why.
How many here have an occipital knob?
Yeah look at this perfectly natural superior neanderthal trait:
must be real useful in the wilderness
God is autistic. That's why He's invisible. Kek is one of God's revealed/presented forms, delivered only unto his chosen autistic children. He made us in his image.
They are supposed to be both, but don't take those numbers as anything but a lower bound on "neanderthaloid" admixture. Especially the Neanderthal input IIRC is estimated using a "neanderthal" from the Altai region which is pretty far from standard Neanderthal territory.
Morphologically speaking Caucasians tend to be much closer to neanderthals than flat faced short skulled chinks.
>/r9k/ are the supreme race
Asians may be smart, but they are herd-like and lack individualism both physically and mentally. Select whites are the truest descendant of Neanderthals. Neanderthals did NOT look like a swarm of neotanous black ants - they had bonier noses, light eyes and hair, body hair, and large muscles. Asians have none of these traits. Asians took the neotany thing too far and won't be able to recover.
If you look at history, all great social movements and academic advancements were perpetrated by the autistic master ability.
It's because normies are too comfortable with the current life so they don't bother in improving it. Meanwhile, autismos are like those monkeys saying - what if instead of having to spend all the time hunting with our bare hands we could use tools to make the job easier?
Your digits show otherwise
I find that fascinating but the jews have an obsession for the yellow also aka gold. Does that go also in the equation? Trying to understand here.
That's a jewish lie.
If you think that asians lack individualism then you claim that Japan's anime and video games lack passion and heart, and you do same with new technologies invented in Korea and Japan.
The truth is that most people are herd-like, and autismos are the shepherds guiding those sheep. There's a thing called peer-pressure and it's not unique to just Asia.
Neanderthals had more test than your butt meaning they were very social and c0onfident, I think you are forgetting that neaderthals are fucking apes like you.
ADHD and Asperger have no evolutionary purpose they are just random mutations that didnt get in the way of reproduction.
Although seeing them all go supreme gentleman would have been entertaining.
You ever seen a jew? They're also pretty yellow. The difference is, the jews loved the sun because it gave them good harvest - and fair enough, it does, but that shows the selfishness and narrow-mindedness of the jews.
Meanwhile, Asians saw the sun as an analogy of rebirth (each day the sun arises anew); this is why they're spiritual.
So you are right when you say they love the sun - but for different reason.
I know it could be interpreted has off track (the topic) but how do you cope with all the knowledge of Sup Forums or any place of knowledge for that matter. Sorry for asking but i'm curious.
Neanderthals basically were like white Chads all the time, they would bully homo sapien men.
Sometimes Sup Forums can be wrong. That's okay, I can be wrong sometimes. But, only through a clear mind will one be able to see the truth.
I think a clear mind and through meditation can you deal with the knowledge and perceptiveness that can be shown on this board is the way to find the truth.
I mean, I can see into the near-future and shit because of meditation. And that's not because I have superpowers, but because through meditation and reflection you can see into the future through the butterfly effect.
Yeah, so I'd say meditate, reflect and keep a clear mind - but don't allow the jews (and it's not all jews, but they are genetically disposed to be power-hungry and aggressive) to fool you in thinking a clear mind means you must accept that which you know is wrong.
I don't know what happened back then fully, but I think that truth during those times is often not what we're told. Like, for example, what if I said the Anglo-Saxons hardly went to war with the Celts; I mean, we don't actually know the Anglos 'invaded' Britain; for all we know they could have just been invited and together the two peoples built a prosperous society. We don't actually know that far back. So, I wouldn't assume this sort of shit, nigger.
Do you think genetics influence your thought ? Like I was thought that we are all human and we all have the same brain and I know it is not the case because of the obvious difference a black, yellow asian or white can have but somehow all of them are "functional" to some degree which make me confuse. I don't want to ask you too much but can you show me some research that explicitly show that different race have different "ideas" or interpretation of those ideas. I hope you understand what I mean by that.
I think the fact that communist and other non-asian systems of government wiped out their culture and capitalism and tech industry has wiped out the arts in their schools has led somewhat towards asians being incapable of great innovation or creativity. Still a lot of asian commentators throughout history have criticised their societies as being too impressionable.
Still by white standards everything seems backward, now that whites are starting to slow down and stagnate it will seem less noticeable and already we are starting to praise asian educational systems and green tech in China is overtaking us.
Then why are there black autistic people
Sorry for the bad English btw, it's my second language ( French Canadian here )
Yes, in a way, they affect your intelligence, your skin and your attributes - but in the end it is your choice and experience in what you think.
But, as you know, there's no research in this. We will never truly know if what I said is true. But if you deep in yourself you can find out if it's true. The jews like to claim that we must obey research, but the thing is research can be wrong and it can be propaganda. What you must actually obey is your feelings - your instincts. And you may find I'm wrong, but you may find I'm right.
You also forget how cultural Asians used to be before they were exposed to European ideas.
The truth is, blacks and other subhumans should have been forced to our ideas - they were no better stray dogs when we found them. But Asians weren't; they weren't as advanced technologically, but they were more advanced spiritually.
TFW more Neanderthal DNA than 82% of the population
I'm autistic, and I have a ton of Neanderthal features. Some of those include: a massive head, a prominent occipital bun, and a smoothened face.
I absolutely despise herd-like mentality and I have always felt disconnected from society since I was a child.
How do I know if I have autism
alright thanks for replying !
autism is the second attempt at Project Xanadu, utilizing the shared unconscious of humanity as storage instead of physical hardware. the next stage is to resonate human waking consciousness (ego conscious) with the earth's Schumann resonance to make this information accessible to all
>The truth is, blacks and other subhumans should have been forced to our ideas - they were no better stray dogs when we found them.
Blacks should have been left the fuck alone. They have very poor abstract thought capabilities and relied entirely on a tribe elder to tell them what to do when they were in their natural environment.
Without an elder to guide them, they become like lost sheep, and turn to drugs, promiscuity and violence, without thinking of the consequences since the future is barely a concept to them.
Blacks living in our society and being expected to function like us is akin to taking gorillas out of Africa and expecting them to live like we do.
Please tell me goys
Maybe, you're right.
I mean, the only problem is that if we left them alone they'd eventually be able to find us. Whatever, happens we'd have to 'communicate'* with them in the future.
I mean, niggers are stupid, but I think some nigger would have walked across the sahara to chase some meat - or something equally trivial - and that would result in 'first' contact, if you will.
That, and Africa had some useful resources we could have used, and we'd be forced to 'communicate' to use those resources.
*I forgot the word that's better to use. By communicate I mean talk or kill, or do something with them.
There is something to be said about the easygoing weather of California leading to soft liberals but their IQ problems are from mexicans not from climate
Explain how ADHD is good for hunting?
Anything with high neotany is unevolved, and not just physically. Babies will be babies...will need diapee changed, will need everyone to dote on them, feed them, do everything for them. Evolved persons do NOT resemble pic related (nor Asians nor Spics - both high in neotany / unevolved)
I agree with you that contact would have been made eventually given the nature of hominids, but at the end of the day that was the optimal, natural environment they evolved in for a very long time.
What I'm saying is, animals introduced to environments that they aren't homogeneous to yields chaotic results (they tend to do very poorly or very well, and when they do well, it damages that ecosystem).
How do you think a pack of Siberian wolves would fare if they were brought to the Congo basin?
EVERYONE in California is pretty dumb, not just the spics. They try to hide this fact with "social intelligence" (invented concept). Warm weather is for retards, babies and niggers.
Careful with this line of thinking as testosterone plays a huge role in facial development and can blur the lines as people get more and more feminized
I'm with you on cold weather being an amazing thing but California has some of our best and brightest people, even if they are all libtarded as fuck
I'm not saying you're wrong but I need more to go off of. explain spacex/tesla? silicon valley? hollywood (in its prime) etc
You hurt my feels user.
t. +2.8stddev
Also, have you noticed how Africa is rich in resources but its peoples have never done anything to claim those resources to their benefit?
Or have you noticed the stereotype of black fathers not staying to raise their children?
Yeah. Blacks cannot into abstract thinking. They can't think about long term gains, obligation isn't a concept to them.
Say, in a different world, where they weren't taken from Africa, we'd be able to take those resources without any resistance, because they wouldn't care about them and they'd be living in mud huts.
The reason for this lack of abstract thought is due to them not facing the evolutionary pressures Neanderthals faced in the harsh Northern Hemisphere.
Try to tell me that mongs are evolved. They're not. They look like fetuses. Evolution leads to greater differentiation, not billions and billions of people who look exactly the same. I've never once met an individualistic Asian, and I've met quite a few Asians in my time. They ARE obviously better thinkers than spics and nigs, though. They're the most evolved of all the wogs, clearly, but not as evolved as whites.
You can tell asians are closely related to blacks because they have the same nose shape
I think I'm on the spectrum. I also think I have some form of synesthesia which I hear is a spectrum thing. Shits awesome when it goes into overdrive when I'm high. I'll look at a Monopoly board and each space's color would put landscape imagery in my head.
Bring on the autistic society. Interesting post OP.
>random mutations
Slow down nigger there's no reason to believe either of those are related to mutations.
You sound more like the lawnmower man than an autist
Salmon are clean, nutritious, & richest in omega-3 brain supplement because they struggle long distances against the stream. (If someone eats me someday, they'll say the same)
Conversely, creatures like the Portuguese (naturally) manowar are essentially plankton and have no power of locomotion - they must drift wherever the current takes them. They are also not individuals but colonial organisms made up of hundreds of co-dependent creatures that would otherwise not be able to survive.
Compare those who left Africa (the mother country/mother's womb) and traveled to colder climates vs those who lazed around and rolled in the mud. The former became individuated and highly evolved, strong, intelligent, spiritual. The latter became pack animals and social networkers who cannot survive on their own nor defend themselves.
I get synesthesia sometimes too. Of course it's classified as some kind of disorder or abnormality when it's actually just an outpouring of creativity (which has become so rare as to classify it as abnormal).
Neanderthals had brains that were wired for memory and imagination, rather than socializing or external performing (like acting, singing, dancing). They had rich inner worlds and it's said that they could remember every single day of their lives in detail. For these talents to evolve, one needs some kind of external deprivation or limitation as well as reasons for memory to be favored (such as extensive travel and hunting)
Explain ancient Greece.
Yes, I agree that there is an evolutionary basis for many traits that are considered deviations from the norm in our society. There was a purpose, but that purpose has been lost or forgotten in our current societal conditions. I spent many of my adult years trying to conform to a mold that didn't fit. Now I just hang out here and shitpost.
Blavatsky wrote of the Aryan "master race" and their subterranean origin from within the earth. Could this be related to our cave-dwelling ancestors? There's a lot to look into regarding Ubermenschen, Aryans, Hyperboreans, Neanderthals, white gods, etc. I have pages and pages of notes on it.
It's the opposite actually. They were too retarded to cope.
>Neanderthals were known to live their lives on a geographic scale of 20-30 km, much smaller than modern humans of the same time period. Further, they appeared to have trouble coping with large interregional spaces. Instead, they were better suited to smaller inhabitable areas, a more common landscape in Ice Age Europe. This inability to cope with a changing environment may have been once factor leading to the disappearance of the Neanderthals.
>white gods
Yes I can see how you guys are intellectually superior
>They had rich inner worlds and it's said that they could remember every single day of their lives in detail.
Damn, that sounds familiar. I can remember obscure childhood memories from like 2 decades ago. I feel like a Ubermench now lol.
What's your synesthesia like if you can describe it?
That makes no sense.
It's false.
If autism is only because of Neanderthal DNA, then there shouldn't be any black autists, since blacks (not mixed ones tho) have 0 Neanderthal DNA.
Basically there's nothing wrong with introverts/aspergers/schizoid etc. they just employ a different life strategy which conflicts with the majority. Due to their social nature it is advantageous to shun these outsiders as they are an alien threat.
That chink/nig nose is neotenous - a baby nose - undeveloped. The wide-set eyes are generally for babies and prey, while close-set eyes are for predators.
t. rapebaby
>I see contact with Neanderthals as having been ephemeral and primarily a result of rape by Neanderthal males of AMH [anatomically modern human] women and that the locus of that interaction happened half way up the Red Sea coast on the eastern shore
Most blacks in your country have white in them though. No autists in the congo
You're on the right track, but there's a growing consensus that the Out-of-Africa theory is false:
Can we all just agree that autists are special needs?
Are there though?
If you look at whites and Asians especially today unironically 1 in 4 people is autistic. Some just hide it better than others.
We live in the great age of autism. Somehow the Internet led to an awakening of global autism.
A major one I get is about smells. I "smell" someone's character when I look at them (especially if they aren't physically present). Bad people seem to have a particular stench about them. For instance, Hillary Clinton "smells" like shit and hospitals. My landlord "smells" like nigger grease and rotten banana peels (later found out she was Cape Verdean - a nigger - even though I thought she was Italian). YOU "smell" like minty gum.
Yeah they are retarded
What does Donald Trump smell like?
That's fucking unreal, I wish there could be a synesthesia meet up for any other anons that might have it, the resulting sperging would be stimulating as hell comparing our super senses.
Glad I don't reek too.
Many sources say that Neanderthals had psychic abilities. I think synesthesia is a combination of a rich imagination and psychic or remote-viewing abilities. These abilities would have been advantageous in the environments Neanderthals had to survive in. Our modern environments are almost engineered to DIMINISH any of these natural talents. Be careful how much media and internet you consume and how you use it - it could aid or diminish the abilities.
Like "absence makes the heart grow fonder" - absence may also enhance the abilities of the mind and the spirit.
>psychic abilities
*levitates dinosaur with mind*
>Many sources say that Neanderthals had psychic abilities. I think synesthesia is a combination of a rich imagination and psychic or remote-viewing abilities.
> many sources
autists are descendats from brain damage and vaccines
>Not having an extra sense.
Stay normal kiddos.
If they were psychic, then why did they still go extinct?
Go back to /x/ cringfag
I don't smell him when I see him. Unfortunately synesthesia isn't reliable enough to make me like a psychic bloodhound or I would go around sniffing everyone. He smells kind of powdery if anything. Like that furniture deodorizing powder. Kind of gross but kind of pleasant.