Attempting to understand the Mexican mind

Why don't Mexicans understand they will simply turn America into Mexico if millions more continue to pour over the border?

Or is that what they want? If that's the case, they are essentially foreign invaders and should be treated as such. And if they want to live in Mexico 2, what the fuck is wrong with sending them back to Mexico 1 by force?


is what they want

This is why we should annex Mexico, throw an actual force at the drug lords, and develop the ever loving shit out of it.

>Our country's a toilet, amigo
>Let's go north, I heard from mi abuela's third gunt that it's nice up there
>Refuse to fix the problem at home and shit up the neighbor's place instead

It's what they want. They perceive their native way of life to be the optimal way of life. That being said, there are certain obstacles in their own nation, stopping them from striving to their goal. But, there just so happens to be a nation 3x bigger than their own, that is "withering on the vine." So, they think they'll come here and work their magic and make it into Mexico, but the cartels will not have total control of the government for at least two generations, and in that time they'll make huge families and maybe start their own cartels.

Manifest Destiny, for Mexicans.

Christian Mexico 2 > US of Israel
Fuck off back to the_donald

desu I'm not sure someone who would save this image is any better than an illegal mexican for our society

half the mexicans i know voted for trump.

those that are 2nd or 3rd generation are assimilated and act like regular white americans except with more mexican food. it's mostly the 1st generations and illegals that want america to be mexico 2.0

i'm mexican myself and want to throw half of them over the wall.

It is what they want becuase they are shitskins who want white stuff minus white people. Because well they are shitskins and covet our prosperity which our families made for US not MEXISHITS AND 3rd World SHITSKINS,



Did you go to the MEXISHIT resturant today?

How many senoritas #'s did you go home with???

I will tell you NONE! Because the ARE shitskin MEXIMELTS who are residing with in the WRONG COUNTRIES BORDERS!


they dont care. if they gave a shit about this country they would come legally. theyre just here to parasitize the american taxpayer. once we become brazil-tier and the well runs dry most of them will go back to their latin american shitholes.

Typical trump voter, ladeies and gentlemen.


No doubt. Are we gonna have to investigate Poland now on Hillary Shilling?

Nah Shillary is a loser and you're just a dead fucking KIKE!

Would have been a breeze around 1900-1910. Should have done it.

>They perceive their native way of life to be the optimal way of life.
no. they perceive the US as better in every aspect. that's the reason they risk life and limb in crossing over here. you think it's an easy trek over a fucking scorching desert? even when accompanied by coyotes and enough water bottles there's a risk the border patrol will catch them, all the money and effort wasted.
They risk it because the USA is the best country on earth. They want all the free shit US offers. free education, free health care, free free FREE.

The not learning english and not assimilating properly is a by-product of white liberals enabling them and giving them all this free shit. Telling them there's no need to learn the language since all the signs are in spanish for them.
As long as we keep giving them free shit and as long as they can keep shitting out babies in US and be granted citizenship they'll keep coming.
The best and only solution is STOP giving them birthright and free shit. Kick them all the fuck! and the ones who are already here to stay, if they wanna act like trash and fly their shitty mexitrash flag over the US one they can fuck off back to Mexico too.

As long as we keep giving them free shit they'll always be freeloaders.

Isn't the US already literally the same thing as Mexico.

And you still voted for kike puppet.

>"Dude like if I call him a Jew that will be edgy n shit"

I know you are.

Christ we are turning into /reddit/ except changing the codewords
>Reddit:everyone I don't like is Hitler
>Sup Forums: everyone I don't like is A JOOW

Isn't Sweden already literally the same thing as Somalia.

In some places yes. But the USA is huge and it's easy to live in 90%+ white places. It's like 3 nations in one.

Nah, at least you can own guns to protect yourself in Somalia

Good may the end times come swiftly. I would really love to kill you and your people indiscriminately. It will make the planet lighter and safer!

why aren't Mexicans posting on this thread? explain yourselves

We literally roped of sections of the cities (yes, even the one of the Yankees) to contain blacks in preplanted areas. If you have to constantly deal with minorities against your choice you are
>Poor useless white trash
>Actually like hanging out with them and are just repeating memes

the average IQ of this board has been in rapid decline for months. i mean its been slowly getting worst for years but were in overdrive atm. doesnt help that reddit is having a shilling contest here.

Yes it is, thats why i asked.
Sounds awfully simular to Sweden ma dude, also iam just joking in case you did not get it hehe.

thats pretty grim. outside of appalachia those white areas are nothing but corn and soybeans with like 0.3 people per square mile.

Have you ever broken the law? This muh criminal argument is getting old. Why not deport medicore white men with little to no high education and give their citizenship to Mexicans? At least Mexicans work.

>have you ever broken the law
>why not deport uneducated white American citizens
2/10 I replied