1. Build a wall

1. Build a wall
2. Lock her up
3. Label China a currency manipulator
4. Repeal NAFTA
5. Repeal Obamacare
6. Make peace with Russia
7. Bring back jobs
8. Ban Muslim immigration
9. Start wars for Neocoens

Name one promise Trump has kept.

This bafoon has literally backtracked on every campaign promise to satisfy his kike overloaded, his daughter and his kike president-in-law Jared Kushner.

Are you motherfuckers happy with what we allowed to happen because of the circle jerk around here for the past year?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Name on promise Trump kept

He won. That's about it.

He won because Sup Forums put him in office.

How do we correct this situation now?


Shariablue reporting for duty.


It wouldn't be fair if the whole world wasn't against us. We will not stop until one of us is defeated. The trump movement will prevail and you liberals will know when I strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you

Fuck off JIDF.

I told you to name one promise Trump kept

> muh dear leader
>der joos
kys retarded sheep

Are you ok?

None of you faggots can defend Trump?

>build wall
Bids happening
>Lock her up
Never say never
>Label China a currency manipulator
Hasn't he already done that?
>Repeal NAFTA
>Repeal Obama care
He got fucked on that, not his fault
>Make peace with Russia
He never promised peace.
>Ban Musli Immigration
He is using stronger vetting, where have you been dipshit
>Start wars for neocons
? You mean the warning strikes which he warned Syria prior to doing it?

You're a fucking idiot.

demand his tax returns?

I'm pretty sure if someone looks deep enough into Trumps bankrupcies there are connections to be made..

>Anyone who points out trumps short comings is a liberal
>Anyone who challenges me is a liberal
>Anyone who speaks negatively of trump is a liberal
>Anyone who doesn't align with my exact views on any subject is a liberal
>I am the sound and rational one in every conversation because everything is actually the liberals fault

Nigger get your shit together.

Fuck off shill.

Why didn't he ask congress for approval to bomb Syria when he affirmed it must be done in 2013?

>Build a wall

Construction begins in June.

>Bring back jobs

He did.

>Ban Muslim immigration

The vast majority of Muslims coming into the US were either "refugees" or H-1B visas and in both cases from a handful of countries. He banned most of it.

He'll never reveal his tax returns unless someone leaks them.

>Bring back jobs
>He did

No, he's literally done nothing to impact jobs since he took office. He just inherited the largest period of sustained job growth since the economic collapse from the Obama administration and is taking credit for it.


Ripped up the TPP

That wasn't the initial point. I also don't agree with it. BTW you're going to war in syria, Alex Jones is breaking it right now.

Because the war powers act says he doesn't have to.
He was a private citizen in 13

Sure buddy. Both of his travel bans were overturned by a federal judges.

TRUMP must be so tired of all this winning

Also his ban's were repealed and deemed unconstitutional three separate times, there is no Muslim ban in place.

For all the shilling on Sup Forums lately, OP has a point. You faggots all fell for the horseshit. Congrats. It's like you're all too dumb to understand what politics IS.

What did you expect? Them to allow us to elect a president of the people or something? Ha..

They're all too busy blowing loads on their MAGA hats.

kys shill faggot

>Implying trump ever gave a fuck about the people

Hey dipshit look at the other option we had.


I liked this article "Trump moving slowly but Sessinos moving fast"


You have to go back

You're exactly right Adolf, it doesn't matter one bit because they're all shit candidates


na, he indirectly had Obama give up on it. That's not the same as him going into office and ripping it up.

>Kike-A-Pino quoting BB articles

>he thinks his little reddit sanitized board contributed

please it was literally Sup Forums

Don't forget his failure to end the H1-B visa program

The circle jerk should have stopped the day trump was sworn in.

If you remember the republicans were thinking of blocking his presidency even after he won.

We've been circle jerking for 3 months now and allowed all this bullshit to happen.

I'm glad this board is moving away from The_Donald faggotry and I hope those queers never come back over here.

If you came here from T_D GTFO.

You're not welcome here.



what's funny about that, chaim?

weak reddit b8

corporate America would never allow the stoppage of the h1b program. It's literally their lifeline, it's a great way to hire talent that's rated $100/hr and pay only $45 per hour.

>Name one promise Trump has kept.
conservative judge but yeah that about it

Drumpf fucked us hard


OP will stop being a faggot

>he indirectly had Obama give up on it. That's not the same as him going into office and ripping it up.
it literally is

Fuck off jew shills.

The only people that support Trump now are neocoen kikes.

10. Serious deportations
Nope. Just limp shit with Kelly and Obama holdovers at DHS.

>"He got fucked on that, not his fault"
>implying the inability to rally his own party behind him and act like a leader isn't his fault
>implying giving up early instead of reworking the bill and pressuring dissident republicans isn't his fault

Judging by how fucked up things are over in the Blippipines with your emperor Dupussy I'd advise you to look in the mirror gook

>He's bad at his job
>It's not his fault
Trump logic not even once.

Just impeach this kike traitor already senpai.

Even Hillary was against TPP after Bernie railed on her for it for months.

Big shit.

We basically elected Hillary.

WTF I hate drumpf now!

Lol, the fucking loser is holding campaign rallies 2 months after he won the election. Grasping at straws, 18d menstruation

need to retrieve these tweets about how he would be impeached in less than a year

Change begins at the SCOTUS which just regained a conservative majority.

Full Muslim/brown ban is weeks away.




trump's the liberal, dumbfuck

true right winger/paleocons were betrayed

fuck of mooslum

Doesn't matter, they'll never rule that. How dumb are you?


Keep telling yourself that.

Gorsuch looks like a pussy anyway. He'll probably turn into a liberal.

You forgot TPP faggot.
>Judging overall competence of a president before he's been 1 year in office
Don't make me laugh.

Repealing Obamacare will take a very long time, fyi. I'm sure they're working on it right now.

>Says the shill

Hahaha I know! Drumpf doesn't even have a year's experience in wiping his own ass or cooking his own food LAWL

>Brags about being a winner, is technically a winner.
Donald J. Trump, literally the best President in the history or future of the US and definitely not a liar.

>Starting WW3 with Russia 3 months into your presidency

Wheh. We really did a good job guys.

This whole election was a bait and switch and we fell for it.




>Appointed a conservative successor to Scalia.
>Began the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
>Pulled the US out of TPP.
>Rolling back job-killing regulations.
>Has unleashed ICE, deportations underway.
>Illegal border crossings down a whopping 67% since January.
>263,000 new jobs created in March alone.
>Draining the swamp by instituting a federal hiring freeze and lobbying ban.
>American economy booming, economic confidence at an all-time high.

For reference, all of this was accomplished in less than three months.

Obvious shill is obvious


It was a bait and switch but not to go to war with Russia, it's to appease his puppeteers in the Kremlin

We don't.

We exacerbate it by memeing WW3.

Say it with me: DONALD "CHEETO" DRUMPF.

>teleport behind him
>nothing personal kid

How can you be so wrong on every statement you make


Trump still destroyed TTIP which is a major global victory against the globalist kikes.

Under Obama's plan which is technically still active dipshit

>r_Donald admitting that Trump incompetence is going to lead to leftist hell hole
>shill for free for him anyway
Literally no self awareness.

>>Illegal border crossings down a whopping 67% since January.

That's because nobody wants to come to this country anymore.

>>Draining the swamp
Yep. He drained the swamp right into his cabinet.

>>Build the Keystone-Pipelinr
Built the keystone pipeline using Chinese steel.

Another win for America.


I didn't allow shit to happen.

If you didn't notice the people don't control this country any more.

I was optimistic about Trump, that was my only fuck up.

You and a lot of others on here

1.25₪ has been deposited into your account for this post.

How worried are you guys about this Kushner fellow?

Even if I am a conspiracy theory nut, you gotta admit that this shit is creepy and scary as fuck.

Just think of the ideal situation for Trump and there's your answer

He put in a good judge. That's it.

>He won because Sup Forums put him in office.

lmao, you can't be that naive you simple niggerton. There are maybe...maybe 500k eyes on the chan boards at any given moment. You're fucking retarded if you think you were part of some "group" that was the sole reason in getting Trump elected. KYS you ignorant fuck and leave the big guns to the adults

965 the buzz?

>teleport behind him
>nothing personal kid

You have no idea of how significant an online gathering and disbursement of ideas can be can you? That's how Obama won fucktard

He basically calls the shots so everyone is pretty worried.

Ivanka is a dirt ass cunt bitch and needs to go back to NYC.

Melania and Barron are the only cool ones and they look like they want nothing to do with Ivanka and Kushner.

Fucking drumpf is a jew slave just like obama nad hillary




Fucking jewish conspiratard

Malaria is most likely getting fucked at home alone

>Sup Forums summons a chaos frog god
>is surprised with all the chaos
you didn't think you could harness chaos, did you?