Long time Assad fan here. I can't defend this. He needs to step down.
Long time Assad fan here. I can't defend this. He needs to step down
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Long time liar here. Shill more and blow me
long time nazi here. gas urself faggot
>Russian St. Petersburg terrorist attack kills 13-14 people
>Nikki "Sarah Palin 2" Haley goes to the UN and shrieks about Russians not caring about dead Syrian children
Wow former secular syrian but this guy seriously needs to go, we can't let him get the russian hacktool codes
Oh noooo Assad killed some dirty Syrian savages! ........ Fuck off, the world would be a much safer place without these sandniggers. All they do is fuck up their own country then flee to fuck up someone else's.
Assad dominated the debate. Cuck.
Little girl here. We need to nuke Syria.
Long time nigger here. We wuz Langston and shit
>Think about the poor beautiful babies
Long time Sup Forums user here. Hang youself.
>Zionist pajeet telling burgers to go to war for muh children
Been on Sup Forums since '05, avid Hitler and Trump supporter, but Assad needs to go. Think of the children.
>it s better to start ww3 than let russia bomb us
regards , bana the "8" year old grill
when I first heard about this is was in utter disbelief, they were literally asking a child what she thinks they should do about the war.
Why not allow all the innocent civilians of Syria to move to Israel?
Israel already receives billions is US aid and we will not have to go to war.
Are they ok? They look a bit agitated.
Long time history here.
It's over. Y'all go in the oven.
>tfw someone tore a horrible BRAAAAAAAAAPPP
Talked to an arab workbuddy about what he thinks of the sarin attack and he said the whole middle east should be gassed and then some until there is no one left. He told me not to tell anyone he said that cause he'd lose all his friends.
Assad is a fucking first class moron. Trump literally gave him a get out of jail free card and what did he do? Took a lighter to it right in front of his face.
Assad is the one who fucked this up. Why would he bomb the hospital that was treating the gas victims? You just removed any possibility to claim it was a false flag right there.
On the plus side at least he gave Trump a chance to destroy the Russia meme. But Trump ALWAYS gets revenge, Assad is finished and he will be deposed either dead or alive.
everyone in middle east thinks everyone else should be gassed, thats why theres 9999999999999 different rebel groups trying to genocide each other
its the norm
>Why would he bomb the hospital that was treating the gas victims?
Also there was no gas attack cause sarin isn't a gas, it's a liquid. There's also no logical reason for Assad to launch such as attack in the area he did.
Eat ass, I bet you're Jared Kushner using a proxy.
The 2013 gas attack was proven to be a false flag by the rebels, there's no reason to doubt this one wasn't either.
The fact that perpetrating this gas attack would be incredibly nonsensical for Assad and that any kind of hard evidence that the Syrian Army did it has yet to be presented should really make you think my beady-eyed friend.
So tell me, Sup Forums where does the US make its sarin gas?
wtf i hate assad now
Or more likely, the fact that it would appear to be nonsensical is precisely why he thought he could get away with it.
Yeah we need to destroy Syria more so we can have more Syrian refugees to murder kids in our countries with trucks
That will even it out
USA to invade Southern Syria.
This is legit news.
Forces are spinning up in Marfaq, Jordan, and will invade Southern Syria.
How could he have bombed the hospital?
The last hospital in the country was already destroyed like 20 times over the last year
Oh come on, everybody knows that the US government is full of hawks just waiting for some kind of justification to remove him. Trump basically was the only one who wanted him to stay but sadly he's been turned.
fuck it i'm ready for the draft
Yeah, I tried to play devil advocate but it's pretty difficult actually. Fucking globalists always get their way. Face it, that pipeline is getting built one way or another.
It outsources it.
Why is it that regardless of the cause, death of muzzies always results in their pants coming off? Are they raping the bodies...I'm thinking rape.
>Fucking globalists always get their way.
This is already the bottom line of 2017 and I'm fucking sick of it.
The findings provide the first official confirmation of use of sulfur mustard, commonly known as mustard gas, in Syria since it agreed to destroy its chemical weapons stockpile, which included sulfur mustard.
The report did not mention Islamic State, as the fact-finding mission was not mandated to assign blame, but diplomatic sources said the chemical had been used in the clashes between Islamic State and another rebel group taking place in the town at the time.
"It raises the major question of where the sulfur mustard came from," one source said. "Either they (IS) gained the ability to make it themselves, or it may have come from an undeclared stockpile overtaken by IS. Both are worrying options."
Syria is supposed to have completely surrendered the toxic chemicals 18 months ago. Their use violates U.N. Security Council resolutions and the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention.
The findings were part of three reports released to members of the OPCW last week. They add to a growing body of evidence that the Islamic State group has obtained, and is using, chemical weapons in both Iraq and Syria.
Kurdish authorities said earlier this month that Islamic State fighters fired mortar rounds containing mustard agent at Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq during clashes in August. They said blood samples taken from around 35 fighters who were exposed in the attack southwest of the regional capital of Erbil showed "signatures" of mustard gas.
A team of OPCW experts has been sent to Iraq to confirm the findings and is expected to obtain its own samples later this month, one diplomat said.
The problem is and always has been the rebel terrorist.
Is there any proof that these kids are really dead?
Obvious shill