Who knew dropping some bombs on a bunch of sandniggers would turn you faggots into a bunch of tumblrinas
Who knew dropping some bombs on a bunch of sandniggers would turn you faggots into a bunch of tumblrinas
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t. neocuck globalist
Aquafresh is right. Fipbip.
Stop Sucking Jewish Ass
>t. neocuck globalist
damn bro how'd you cut so deep
Retarded fuck boy, I'm going to tear your useless dick off and fuck the bloody hole that remains!
Fuck off CTR
We know your tricks you're just trying to create more "Syrian" "refugees" so more of this can happen in Europe
I guarantee redditors will defend this once it happens
>Stop Sucking Jewish Ass
You guys are the jewish dumping grounds for the goatfuckers retarded 20 year old live in sons after we murked their pep-peps
If you guys weren't enormous pussies I'm sure they'd orchestrate yall to war too, but instead they just dump the rapefugees into your moms living room and make you call each other racists.
Notice how none are Americans, bunch of eurofags kek
when hilary clinton , mccain,graham, kristol, neokikes and the media approves bombing ASSAD you should ask yourself some questions
You need to go back and suck some more trump cock. He isn't immune against criticism.
>Calling you a limp wristed faggot for not literally dancing to their newest hit single
choose one faggpt
he literally bombed assad, american are fucking warmongers jew slaves.
No, our country is still INCAPABLE by policy of conducting a proper war.
We send our troops over there to fight a Geneva Convention war with the gloves on and we pussy foot around.
We no longer raze enemy territory and occupy it, we require 10 shots fired at us before we send out our magazine of warning traser shots
Fuck going over there and jerking off, if we're not going to fuckin annihilate the enemy, stay home. Look at what came from Afghanistan and Iraq, a bunch of 12 gauge swallowing soldiers and an emboldened and more powerful than ever (Taliban) enemy.
Fuck that god damn bull shit, if we're not going to WIN by ANY MEANS NECESSARY then we need to stay home until we understand how to fight a fuckin war.
If you're not willing to kill women and children as they're used as human shields, then you're not ready to fight this enemy. They laugh at you while they film their 5 year olds executing captives.
The only way to beat a barbarian is with more intense barbarism, and we're too worried about optics to win a war like that.
Raqqa and Mosul stand, this is message enough to show that our current war tactics are too cucked for victory.
>we're the tumblrinas
Assad is not the rebel alliance you tryhard faggots
Mudslimes regardless of their skin tone have got to go
Kikes being kikes doesn't change despite the a change of president who is droning and bombing said mudslimes
either the shills are in full swing are you faggots have absolutely klonked your bonkers
>The only way to beat a barbarian is with more intense barbarism
You are backwards. Do not breed.
Has no one thought of the possibility that both cases are true?
What if the chemical attack was fake, but he also had chemical weapons. The "attack" was faked to justify tomahawking the warehouses, which actually did have chemical shit or shit we dont want nobody to have.
Assad's a boss ass nigga dont get me wrong, but he could have his nasty tendencies, idk
>can't admit trump has been bought out by corporations
at this point tumblrinas is a compliment considering how much of a trumfag shilling fest pol has become?
He could just have just bombed EVERY other sandniggers it would have been fine. But he hit the only ""ok"" dude of the region.
Have a seat Ivan, I hope we turn them all into glass.
yeah lets just start bombing all of the middle east
that's a great strategy with no downsides!
oh well, at least the sandnigs can't get across the Atlantic in a shitty raft, they can only get to shitaly
hey rabbi, you are right, fucking sandniggers, just bomb them. also poor muslim kids we must save them from evil assad. thank you rabbi hope we get 2 million more refugees next year!
What a weird coincidence that, of all the countries he bombed, he decided to bomb the one that would benefit the Military Jews the most. Funny how that always happens, huh?
>at this point tumblrinas is a compliment considering how much of a trumfag shilling fest pol has become?
>He could just have just bombed EVERY other sandniggers it would have been fine. But he hit the only ""ok"" dude of the region.
Couldn't have said it better, this place is now 100% cucked
You are a seriously confused person. Maybe you go back to watching CNN.
>bombing the guys who fight ISIS is somehow a good things
>we're the fags for not wanting to kill or weaken the people who fight ISIS
>Tons of civilian casualties happening all the time
>Trump suddenly changes his tune and gives a shit
Reminder that CNN and the Neo-Cons all praise Trump for this.
Oh, so we should fucking negotiate with ISIS instead of razing every stronghold they have?
Cucks like you are the reason we got burned so bad in Iraq and Afagistan.
Nigger don't you have some acid money shots to the face to take?
We choose not to be jewish slaves.
It's like a 12 year old found Sup Forums and learned all these new buzzwords.
This attitude is entirely to uniform starting Friday then what is possible for a natural conclusion.
This is the faggoty hipster mantality of OMG ALL THE POPULAR KIDS LIKE THIS NOW SO IT'S LOST ITS EDGE
>implying being a kike puppet is perfectly acceptable
>let's destablized another middle eastern state and give rise to islamic fundamentalism, it worked the last time bro!
Muslims detected
There are no ok parties in the region,
True, but it's no reason to get buttraged.
Don't you realize that the majority of Sup Forums are bandwagon jumping faggots? I can assure you that most of the "Trump supporters" here we're just doing it because everyone else was doing it to fit in our cool club.
Thank you OP
Kek stormfags support hitler but they cant even blitzkrieg some sand monkies for a single night
>our cool club
yeah we're the Mean Girls of the Internet, everybody wishes they could be in our clique, but can't
Yay let's gear up for another desert war to send our boys to die for fucking literal Kikes. What happened to Sup Forums?
member when a shitskin through acid in a familys face in london? like literally this morning?
I love that the UK pretends like they aren't still europoors because they began the process.
Bump. It's 50% shills though. But, yeah I feel you op. What ever happened to DEUS VULT?!
I've thought of it a few ways but not that. Pretty funny and pretty accurate. They also consider themselves statist bootlickers but...would rather lick another States boots for whatever reasons and jews.
THAT! Who the fuck cares?! I say bomb those bitches to the fucking medieval are....Oh, wait! They are in the medieval age even without bombings! Well, fuck....
Made me kek, have a (you).
If you're so against Muslim extremists why do you want to attack the guy defending his country against them?
More than this - they are defending Assad who is a main reason why refugees are in Europe.
Why? 1)because he started this war in a first place, by sending army to suppress crowds on the streets.
2)He's holding main responsibility for destroyed infrastructure, because airbombs, artillery, barrels. More degraded infrastructure > more refugees.
this. no explanation, no investigation, no proof, no nothing. "we the people" means nothing to this fucking orange nigger motherfucker who let israel dictate their auxiliary military. why are we even fucking in syria's business anyways. holy shit i'm sick of the middle east.
literal civil wars, legitimate genocides, millions of sex and economic slaves in certain countries, illegitimate occupations happening around the world, but a false flag attack in syria gets our executive branch horny. wow.
Its actually Juden Vult now, kike lover
Jew fag.
well yeah, you're a rabid american with aggressive and dumb ''JUST NUKE THEM ALL'' tier values. So i understand you're surprised.
We've been at "war" for 5 years with them you cross eyed bong, the fact you are all falling for divide and conquer 101 over a single shilling of a base in bumfuck syria is top tier lulz.
Have your crumpets and leave geopolitics to your colonies faggot.
Ok, I'll leave the geopolitics to you, ISIS wannabe.
It's almost like you judge the guy by different standards.
I mean its really sad for that empty building hes blown up, but apart from that it's much ado about nothing.
No it's not faggot. It's always been DEUSVULT and kikes are always welcome in the oven.
USA to invade Southern Syria.
This is legit news.
Forces are spinning up in Marfaq, Jordan, and will invade Southern Syria.
who knew the_donald would get so triggered when people call out the blatant neo-cohen move that was bombarding syria
Are you new to concern trolling user? This board heavily advocated for the total destruction of all kebab and now you believe these people suddenly have a heart for these people?
Millennials have never had to look at any war or hard decisions in the world. Obama bombed countless innocents during his 8 years but the media never reported on that because that would be racist and he wuz a good president.
I'm not controlled by any narrative. If Trump can create tax relief and better health care then he's done what I've voted for him to do. He can bomb Syria all he fucking wants for all I care.
Innocent people die all the time. But I have enough common sense to realize a bunch of rambling on social media won't do jack shit to help these people. Care about yourself and your own kind.
If you didnt' notice, USA already have foots on the ground in Syia for a couple of years. Same situation in the air. And it's didn't ask for approval on this from puppet-Assad regime.
>This is legit news.
Well it must be if you say so.
t. increasingly desperate t_d shill in full damage control mode
they're called shills #FakeBase
> This board heavily advocated for the total destruction of all kosher and now you believe these people suddenly have a heart for these people?
fixed that for you
We know that the same people who always want to go to war are the people who never take no for an answer. To be honest, we should have seen it on the pussy tapes. You think they're going to listen to us when we say no we don't want war with Syria ? They will keep trying, oh well how about now? Would you like war with syria with or because of this or that? They will just never shut up, they will find or invent a million different excuses to try to justify and build support for the war. The war is all the matters, getting us to support it by using any means possible employ entire industries.
All we have to do is keep saying NO MOTHER FUCKER AND FUCK YOU TOO.
They'll keep pulling the false flags every year and we'll keep saying oh no that sucks go fuck yourself.
>This board heavily advocated for the total destruction of all kebab and now you believe these people suddenly have a heart for these people?
Lol no, all that remove Kebab shit started maybe 5 years ago when the Jews flooded the pols and started pretending to be white nationalists. Sup Forums has always ragged on everyone but the theme came with the agenda.
Apart from the jews, Sup Forums has always been anti-war with pretty much everyone. A lot of us supported Obama then turned on him after he couldn't stop doing wars. Yes you faggot, we all here know about Obama's wars, and you acting as if someone on this board wouldn't know about Obama's wars shows me that you are new here, so get the fuck out.
Back to td you pathetic shill
I agree in part. Glass them.