Rate Trumps first 80 days in an image
Rate Trumps first 80 days in an image
Other urls found in this thread:
>Maybe I can get these virgins to worship me if I wear a MAGA hat
Would you like me to provide a link to /r/The_Donald?
How many hormones did you take to grow those breasts and long hair?
this whole thread
Also this
hurrrrrrrrr maga goy
you're doing it wrong
>Trump turns out to be another neocon (((puppet)))
>better call everyone who points it out a shill
Oh shoot the leftist are gonna love it when we're back to being about effective grassroots natsoc, played right into their hands.
Kek speaks and nobody listens. This was has been lost. The god sinks back into oblivion, crying like a helpless child.
Oh shit the guy's been in office for 80 days already? Man time flys fast
Top:Day One
Bottom: Now
A video will do too
Thank God it's finally happening. Stand up against these obvious LITERAL neet shills, and take our board back. Love you bong
Take that dumb shit back to plebbit, for fuck's sake.
Oh for fuck's sake, who do you think you're impressing here? Really?
Yes, people are disappointed in Trump's actions, yes there are some fence-sitters who have been convinced to steer clear.
But we're not fractious pieces of shit like you. We don't go for each other's throat because of dumb shit like this. Fuck off back to whatever Marxist hole spawned you.
TBperfectlyH pretty much destroying America, senpai.
Cheers m8, Have a genuine UKIP pepe from the UK
>Trump shows up, fires 59 tomahawks at putins ally
>Putin: Many red lines crossed! If he does it again..
Fuck off Netanyahu
im back to 2014 hitler worship now
Enjoy killing peaceful muds for ZOG goyim
I'd support Bashar "Gassing Kids and Gassing Yids" al Assad over the USA tbvqhwy
Not that kind of worship ya fag
delete this
Which tit is trump?
Wait, which elderly blonde person who bombs the Middle East did we elect? I can't tell the difference.
that left one is pretty nice
Started off strong, now a major disappointment. Can only hope the roller coaster goes back up.
It is?
Fucking this.
Its so obvious. Especially when you do this kind of things in waves. All we have to do is wait a day and you'll be gone. I'm guessing you have 1-2 more waves after this one. Really predictable.
Implying liberals lift
>shilling with half naked girl
i'l stop supporting him if he goes to war in syria
shills itt
honestly, i voted for trump, but honestly lie after lie for like 3 months. syria is the straw that broke the camel's back. im struggling to find a reason to stay on the train, but right now i feel like ive been conned.
I don't feel conned. I just feel like the deep state finally won. I'm blackpilled as hell now.
>the shill calling others shills
Really fucking funny
>bombed syrian forces
>says he WILL remove Assad from power
>if he goes to war
Wow ya think
Stop calling people shills because they dont approve of Don acting like a Jewish puppet
You guys should stop recycling the same images it makes it pretty obvious who you are.
Bad times breed great men user
The worse things get the harder we will hit back one day
Fuck off JIDF
i thought we voted for him so we wouldn't have to fight ww3 against our own white kin for the filthy hebes
23%, F-minus.
He gave us Gorsuch, and then proceded to shit the bed on everything else he touched.
Great until last week. Fuck Trump. He's been kiked. He's now the bestest of shabbos goy faggots.
Strong start horrible finish.