Éire/pol/- Through the night edition

This is our homeland!: youtu.be/DUmid_5SXNw
Thread theme: youtu.be/WMGvQ2v-ZRM
National Party: nationalparty.ie/
Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise.

Quick rundown on Irish politics:

Learn Irish:

Jewtube channels of note:
>National Party: youtube.com/channel/UCxgY69mo_nUGuCDo1yPygng

>The Hateful Gaels: youtube.com/channel/UCDhuG96y6kUT7tcFgHGj1Ug

>The Don: youtube.com/channel/UCMnQHYF2DQ3I0EvrI95P83A

>Gaelic Neoreactionary: youtube.com/channel/UC--Ru-Cve1fxhZ8m8xXxeUg

>Bus bollox proposal to cut 120 drivers

>FF may not support election of new FG leader

>Paint thrown at 1916 remembrance wall

>A quarter of Irish fishing vessels caught with illegal workers

>Call for "new girlfriend" orders in Ireland

>Garda overtime up 52%

>Bishop asks for information on "the dissapeared"

>Irish water staff get 5k bonuses

>'Significant' number of teens have tried suicide

Other urls found in this thread:


Prynhawn da, fy brodyr Celtaidd.

>'Significant' number of teens have tried suicide

Young people can't commit to anything these days.


First for aesthetic symbols.Should we start using these more?

No they're not, Irish people are trash.


Des Bishop is a national hero

The Chi Rho symbol is very aesthetic

This is true

Know any good non plastic paddy sites where I can look into these?

Kilkenny Horse wins the National.
It was actually stolen from Travellers.

This 100x
Chi-ro is GOAT


Fourth to the right third down that's dare I say /our symbol/



Damn I hate the fucking English


This is the highest selling and cheapest priced 'newspaper' selling tomorrow.

Here's our symbol. The cross of St Brigid

Anyone here know of Joe "Tiny" Lynch?

yes. its a swastika. it represents the cycle of brith, life and death.(and rebirth when theres a fourth arm present but thts just implied with the celtic ones)

He used to play Dinny on Glenroe?

No you don't

>the pagan saint of ireland

are chathocucks even trying anymore?

Don't speak ill of are Bridgie.

dont associate her with jews then

No not that one.

In my time, every primary school kid learned to make them.

I just do. They are the eternal enemy.

Into the west! Great film.

It's basically never been used so their is no stigma for it and with the right colours it could look incredibly aesthetic.

Who here is /Comfy/ right now?

I like this one
In bed,on Éire/pol/,listening to luke kelly and looking up celtic symbols,pretty /comfy/.

Watching old clips of Irish tv in the 80s.
My fault for bringing up Glenroe.

Totally comfy.
>plus did you know that there exists a group called "Continuity Sinn Féin" and the president of it wants "Irish jobs for Irish workers.

its the kind if thing you could tattoo on your forhead and hippes would think you're as (((woke)) as they are. i knew a couple of newage faggots who used these symbols in collage. butall of them use paganism/witchcraft as an excuse to take drugs. i even knew a fillipina "pagan".

me siting on chair shitposting beside a warm fire

i hope your blanket catches a spark and you die

>i even knew a fillipina

I'd say that makes you suspect, bucko'.

guilty as charged, lad. i came all over her chink face

The last of the Druids left with The Flight of the Earls.

bitch i dont have a blanket

They're still around.
Don't be so green about old Ireland, oh frog poster.

>voting shill fein
>voting for cultural Marxism
Nice try goy. Your kike ways don't work on me.

What did you do today to help your Alpine Celtic brothers?

>the only druids that have made a major impact are still around

i have three over me right now

never been so /comfy/ in my life

Even the Dalai Lama can make a St Brigid cross

Met him in Limerick a few years ago when he saved it.
The nicest man.


has barrett said anything about the syrian gas attack/missle strike. any of you lads know?

There is three different sinn feins.

He wants Trump to bomb Roscommon.

jihadi rebels



So lads what do you all drink?
Love me some orchard thieves. Delicious!

Yes on twitter or Facebook he said something like he disapproved of the attack.

Justin Barrett @JustinBarrettNP Apr 7

President Trump’s airstrikes against Syria are wrong, factually, morally, tactically, strategically. Just plain wrong!


>orchard thieves

Do you enjoy it in bags?

Irish Tears.

What happened to Identity Ireland?

Looking at it now this one seems the best it's angular and rounded at the same time I like it different colour scheme and this could easily be Irelands glorious new symbol.

Shit posting on twitter.

is pegida dead
people are too pussy to rise u against muslim scum

Those retards got RIPPED NP /our boys now/.

fair fucking play. cant wait untill that lad is high king.
>barrett confirmed 100% anti-cuckoldry

druids cider or huzzard. anything else might aswell be lilt



I fucking hope Garcia beats this English bastard.

Whats the big dark spot below Dublin? Why does nobody live there

rekt by Antifa

In case you missed it, and article/letter Justin wrote when he was 16:


I was badly hanging yesterday after a heap of them on Friday night and my head was so up my hole yesterday.

That's Deliverance country.

We must kill Gerry Cuckdams

The Holy date

What do ye lads think of trump bombing syria?
Is Ivanka behind this shit? She's starting to piss me off. Bloody kikes.

shut it down oy vy

Yea Ivanka is behind, although it's more likely her kike husband kushner using her as a proxy.
This sums up how I feel over the whole thing.

Wicklow mountains.

Did boorman shoot it there?

I vary between Tennants and Druids but becoming more of a cider man these days as I get a better kick off it.


fuck kushner

>an 1 wach alex joens

santa must of been redpilled af after reading that one

thats the ancient irish magic at play, lad.
>borrow you life energy from the next morning to have a savage afternoon

Where do you lads stand on this whole Trump/Assad business?
On one hand, you have Trump defending Christianity in America. Appointing Neil Gorsuch was the best thing to happen to Christians in America in the last 70 years.
On the other hand, you have Assad who is the last man defending Christianity in the middle east.

I'm feeling fairly neutral about the whole thing lads.

wats the illuminati piramid there

Very strange.

I had my doubts Assad would do such a thing this close to victory. But, apparently the Russians and the Yanks had been talking about getting rid of him for some peaceful solution (i.e. Assad regime, minus Assad to give Yanks and Saudi's the illusion of victory). So, now that he has gassed (?) people, the Russians have to back him, or cave.

On the other hand, it's handy as fuck for both Putin and Trump. Their poll numbers are down. Trump can't get a break with the media, and Putin has this huge Mededev corruption scandal he's trying to stum.

But don't forget, the Neocon plan had two more country's on the list to overthrow : Syria and Iran.
So anything is possible.

Is that an ancient Mayan ruin in the fields of Mayo?

>mfw can get fairly fucked up from four cans

I'm not Jewish, mate

fu saudi rabia faggts

>Is that an ancient Mayan ruin in the fields of Mayo?

You mean, "is that an Ancient Mayo ruin in the fields of Mexico" , yeah?


Trump good guy but should stay the fuck out of there. Goes against what he campaignedabout.

I don't know. I'm against it. Don't want more rapefugees coming into Europe. We have seen before what happens when Yanks try and use ((((democracy)))) in the middle east. I think the middle east needs dictators to function. Stops all the muzzies from chimping out.

more refugees for europe. all for a fucking pipe line and. as it looks now assad is going to be dipossed and syria will just fail. plus i think fence sitting normies in france will think twice about voting for lePen, so the eu still stays.
i cant tell if trump is playing 88d water monoply, is retarded or was swayes by the (((chosen)) but it's not good.