Why are racists always so short and ugly?
Why are racists always so short and ugly?
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90% are manlets who think they're Nordic Aryan because a test came back saying they were 3% Nordic.
Tbh unless you're 6ft+, blond hair, blue eyes then you shouldn't preach "saving the white race."
the woman is actually just pretty tall (maybe even wearing lifted boots)
turkish women are all sociopaths
She's Pakistani
The pic is from an English Degenerate League march yesterday
They are angry at their own failures, but it's human nature to try to find somebody else to blame. They're desperate to find something that would place them on the same side with other people against an easy common enemy.
They wouldn't be racist if they were successful in life, because that would be pointless.
That's a Turk, you can tell by her larger nose and more-olive-than-brown skin
What do you mean? She looks tallish and kind of cute to me.
are jews tall and sexy?
Do you have goblin fetish or something?
Nope. I've been to Turkey for work related stuff and I can promise you, not even the shittiest if shitskins have that colour.
For sure she is Pakistani or Indian.
>to our city
rural and suburban retards BTFO
>Tbh unless you're 6ft+, blond hair, blue eyes then you shouldn't preach "saving the white race.
They can preach, they just shouldn't reproduce.
Does Jared Kushner count? He's like 6'4" or something.
Fair enough.
Just it doesn't make sense, seems a bit like race cuckery today.
"I'm not the master race, but that guy somewhere in Europe is. I shouldn't reproduce because we want to preserve the white race."
I'm a nationalist why do you hate me.
Nationalist as kid.
>blond hair
>blue eyes
You can hold onto your low T cuck genes senpai, your only saving grace is your height which means you aren't too regressive.
At least they'll have the option, silly pacifist nordicuck
that girl looks like a brown version of a rabbit girl.
i like it.
can we put ears of her for easter?
She is half Pakistani half Bosnian.
>a goblin
In all fields, indeed.
I like where this is going
whats wrong with being short?
>Low T cuck genes
Tbh I'd rather have "low T genes" and be tall rather than low % Nordic and be a fucking manlet.
we need bunny ears on every girl. especially that one.
she would look like a fera.
For you OP
Because most are niggers and Jews.
that second sentence betrays you as a fag. :(
I'm in love.