I think that Sup Forums is flooded with achmed and mudhammies. Trump train still rolling
I think that Sup Forums is flooded with achmed and mudhammies. Trump train still rolling
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That's because you're delusional. Nobody is willing to say it to your face, but they all think you need help. Don't listen to me though, I'm just a random internet stranger.
That's the angle /r/The_Donald will play here, all day every day.
>obliging the kikery
wait a minute, yeah, why the fuck do i give a shit about mudslimes getting killed in countries i can't even point to on a map
Tell that to Trump for spilling spaghetti over some sad photos.
ShareBlue pls go
whats /r/ the Donald?
>Tfw Americans say Trump is controlled by judens
Democrats *support* Trump on this one, you're siding with Sunni shitskins and SJWs crying over babies.
no im serious.
i think i've been meme'd into caring about something i couldn't give one shit about.
I don't even know the full story before the pipeline shit
Is there more a reason to know it's crooked besides that? I'm asking forreal cause i don't know and aint gonna look it up
I know the kalergi plan's their main goal by following saul alinski's creepy jew book, but to what end? what's really gonna happen when europe is fucked?
I'm hopeful that somehow it's a grand jew conspiracy for a racewar to kill 3rd war muslims and let all the rest live in fear for the rest of their lives, but that's wishful thinking.
Too many faggots wouldn't stand for a racewar, of course nothing they could do to stop such a thing besides bitch and moan and make themselves the victim
Can anyone answer the couple questions i had?
(((They))) don't actually have a plan. All they want is a subservient race of low IQ brown slaves, and whites (and maybe Asians idk) are in their way. That's why there's so much white genocide.
>giving this much of a shit about 50 missiles
you dildoes are going to have a fun 8 years.
i know, i just mentioned the kalergi plan which is essentiall saul alinski's guide to radicalism
You're saying in the end, they're just winging it for those goals?
I like to ask why but then i think people will just say it's jew nature or some other corny shit
Lol fag
>Trump train still rolling
Yeah...to Israel. Where it was always destined to go.
>lol putin is a Jew
Trump is surrounded by Jews in his administration.
Virtually all of Trump's children are in relationships with Jews.
Trump bombed Syria for the benefit of Israel.
I don't give a fuck about Putin. No more wars for Israel.
Don't you faggots care at all that Trump totally changed a major promise to stop intervention with conflicts around the world that don't benefit the U.S.?
Seems like everyone's trying to justify it by bringing up how this killed the Russia collusion narrative but don't care at all that this was a major part to Trumps platform that he basically turned back on entirely
>lol why do I care about mudslimes
Well according to YOU, you were against America being pulled into a globalist plot by the Israelis.
You were against needless military intervention which is what made Trump good and Hillary, who was all for needless military intervention, bad.
You were against opposing Russia when you could be cooperating to oppose ISIS.
These were all principles YOU claimed to believe in!
that really gets the juices of all those libertarian, American first isolationists and ethnopluralists going and surely will ensure them to vote for trumpfel again
for being an "internet defense force", not very wise to be giving their gameplan to anyone who wants to see...
"We voted you," cried his supporters.
"And you've betrayed us, heavens why?
"You knew the jews were evil and now we're going to die,"
"Oh shut up, silly goyyim," said the reptile with a grin
"You knew damn well I was a kike before you took me in."
you forgot to link to my post ya reddit rere
>Lets be neocons to stop fake news
Yid detected.
Fuck (((Trump))).
I wasn't responding to you retard there were multiple people saying that shit you dumb cunt
You betrayed your own principles and now the rest of the country has to pay for it
There's no fucking war, why can't you fucking sewing circle women figure this out? Trump is a God/Emperor among men and he just fucked the Jews so hard with is missile attack it's hilarious. For the slow mongoloid assholes on the board I'll explain it. They were setting up a situation where they would have gassed children to point to on TV as proof that Trump is a Russian agent because he doesn't even care about dead children. They knew he is totally opposed to regime change in the middle east. They thought they had him boxed in and he had no good options. Being a God/Emperor he flipped the table by responding with a fake military strike. Now they are both locked into a fake narrative but whoever calls out the other first loses. Trump totally fucked their shit up and they are so mad right now, but meanwhile we have retards all mad because reasons.
Not sure if JIDF or just retarded
>He fucked the Jews by allying with Israel!!!!
t. r/the_donald
>one random autist could have prevented this on mere principles alone
you're still reddit m8
>There's no fucking war
This is like if there's a guy in a back ally pointing a gun to my head, and you saying that I'm not actually being mugged yet because he hasn't taken my wallet *yet*
All signs are to us revving up to full blown war. If you weren't an underage faggot, you remember what it was like leading up to the Iraq War and how all of this shit is playing out in the exact same way.
And you have to be a fucking moron to think that this is "fucking over the jews". You're truly the goodest of goyim.
This. The anti-Trump brigade is nothing but shills from reddit. Any true red pilled centipede is still on the Trump train.
This asshole is either ShareBlue or a dumb faggot that takes everything at face value. People like you shouldn't do politics or vote. Everytime you open your mouth you prove you're a shill or a total moron. KYS
Not gonna lie, former nationalist here. This is fucking hilarious watching these "America First" pussies crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let Assad gain his country back.
>"if you are against dirty jew tricks you're a muslim!"
t. goon kike shill
antifa-tier "The Donald false flag xD" please go
You are doing nothing but rationalizations and magical thinking to fix the cognitive dissonance you're having about Trump's warmongering for israel. And this causes you to lash out in autistic rage whenever anyone casually points out the fucking OBVIOUS truth that we all evidence points toward us going into Iraq 2.0 here.
They do have a plan. You just didn't look hard enough.
nope, you're not seeing straight.
So you're some low IQ uninformed retard with a worthless opinion - no surprise you still support trump, good fucking goy.
It is, and shills as well.
fuck off nupol kike faggot
It's hyperbolic language you autist.
>There's no fucking war,
Trump team talks more possible Syria attacks, Russia's role
US ground troops 'could be deployed in Syria' as Trump prepares to ...
> and he just fucked the Jews so hard with is missile attack it's hilarious.
Benjamin Netanyahu: I support Trump's decision to bomb Syria
Wall-to-wall support in Israel for US attack on Syria
>They were setting up a situation where they would have gassed children to point to on TV as proof that Trump is a Russian agent because he doesn't even care about dead children.
So Trump blows up an airbase because of pictures of dead children...
>They knew he is totally opposed to regime change in the middle east.
Syria: Nikki Haley says regime change is 'inevitable'
Assad ouster a US priority: Trump's UN envoy
it's americans that are going to die in Syria you absolute retard. you're also not getting support from the european faction of this board because it's europe who's gonna be flooded with more rapefugees.
go back to donald
Where would they be driven to?
Trump train is dead
Fuck T_D
Seriously fuck them
They think Trump is a celebrity or something and can't do no wrong.
They are the only ones making "why you don't suck Trump dick user? you a shil!!1" threads.
it didn't kill it
they're bitching that Trump warned Putin and didn't kill Russian soldiers.
Liberals demand blood and they even blamed the St Petersburg attack on Putin.
They've all morphed into an army of Alex Joneses because the election hit them hard.
>>Relating to a hyperbola.
>>>>A symmetrical open curve formed by the intersection of a circular cone with a plane at a smaller angle with its axis than the side of the cone.
you lost me
>I-it killed the Russia narrative
Too bad it didn't kill the 3 Trump-Russia investigations currently undereay :^)
Get a threads momentum going with pic related
OP is probably right tbqh.
I think the problem is we memed too hard. For us, Trump was always just a means to an end. He was the right guy for the right situation. Not perfect, but he was running with the best policies of anyone.
But then there's this redditfag crowd that acts like his cheerleading cult of personality. They're nothing but useful idiots for Trump. They don't think critically. They only care about how X, Y, or Z events will benefit TRUMP, rather than caring how these things will benefit US.
>it didn't kill it
>they're bitching that Trump warned Putin and didn't kill Russian soldiers.
Exactly. I saw a tweet where someone basically said 'he notified Russia, but not our own Congress'
Plus, I've seen some on the news saying this is just a distraction from the Trump-Putin collusion shit. They didn't forget shit, it's just put on the back burner for awhile. When things slow down, they'll be back to the Trump-Russia angle.
>Trump train still rolling
Trump train goes where the Jew money wants it to go.
Democracy is dead.
God bless this user .
I care about ISIS getting defeated and us not toppling Assad because muh feels while we over look a million other atrocities.
If we see a ground invasion then we will know we were betrayed
Literally the exact opposite. Trump's campaign was based on domestic issues, which was the deciding factor for voters. No real Sup Forums user would do a 180. We've infiltrated your discord kike. We know what you're doing
Fuck Israel
lying discord left kike bastard
>If you don't support wars for israel, you're a shill
>achmed and mudhammies
Which one now, Achmeds or Ivans? Make up your mind alreaady, Shlomo.
you think jews are that dumb? think about what they achieved. they managed to stir up paranoia in Sup Forums that has never gone away. anyone that questions the narrative is called a shill. anyone that goes against the hivemind on anything is a shill. trump did something that reeks of neocon bush era? well, better support him, lest i be called a shill. they are attacking /ourguy/ kushner? well, they're all just CTR shills. the icing on the cake, they didn't have to lift a finger or actually raid us at all.
this is 4d chess, niggers, and you're all playing chutes and ladders.
Why aren't americans on the streets demonstrating? Does th e left have the monopoly of political demonstrations?
correct my fellow 'pede
As long as he doesn't do anything more than flex Americas muscles then I could maybe buy this.
Is this what they mean by reddit?