>leave Sup Forums for 2 days
>it's fucking /leftypol/
What the fuck happened here these last 2 days?
Leave Sup Forums for 2 days
something something tomahawk something something falseflag something die for israel
>/leftypol/ gets restored last along with furfag boards
>BO threatens exodus, own userbase tells him to fuck off
>BO exposed as a tranny soon after
>it's revealed the reason they got listed last was Jim counted real IPs only and that discarded all the bots they used to bump their dead board to #4
>also they overlap users with the furfag boards almost to a T
>get told to fuck off by everyone at /sudo/ too
>their own discord gets coup'd by Sup Forums infiltrators and they have to ban everyone and remake it
>drowning in impotent tears, they decide to raid Sup Forums
>exposed and caught within a day
>far too fucking stupid to realize the "consensus" they see here are their own shills echochambering each other, actually think they have any effect
>will be forgotten before week is over
>sanders still an irrelevant cuck
>communism still never going to work
We learned that Sup Forums are essentially bandwagon jumpers.
>not gonna lie
Hopefully if Trump tones it down on Syria. Fuck, I left because I wouldn't give up on Trump but I was chastising these strikes. Like no one had concept of a middle ground. Why is this place so fucking retarded though? Don't they realize lefties will only make this place a communist containment board and unironic unconscious shilling for the kikes that want Sup Forums to burn?
If that's true, how true is the Sup Forums is satire meme then? I swear, I can't tell who's Jewing who anymore.
Only a question, Achmed. Calm the fuck down.
Nice reddit spacing, that discord was proven to be fake bullshit.
Starting in 2015 Sup Forums went all out with Trump memes cause it was funny. No one seriously was a die-hard Trump support back then, we didn't really care about the election. Unfortunately due to hype around pepe's growing use in social media people began to get curious so they flooded this board and though the Trump memes were genuine support. It's why T_D shills crosspost here and Reddit all the time now.
>shills are literally using blend in techniques
>Sup Forums is THIS fucking gullible to be duped by kikes
This is how Sup Forums will die. They rail against (((them))) but are susceptible as fuck to be reeled in. What's 8pol like?
Being raided by 3 different factions has consequences in appearance, personally taking leave of absence and going to lurking mode for a while.
Interesting theory.. I don't know much about this Trump's subreddit shit but I guess if they were planning on invading to look like Sup Forums did support Trump all along, I could see why. Sup Forums was pretty apathetic about the 2012 election as it was when Ron Paul was out. Board was mixed too with half Obama and half Romney, but only for those who cared.
When the candidate we supported for 2 years does a 360 on his promises
Yeah, I don't think I can post anymore if lefties have colonized the board. Then again, they have all the power in the world to subvert the culture, so what exactly can we do about it? What's 8pol like? Is it less cucked than this? Do they let /leftypol/ run wild?
look at the g in the discord screencap in one of the usernames toward the bottom
it's clearly been shooped to some degree
This guysaid it was ironic though. I believe him even thought I still support Trump in the short run. If you were here for 2012, this place was Ron Paul until he dropped out, then this place didn't care. I do believe the Trump subreddit did things to this culture. The consequence is /leftypol/ coming here apparently.
Opposing a bullshit war doesn't make us /leftypol/
Yes fellow the don supporter this is a travesty. This place is truly KEKED and very lefty. I hear that 8pol is a better place where people are loyal to the donald and know that ONLY 80 million to destroy the russian hacker hoax is very good unlike these LARPers and nazis + leftos. We should go to 8pol and never come back because that is a better place, or even reddit. MAGA friend I am going to 8pol RIGHT NOW see you there right now!
No this place is pro-war now, what are you talking about?
If. And it is if, but if Assad really did use gas, it was a justified response and in the national interest for USA to make sure that Assad understand that YOU CAN*T USE NBC, not nuclear, not biological and not chemical. It has nothing to do with anything, other then you can't use weapons of mass destruction. Time will tell if all goes well.