reminder that Sup Forums is a christian board
Atheism btfo
it doesn't matter what Sup Forums is anymore. it's dead.
Only fedora fatfucks are atheists
>muh (((science)))
>reminder that Sup Forums is a christian board
>Marx was a moron and wrong on more than one front
What a shock.
Two of the most prolific and well known atheists in Dawkins and Hitchens are/were Enlightenment thinkers who are directly opposed to Marxist Socialism/communism.
It lives on at
>Christianity is the only religion that has ever existed
>Christianity is an antonym of atheism
>Christianity is a political posture
When will these memes die?
>dawkins and hitchens
>triple-digit iq
pick one
Dawkins wouldn't debate William lane Craig
christianity never truly existed, most christians were only sheeps that feared an higher power
christianity is incompatible with atheism
christianity has a political dimension to it, although transcending it
Stop it get some help
>he's a sheep that only considers himself a christian to be on the "good goys" team
>his soul will go to hell for only the pure of heart enter his kingdom
you're the one who seems to be needing help
>correlation =//= causation
"Christians" always act as though Christianity is the only religion that exists (wrong) or that at least it has a great chance of being true (wrong again)
Christianity is incompatible with atheism but still not antonym
Christianity does not have a political dimension to it, any application of a religion to politics is interpreting (that's how you have Christians who kiss black people's feet and Christians who would hang black people if they could)
>was an atheist
>dedicates his work to satan
No, fuck you Marx.
>William lane Craig
Literally who?
He better not be some Gish galloping tard.
Luke 20
Acts 10,11,15
Galatians 3
Christianity is not pro Jew
A non Christian Jew will go to hell
>Believing the bible cucks
An intelligent Christian
Debated hitchens, dennet, and Harris
Somebody who can reasonably defend the faith
>Scientific method is Christian
Islam called, they want their golden age back.
No Adultery and divorce unless on the grounds of adultery are both grave sins
Sex outside of one man and woman in marriage is a grave sin
Cucking is sinful
Christianity called we want turkey back
>"Christians" always act as though Christianity is the only religion that exists (wrong) or that at least it has a great chance of being true (wrong again)
well, if christianity is right, all the others are necessarily wrong. to be a christian you must know everyone else is wrong.
>Christianity is incompatible with atheism but still not antonym
yes, islam is also incompatible with atheism. there's no antonym to atheism. the antonym to christianity though, is satanism, and atheism is a branch of satanism from a christian pov
>Christianity does not have a political dimension to it, any application of a religion to politics is interpreting (that's how you have Christians who kiss black people's feet and Christians who would hang black people if they could)
christianity does have a political dimension. morality is the self the same politics is to a nation. morality is how a self behave, politics is how a nation behaves.
Creationists are fucking retards and should probably be euthanized before they have the chance to spread their filth anywhere else.
Good thing I believe in theistic evolution
Hellenism is the true redpill.
Christ made one church to interpret scripture for a reason
>this pole posts these same two shooped images over and over
I've asked you this before.
Is it, as a Catholic, OK to lie?
Enjoy your fagggot non-all powerfull gods.
>Their golden age
You mean the golden age of the christians, jews and persians living in muslim countries?
harris got btfo by peterson, he's still recovering
Made this one for Sup Forums, hope you like it!!!FACT!!!
>Christianity is the only religion that has ever existed
>Christianity is an antonym of atheism
>Christianity is a political posture
When will these memes die?
And Craig, there is a reason Dawkins won't debate him
christ is just the protagonist in christian theology, he wasn't human
Christianity is the only true religion
You hold the minority position in biblical scholarship
Most historians agree that he existed and was put to death by Pontus Pilate
"Christians" always act as though Christianity is the only religion that exists (wrong) or that at least it has a great chance of being true (wrong again)
thank you brother :)
love you!
It's called idolatry
Some people suppress Gods revelation by atheism, and others by making Gods in their image
Reminder that ALL religion comes from negroid run Africa, and Christianity comes from the Semites.
Rye bread comes from Semites too
And Rye bread tastes like shit.
>Christcucks are a bunch of horsecock sucking faggots
- Adolf Hitler
whew looks like Christianity is btfo reminder that Sup Forums is an Egyptian pagan board
I can pass that question back to you
You see things the way you want them to be
But it has the fiber you need to process all that zog food poisoning
you cant be a christian without being an anti-semite. objective morality is an attack to judaism. jews believe this
How do you square perfect omniscience with the concept of free will? If God knows what I'm going to do before I do it, that means I cannot take any alternate course of action, therefore I have as much free will as a stone rolling down a hill.
Had hitler said his prayers, he probably wouldn't have ended up in the bunker
But you cant get food poisoning if you only eat oats
But christianity is semetic.
But you can't have any pudding if you don't eat your meat
I was supporting your point tho. to deny any objective truth outside your subjective perceptions is kikery, pic related is a literally a quote from the talmud
As semetic a rye bread
Tastes awful but good for you
pol is everything and everyone. sage
Beep Boop
am an atheist that hates communism and knows well how little it works and the dangers it brings
I can't stand the Talmud
>goys are cattle
> Jesus was a bastard son of a Roman
I don't eat rye bread. or Christianity.
The Jews don't usually eat the non kosher zog poison they try to feed us burgers
You are a burgur.
t. globalist kike
I bet you say the same about your country
yes. some became christians, other's denied christ and became anti-christians, faithful to the pharisees - these last ones are the "kikes"
And you are a twat
and others were europeans, and invented neo-paganism or some shit.
point taken
So how is London doing with all of those Muhammadins
How's America doing, with all that neo-con government?
Well we do have trump and we still have freedom of speech
paganism is degenerate. go watch tarkovsky's andrei rublev
Christian tradition holds that the pagan Gods were demons
Religion is degenerate.
How are the school shooters? What's the school survival rate?
trump is kushner's puppet, why the fuck do you think islam hates you. they know you are kike-controlled.
How about those stabbings
And now mass runovers by Muslims
Rebel scum. Just wait till we get a UKIP government....
>religion = objective morality
>objective morality is degenerate
are you a moral-relativism shill?
it's really accurate too. kekism is demonic aswell
>I believe what Marx said.
Are you a Marxist?
Eh if you get rid of our vibrancy
I wouldn't mind being English, as long as I can continue to practice Catholicism
I can't be a part of the Anglican Church
>religion = objective morality
>objective morality is degenerate
>are you a moral-relativism shill?
Objective morality is the perspective that there are things about the universe that make certain morals claims true or false. An objectivist would state that the way the world is makes murder an objectively wrong thing to do. Objective morality also entails that these truths are universal.
there are no universal truths. its all bullshit.
Jesus advocated for what can most closely be described as communism.
I can pass that question back to you
You see things the way you want them to be
Is it universally true that there are no universal truths
". "
>Islam... Scientific Method
Good one Pedro
It is universally wrong to commit genocide on the innocent
No, it's not.
>there are no universal truths. its all bullshit
see in other words, your belief system ressonates really well with jewish mysticism
That's just your opinion
If it's a Christian board then why is a Jew like you here, OP?
>Yes goy, argue amongst yourselves instead of with your true enemies!
Are you saying that it's true to say there is no truth?
the true enemy is the jews, their weapon is marxism. I was aiming to demonstrate that atheism is a marxist approach to spiritually. eg this kike thinks there are no universal truths. if there are no universal truths god isn't real, it's a matter of perception
TWF rethinking life.....
then explain why right wing is christian and commies are atheists. dont forget nietzche is a fucking shill baitmaster who declared God dead
Objective truth is necessary for a rational conversation, atheism cannot provide this truth,
Truth is revealed to us from God, this is why I am a theist