its clever and true.
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Stop making threads.
why does your house have walls and doors?
couldn't someone just cut a hole through the roof to get in and rob you?
Nice picture of a $26B wall you have there.
Problem: Papua New Guinea
Solution: Nuke
Popo new guinea's boring af. Guess where I came from.
illegals can't afford ladders
$36 is like a months salary for spics
Yeah and what will you do once you reach the top you fucking smartass idiot
Trumpanzees BTF....wait...fucking RARE
But how will you get down from the 30 foot high wall?
>papa new guinea
>iq: 83
And they manage still outsmart you.
Is Port Moresby as bad as it's said to be?
dank god de broxy onli gost 9000 sheckle :DDDDDDDD
Your people aren't clever enough to come up with that on your own? Who thought of that for you? The orangutan you're fucking?
Pretty sure it was like #8 on most unlivable cities
I hope they try to do that, gives us an excuse to kill
t. ICE
Good luck carrying that ladder through miles of desert.
If this is true, then why do walls still exist almost everywhere as a method of security?
Lift the ladder over the edge and use it to climb down.
Damn that's impressive, looks sketchy as hell though.
Try not to break your legs when going back down.
Also, trucks won't be used to carry tons of people once the wall is built and it'll be harder to smuggle in loads of drugs if you also have to carry a ladder and eventually climb over a wall.
>can't climb a wall if you get shot by wall patrol drones
Just pull the ladder over to get down. Unless we guard every inch of the wall it won't be sufficient. We may as well save the money.
Josh? I won't reveal your last time but if it's you, I really enjoyed the stories you used to tell about PNG back in class.
>Papua new guinea
You guys have electricity?
Works for Isreal
>tfw 40ft in the air standing on a 10" wide platform trying to place a 40ft ladder that is light enough to be lifted 40ft in the air in a position that will allow you to safely climb down it and manage to support your weight
But 30 foot ladders are like 100 bucks here! Wtf!
Shouldn't you be busy getting kuru?
Problem: 30 Million Illegals
Solution: 90 Million Bullets
now what's this?
False equivalency. A door indeed is a bad deterent if the robber really wants to get in. But most robbers aren't so determined to get into a house that their willing to risk murder and rape. But illegals on the other are.
36 foot deep hole with spikes and gun turrets at the top.
Problem solved illegals btfo
people look so stupid when they say things like this. Do you really think america is just going to build a dinky little brick wall and be done with it? have you ever seen a modern border wall? these is different layers and a ton of razor wire, and probably some water like moat.
>hurrr all they need is a ladder
$36 ladder? Holy shit! Where do you buy your ladders?
That's 3 bullets for every alien
patrol drones with live rounds and permission to kill on sight.
I thought we already turned that atoll into a hunk of glass.
The plan for the wall is anywhere from 30ft to 60ft cut hat right in the center at 40
Now you need a 40ft ladder
>36 dollars
Ya nah they cost around 400 for that price or 7500 pesos
But whatever price aside you got your meme ladder now just take it to the border right?
WRONG you've got to be a special kind of retard to do that in a border town cause the second they see you put that ladder on the wall they'll be sitting there waiting for you on the other side
But no biggie you can just cross in the middle of the dessert
Good fucking luck lugging that 75 pound 20 foot long ladder miles to the wall people can barely cross carrying water how the fuck is a huge ass ladder not going to weigh you down
What's best?
Have a nice fall
Then why do you have a fence when someone can just jump over?
fourth post; best post
how would you feel seeing an entire family of Mexicans getting cut to bits by barbwire.
Holy fuck I'd love to be border guard and shoot one of the drones, balloons, or whatever they use to float beans across
Posting in a PNG thread.
I had a strange hard-on for PNG as a kid.
How are these guys not afraid of heights? I would piss myself
>thinks he's not a half spic
$36 ladder meet $10 saw.
Mexican style a best.
At that point why would we even need a wall?
Heck yeah, now instead of simple illegal entry we can charge you with destruction of US property and sentence you to prison where you will work off a multitude of the value
There will be chess boards along every inch of that wall, just try it.
American style.
Now that's a good way to justify heavy response. KOS status now boys
Saves ammo on the ones who are easily deterred.
Maybe you could sit down?
>Problem: $36 ladder
>Solution: 10cent bullet
Are you retarded? I'm not saying blow up the wall. FFS. The same with the saw. Why would I use a wood saw on concrete? Are you stoned or just high on your own cum?