Its fucking happening!!
The left is coming after the jews!
Its fucking happening!!
The left is coming after the jews!
Your time has come juden
Kek is with us
Digits confirm the end of jew days!
Fucking witnessed.
Post link
chabad is a false flag
screencap this
Leftists are the most anti-zionist people on earth
two birds with one stone, get antifa involved and watch the left eat itself as we sit back and watch. if we could make this happen it will be bigger than anything this site has ever done
Was about to post this as part of a larger theme, here are some other headlines
Muh Russia memes fading:
>Haley escalates rhetoric on Russia over Syria
>What did Putin know and when did he know it?
>Syria strike gives Trump anti-Kremlin credential
Graham/McCain looking petty and small:
>Graham: Assad telling Trump 'F you' by still using bombed Syrian base
>McCain: Trump administration 'partially to blame' for Syrian chemical attack
The best of the week's persuasion:
>How Trump and Putin Can Save Syria (OC Register)
>President Trump Is on a Roll (WashPo)
>Bannon’s Out. But Did H.R. McMaster Win? (NYT)
>Downsizing Mr. Bannon (NYT)
(For the unaware, Bannon was removed from a position he never or only once even attended and remains POTUS' Chief fucking Strategist)
To paraphrase what a wise man once said, "Donald Trump is so powerful he can make his enemies tell the truth"
Kek. Fake and gay though
jewish civil war happening
Based trips
>Bannon’s Out. But Did H.R. McMaster Win? (NYT)
wtf, i love neocons now
>ywn persuade two girls into a jacuzzi
Teach me, master.
This seems appropriate
The left was double crossed by the Jews when the Jews started to support Trump over the Syria attack.
It is going to be interesting to see how the left deals with being so jacked up to hate Trump and now that Trump has "gotten with the program" they are being dumped.
>(((MSM))): Trump is literally Hitler!!!
>---"Gas Attack"---
>(((MSM))): Oy Vey!!! Trump better do something!!!
>---Syria Attack---
>(((MSM))): Trump is a good goy.
It is going to be hard to keep the left hating Trump when he is doing (((their))) bidding.
The time of the jew is coming?
We need as much assistance as we can to stop the Jew/Zionist/Neocon menace. if MSM is against them now, they could be useful.
Archive that shit, post on infinite chan, too. Too many shills sliding threads and shit talking in here
How in the world.....if Trump said this it would be literally Hitler 2.0
Born just in time to btfo the jew.
How to help someone with a JEWISH inferiority complex?
- Changing The Way You Think
Stop wanting to be like others. ...
Try not to worry about what others think. ...
Focus on your positive attributes. ...
Stop comparing yourself to everyone else. ...
Don't think in absolutes. ...
Stop negative talk. ...
Build self-confidence.
>Trump had to win so the whole world would wake up to Jewish tricks and unite against them
Goddamn fucking potato Kikes like (((McMaster))) are just as bad as Jews. No wonder the English saw them as subhuman.
Numbers checked. Digits confirm.
Black, white, brown, illegal. legal citizens. gay straight transgender. WE MUST ALL COME TOGETHER TO EXPOSE THE JEWS
it is happening folks.
How can i start redpilling normies about the jews?
can any anons dump good infographics. thanks
McCain is also scottish or irish
and Conan O'brian is also a pro globalist pro liberal shill
you can't trust the irish/scots
Oy vey!
The goyims are onto us!
Holy Shit. 3 3's. Kek is praised this thread. Is this the beginning of the downfall of the jew?
Kek walks among us.
those fookin digits!
WTF? I love left now!
I'm #communistMissile now
Bannon is Irish too
Holy shit, liberals are becoming Sup Forumsacks?!
What the actual fuck. They're calling out the Jews. What timeline are we on?
It's funny to read about Jews in such non-antisemitic atmosphere.
Ex CIA calls it
been there done that, last time it killed 40 million russians
He's honorary though.
>pol/ siding with literal communists
pol/ you disappoint
Ummmmm no?? You can't criticize jews?????
DELET THIS and go die for us you filthy mogrel
how are people not calling out the pro war jews, these events have made it so obvious