Why does society keep getting worse. inb4 "le wrong generation amirite?? xD" If you can't see it, you are willingly ignorant.
Why does society keep getting worse. inb4 "le wrong generation amirite?? xD" If you can't see it...
because societies stopped believing in Jesus Christ
Because history has a very selective memory.
Things are never getting worse, they are just consistently shit for the majority of population, but it's the minority for whom things are good who creates everything that will be remembered. This is why distant times always seem better than what you have lived through : because for most cases (some periods of history are demonized of course) only the positive has been kept and the negative has been swept under the rug.
Why is the first post such a good post?
You know what they say, "Hard times make hard men"
nothing changes faggot, your just insecure that you havent left your house in 4 days.
does this nigga look like a "tough masculine" male to you? fuck off and atleast try to enjoy your mediocre existence
post moar
I disagree. Technological advancements have made Western life a whole lot more easier. The lack of a necessity to raise hardy men to work down in the mines obviously leads to a generation of men more capable and physically equipped to take a role in war.
Today, we don't have that necessity, and so boys are raised to be as hardy as required, which isn't very hardy at all. So when you compare them to previous generations, of course they are not as tough.
On top of that, the difference in family units. More unmarried mothers means less fathers in the child's upbringing, therefore less discipline.
I like how the last is all war and the right is gay and peaceful and you say it's getting worse.
I agree.
It's because you are afraid of change, because you know you're not a winner and any change will probably end badly for you. Further isolated.
Society has been progressing and things are constantly improving, sorry to hear you can't keep up :(
And constant technological advancement has always been a part of history
In the same way that the amount of stupid people on Earth never changes throughout history as it stays proportionate, progress and other societal changes stay constant
Written language was viewed as degenerate by Socrates who thought it was ruining generations and making them weak and lazy in the same way people bitch about kids on the internet
Nothing has changed, everything is predictable and set, shut the fuck up
It's one of the great mysteries
I too know that feeling
Jesus you're a fucking moron.
Language development has a lot less impact on human development than erosion of manual labour and the introduction of robotics.
Don't tell me to shut the fuck up, if you can't engage in reasoned debate, fuck off to reddit and report me.
And those advancements have also stayed proportionate, and people have always bitched about them
>Why does society keep getting worse.
Well Sup Forums. You are welcome to join. Only if you accept Allah as the only God, without any associates, and Muhammad (PBUH) as his final messenger and bow down in submission.
Uhh Could someone explain that Finland pic
They're not proportionate. The amount of heavy machinery involved now is massively different to any time in history. Catapillers, Bucket Wheel Excavators you name it. Not too long ago it would have taken an army of men to haul up what they can do, now it takes a few thousand. The necessity for manual labour in the West is lower than it has ever been, the emphasis placed on Blue Collar workers and desk jobs.
I might be a hypocrite here but I won't debate this any longer. If you had issue with the reasons for the decrease in Western hardiness then I can accept that, but you're trying to tell me that there is just as much requirement for a tough populace in the West as there ever was. That is simply wrong.
It's pretty worrying when the only alpha males left in the west are drug fucked low IQ gangsters.
Harden the fuck up Sup Forums, it'll be your fault for not making an effort.
> waaaah! I've been diagnosed with bullshit mental health issues
> Waaaah! I can't provide for my family I have anxiiiietttyyyy
> Waaaah! I can't defend my family I have diabetes & I'm on disability
Whiney little bitches.
>what do these before and after pics all have in common?
Results of misandry under the guise of feminism
>lack of necessity
Real men want to be masculine and masculine men want a feminine woman. Not some super bitch with penis envy who thinks she's a "feminist"
Jewish influence on the masses leading to societal degradation and rampant degeneracy
>le wrong generation amirite??
>Why does society keep getting worse. inb4 "le wrong generation amirite?? xD" If you can't see it, you are willingly ignorant.
Every generation has complained about this since the dawn of man, and we're still here.
Because cycles. Shit, improve, good, get worse, shit. Repeat.