Bluepilled four years ago. Started bachelor of social studies 2 years ago. Redpilled a year ago. Been thinking about dropping out ever since. Honestly, do not know what the fuck to do. Thinking about finishing my bachelor and get a truck-driver licence after, and apply to become a full time truck driver or some shit. Wtf am I doing with life. Advice?
FUCK ME. Swallowed my redpill raw
Deep breath user, nothing here is that serious, everyone is larping /pol is a board of peace
Finish school stupid
Butt yeah Opee, you don't want to be a truck driver full time. That shit fucks your shit up. Like really bad. By the time you retire, your body will be so fucked you will wish you were dead instead.
In some classes about how all humans are equal, how can we help the drug abusers, retarded people, poor people, make sure everyone is “included” etc, I want to kill myself. Cannot get a full time job, and down know what else I could study. Right not I feel fucked.
Develop a cocksucking fake sales personality and sell expensive cars.
Study STEM, study business, or drop out.
If you want to study something useful, study CS/SE. It's easy and pays decent even if you are only mediocre.
>Wtf am I doing with life. Advice?
Get a job in a government office and report to us from the inside.
dentistry is where it's at, trust me on that.
Truck drivers will be out of the job within a few decades. Large shipping outfits will be the first to automate since the industries always adopt the tech first.
Calm down. Maybe talk to a school advisor about changing majors.
I finished a degree in lib arts before getting fully redpilled. It sucks to basically re-start your life from that point on, but as they say, you can't go back once you take the redpill, all the little shitlib bluepill narratives will eat your mind up.
Just finish up, go in a direction you can stomach with your life/career and chock up the loss to the fucked system you had no control over.
Finish the 4-year degree. Do whatever shit needs done. Here's the deal: Most jobs that require a degree aren't specialized anyway, so just having the 4-year degree is good enough, regardless of what it's in. Don't be the guy that switches his major 3 years in. You took this major knowing you weren't going to be an engineer or scientist, so no point in going into STEM now.
Capture Stortinget with me.
Nah but seriously, how are uni students these days? Can you criticise Islam without "muh racism"? Ever met anyone wise on the jew?
Not good at math. Or IT. Got decent social skills tho. Could be a salesperson or some shit I guess.
Yeah might be able to do that..
This. Easy work and well paid
How old are you? If you started right after high school, you can just finish your degree and then continue studying something else.
He won't be a truck driver that long. Most 18 wheelers will be automated by then
finish your degree then go get a trade like electrician, plumber or something.
You will be in demand cause you have a degree and a trade. You could easily get a job anywhere, especially in larger companies.
Go join the Norwegian oil industry or go hunt Trolls
Drop out and start shitposting on a regular basis
Dont be a truckdriver, ive heard its unbearable plus therell be self driving cars soon.
Idk so some trade or start ur own business.
How good are you at sucking dick?
get a data entry simple monotonous job, listen to nujabes and chapelle and various podcasts to clear your head, lift 3x a week.
wuthin 6 months you should be better
Why do you care about advice on college that is obviously directed at the US economy?
Yeah good thing about it is that in healthcare and social work I will always have a pay check at the end of each month.
yeah fuck life
True enough I guess, however I don’t see my degree having much relevance outside the health and social sector.
Oil idustriy going down. Hundreds being laid off.
23, yeah guess I might do that.
never tried liksom
You live in fucking Europe for Christs sake, if this doesn't turn out good for you then your government can offer you way more assistance if you need it.
Similar boat to you user.
>in first year of college bc college is just what you do after secondary school
>find masters degree program that moves from Iceland, Norway, Denmark etc over two years.
>get super redpilled on how pointless college is
>just want to go homestead in Estonia or Washington state because can't return to ancestralhomeland.jpg bc Norway is too cucked but I'm only one year through college.
Idk if I should just waste my money on a degree or say fuck it and work towards the homestead.
Well yeah kinda, still fucked right now
I only did 9 grades lad, warehouse isnt that bad
Im 19 and dropped out a 2 months ago. Already have nearly 10k saved up from working my part-time wagecuck job and now i got a new job which is going to be paying me 700 bucks per week and since im living with mommy and daddy i have no expenses so i will be netting about 550 a week instead of 150 like i am now. Next step is to go work for myself once i fully have a grasp on what im doing. Will be able to make 1,500 a week doing the same thing. About another 700 a week for each employee i hire.
You don't have to be stellar at math to be mediocre at CS/SE.
Guess standard of living in Norway is way less shitty than the US. What is your masters? Norway cucked yeah, but hopefully getting better. At least we’re not yet slaughtered like the swedes.
Be glad, over here if you need any form government assistance then your fucked because all of the blacks, white trash and immigrants have dried it all up.
Aokey. Do not know much about cs, but doesn’t a bachelor in cs require some math skills, or programming shit with codes etc. I don’t know..
good point bro
Do you honestly believe that your job would be anything like how you described your studies? If you end up in some public office, you will probably just read application forms all day and answer email and telephones.
No, we need people in social studies and crap. People still believe these guys that tell you
>it's some socio-economic problem, not Islam
Judging by what I've read online, the standard is better but the cost of living is 1000x more.
Masters program would be viking age archaeology
>inb4 "no job"
The idea was that I do that program and teach in Norway and be a part of the excavations etc in Iceland and Norway.
Hopefully it is getting better but I don't know if I could homestead there bc I've heard there's no where to buy a reasonable amount of land in Norway. Plus immigrating there is a hell of an ordeal if you aren't brown.
>wants to be a truck driver
Kek, holy shit. You got like 5 good years mayje untill that shits all automated
This desu.
Thats what you get for being stupid. Sort yourself out.