Why don't Russians seem to care about living in an un-free country? Why do they support a dictator?
Why don't Russians seem to care about living in an un-free country? Why do they support a dictator?
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Russia historically has either needed or wanted men of strength in power. Russia as a nation is weak when it has weak leadership
>finally try democracy following collapse of USSR
>new President is Boris Yeltsin
>he humiliates Russia multiple times on world stage
>economy goes to shit, crime and alcoholism skyrocket, grocery stores are empty
What reason do they have to like democracy anyways? They've improved in every metric under Putin.
Relevant vid: youtube.com
You consider being forced to replace your population with shitskins freedom?
Why don't Americans seem to care about living in an un-free country? Why do they support a Jewish dictator?
every country is run by dictators there is no such thing as a free country you tool
Beasts must be ruled by beasts. The cultured few rule the vatnik mob who enforce their rule and die for them.
Democracy is for advanced white people, not slavniggers, but they know this so the master class is white.
Democracy is shit we were handed a republic where we had complete control of our local government and we pissed it away
Pretty much this. For about 100 years after that we could expand Westward and fight the savages, and more importantly, run away from the government. But there's no more frontiers, so we're voting gibs out of each other's pockets.
Lol it wasn't even democracy, Yeltsin was just the giga kike back in that decade.
>dissolve powerful state into petty personal thiefdoms
>be retard
>government decides to impeach you because retard
>shell said government and change constitution to your liking
>continue to be retard and shit on constitution with kike et al friends
>shit gets so bad that the fucking COMMIES win vote
>rig election to win
>continue being retard
>realize own retardation in moment of clarity
>appoint poutine as successor in exchange for immunity for a decade of robbing and crippling a country blind.
I'm amazed at how some Russians still like this rat.
>Why don't Russians seem to care about living in an un-free country? Why do they support a dictator?
Russians need a strong leader like the Cling-ons and and corrupt leader like the Ferengi Grand Nagis. After that and a bottle of vodka, they're so degenerate they don't care about anything.
The Russian political system is a rat pack, where big rats (politicians with power) feed on the smaller rats (they siphon money off of people they rule over). Corruption is absolutely entrentched even to the highest levels of power. And even if they would succeed in overthrowing their corrupt leaders, they'd just end up with people who are a million times worse, as happened with the communist revolution
I deem Finland to have given the best answer. But why do people like Putin then?
As far as Russian politicians go, Putin is ok at least. Living standards improved as long as he could ride the oil gibs train. And Putin did also stabilize the country. In the 90's Russia was an unstable crime ridden hellhole where nothing works, and Putin fixed that. But that was a long time ago, and the oil gibs have run out. Now Putin is losing support
Also Putin restored Russia's honor. In the 90's everybody walked over them. Russians feel like Putin restored their status
>Also Putin restored Russia's honor. In the 90's everybody walked over them. Russians feel like Putin restored their status
This is actually quite important to Putin's popularity.
Imagine shock of Russian society where one moment they were this superpower (doesn't really matter to average pleb) but they still knew that they were in league with USA, and had their own special respected place in the world. Then the next moment they are on par with shit like Serbia, not only that but they are taught to hate their past and only to glamorize the west. Self hating leftists here might be bad but this was on another level over there, hence why so many russians that could gtfo of there.
What is with this bullshit of calling everyone a dictator and every other country not free? You do realize they elect that manlet every time he runs right? Like it or not that is their democracy. We don't get to call it dictatorship just because we don't like who they elect.
Yes, Russians care more about superpower status than westerners. They'd rather have that than money
Their elections are demonstrably fraudulent, actually
Also consider researching competitive authoritarianism
Not one ruski itt.
nah its more like an afterthought which they have more often than westerners. its also like a national pride thing, but funnily enough just like with everything else it isn't up to them to maintain it, they always need someone to lead them there. Money always comes first since soviet union fell.
Because the country isn't "un-free", we just have nobody else to choose except Putin.
Putin has saved the country from oblivion, before he came in power and started getting shit done the economy was in complete shambles, the life standards were utter shit, there was no stability and there were legitimate fears that the country was going to fall apart even further (Chechnya wars, Tatarstan autonomy/independence sentiments, the rest of caucasus etc.). Putin fixed all of these problems and turned out to be quite reasonable and competent.
There is a price that comes with a supremely strong politician holding power for so long, what with entrenching favoritism and cronyism and such, but as of right now there's simply no viable alternative to Putin. There is nobody else the people would trust to hold our country together when it's being assaulted by the west on all sides, when our political allies and friends keep seeing unrest, coups, rebellions and civil wars instigated in their territory, when western-backed (it's fucking Soros backing all the organizing non-profits, look it up) "opposition" springs up every few years to try their hand at protests, only to fail and go into complete irrelevancy for a few more years.
These economic and political pressures, both external and internal, as well as our own internal problems, make governing and protectign Russia an overwhelmingly hard task, and there is nobody except Putin that has the tools and skills to handle it. I would expect the next ruler of Russia to be someone Putin recommends and vouches for himself, because otherwise the future is grim, because Russia is not a dictatorship which limits our choices, it's a democracy where only a single viable choice exists.
why does most of the world not care about living in un-free countries? because they have never lived anywhere else
Because they are hungry.
Thank you for this post
And Hillary cheating Bernie wasn't? Our media tries to manipulate the voters and fix the election using lies every single time there is a presidential election. Who gives a shit? Our system isn't perfect so we can't really expect anyone else to have a perfect system either.
Well said
Has the American notion of "freedom" not degenerated to a state so far removed from its original intent that it can no longer be interpreted properly?
Isn't the original notion of democratic freedom the idea of being able to work and live without any excessively forced notions (eg excise taxes, slavery, feudalism, etc)? Wasn't freedom in the USA intended to be religious freedom, the ability to be a Quaker or Puritan without being forced into whatever sect the King wanted?
And what has the western notion of freedom turned into today? That every women has the right to have ugly tattoos and piercings, be cripplingly overweight, and fuck niggers - subsequently demanding that tax money be used to pay for their abortions? That a man can be a fag and even have the right to push it onto younger children? Is that really freedom?
I'd say that every problem in the world that Sup Forums bitches about all day on this board is because of """""""freedom"""""". Because when society becomes too lax and """""free"""" people become pieces of shit.
and I am not making an argument against democracy. I am simply saying that many people have lost the ability to distinguish between strong leadership and fascism. OP is the same line of thinking as ANTIFA fags who think conservatism is a form of fascism.
>Has the American notion of "freedom" not degenerated to a state so far removed from its original intent that it can no longer be interpreted properly?
Slowly but surely, giving more and more groups of "people" the right to vote has ruined us. We need to go back to only allowing white land owning males to vote. Giving someone the right to vote just because they made it to the age of 18 without falling victim to traffic is a mistake.
How can you conceptualize freedom as only belonging to you and very similar people to yourself? That's not freedom
Fear of the leftist union trying to swallow ukraine, they need someone like putin. He used to work for the KGB, so he knows what happens if you give people liberty along with social equality.
>Why don't Russians seem to care about living in an un-free country?
Muh 90's
>Why do they support a dictator?
Type mentality of russian people
>That's not freedom
It is for me. They can go find their freedom somewhere else or not at all. Wouldn't matter to me either way.
Is okay. Not as bad as seems. No sjw, no blacks, good women. On the other hand no money. But everyone used to it. Stay away. Go bomb Best Korea.
One word, gulag
>No sjw
so, orthodox popes much better?
>no blacks
what about churkas, that put russians on bottles and make them pay depts to Kadirov?
>Stay away. Go bomb Best Korea.
Go get ur +15 roubles
Freedom is hard to conceptualize because it really doesn't exist if you think about it. Assuring protections to things like your own lifeform is part and parcel of nature, it is why similar animals form herds, only humans ever conceptualized "freedom" as something tangible beyond some protection that the herd offers.
You make them sound like retards