we know who you are.
We know who you are
i don't care about you reddit
Prepare to make 400,000 more of these in the next year, one for every time Trump does something other than his specific campaign promises
Newfag doesn't know about our Assad fanboyism.
>implying i made this
Being a shill was supposed to be the easy job.
This actually feels like work.
>No dental plan.
fuck off brazil nigger. we can all tell who you cunts are.
As a Trump supporter I just want to see Muslims get bombed, I don't care where or how
this. we should build a wall around the middle east to keep the shitskins IN.
Could care less about what you think, stupid fucking american.
haha your memes don't work against your inbreeding hahaha and low IQ haha and degeneracy you newfag you
im not a muslim you nigger. it seems english doesn't work well for you.
lol go back to the faggot infested discord server you came from
Back to r/TheDonald
nice trips, fuck off with your reddit bullshit. you support assad? youre a faggot plain and simple.
You do, and you still think i am a shill? kill yourself plebbitor
So you're saying we should be blindly loyal to a person rather than remain ideologically consistent?
When memes become real. This post is literally a kike hiding behind a Pepe mask accusing Sup Forumsacks of being kikes wearing Pepe masks.
Light the ovens. Purge soon.
>hey i'm retard
>saw a picture around Sup Forums about some fags organizing against Trump
>one Brazilian autistic weeaboo retard in there
>lol haha go back to the faggot infested discord server you came from!!! xD
or remain consistent with bombing the middle east.
Okay, glad I'm not the only one that can see what is going on.
assad is essence of pol
fighting actual shitskins and preventing them from flooding europe
the jews are so disgusting
Haha I agree with that jpg file, bunch of fakeos trying to change our minds.
I've been #drivingwithdonald (pepe! yay) since day one and been a great supporter of his and this whole syria situation won't turn me around but do we really want somebody this rash to have the nuclear codes? Let's think hard about this one guys!
>that one time
ok Mr, Goldman Sach you sure did convince everyone oh wait no
>Folks, we're going to lock Hillary Clinton up!
>Ooops we can't lock her up
>Folks, we're going to drain the swamp!
>Ooops, here come the Goldman Sachs executives into my cabinet
>Folks, we're going to repeal Obamacare!
>Ooops, looks like we can't repeal Obamacare
>Folks we're going to be nationalist, America first!
>Ooops, friendship with Steve Bannon ended, now my Soros-connected son in law registered Democrated Jared Kushner is in control of the White House
>Folks we're going to stop getting into militray adventures in the Middle East and fight terrorism!
>Ooops looks like we're invading another Middle Eastern nation on behalf of terrorists and Israel!
so wait a minute, leftypol is backing trump now?
are they just happy Assad is getting bombed because he's not le based commie Kurds?
cant keep track of all these different autistic factions
>>Ooops, looks like we can't repeal Obamacare
Congress' fault, Trump can't force people legislators to vote for it
>>Ooops, friendship with Steve Bannon ended
Just false, still has the same position he has always had, will be behind every speech he writes.
>now my Soros-connected son in law registered Democrated Jared Kushner is in control of the White House
This claim is based off of what, exactly? How does Kushner control the White House? I thought Trump was a Putin ( or Bannon, or Neocon, etc ) puppet.
>>Ooops looks like we're invading another Middle Eastern nation on behalf of terrorists and Israel!
Something that hasn't happened.