Which side are you on? I think that civic nationalism would solve more problems because we would begin to see ourselves as one human race rather then scattered segments of a monstrosity at war with itself.
Civic nationalism vs Ethnic nationalism
>sag tits with invisible nipples
Huh? Who cares? 8/10 would impregnate.
8.5/10 would goo on and suck milkys
perfect amount of sag
Sup Forums
I like those tits.
There is only blood nationalism.
Can't form an intelligent response to your topic because I'm too distracted by big, beautiful breasts & my logic has short-circuited (just like irl)
Guaranteed replies though
>civic nationalism
How is this any different from fallacious multiculturalism?
you're gay brah
it isnt. civic nationalism still ends up with whites gone. look at usa, 56% white and they are civic nationalists. Americans are dead and replaced with a disgusting foreign horde
We are not one race. If you are not an ethnic nationalist, it's because you either hate yourself or because you are not white and dream of white babies.
mommy me want milky
Ethnic nationalism, you fucking kike.
I'm mixed race, so I have to be against ethnic nationalism if I want to avoid being sterilized and/or shot.
If I could be ensured safe passage and citizenship in an intermixed society though, then I'd rather not see the genocide of white people.
If Ethnic Nationalism takes hold of the US doesn't that mean all the Non Anglos would have to go back?
They're both the same. When you impose the goals of making a monoculture society, the only people who will really fit in will be those of the same race and culture.
Because colored folks assimilate. Mudslimes stop wearing their hijababoos and wear wranglers and cowboy hats and worship Christ. But we don't give a shit about their past as long as they're American now.
You can be tossed in mixed race cunts with fellow mixed cunts.
I thought it was satire, but then, the nu-males need an ideology that is compatible with themselves, so for this reason, I can believe it's a legitimate orientation.
>if you pretend like ethnic nationalism is a choice, it becomes a choice?
Civic nationalism is the best you can do until muds spark a race war. You can advocate for whatever, but there's no political ethnic nationalism in any country that matters except China and Zogreal.
No such thing as assimilation, the blood is the nation you pass on blood not any liberal values, you are blood and bones that's you and you are connected to those of the same blood and bones.
No they don't. The only way for someone who isn't from the nation to assimilate is to full remove them from their culture and have them raised in the culture of the nation. This is why you get WE WUZ KANGS and VIVA MEXICO faggots.
t. Hispanic Texan that raised himself on the internet
they can advocate assimilation all they want, but it doesn't make it any more feasible, which it hasn't been ever
>Which side are you on? I think that civic nationalism would solve more problems because we would begin to see ourselves as one human race rather then scattered segments of a monstrosity at war with itself.
This is literally globalism.
Gas yourself.
>I think that civic nationalism would solve more problems because we would begin to see ourselves as one human race
No we wouldn't, that's factually wrong.
No amount of wishing away the existence of race will save you from the conflict that comes of different races intermingling. You either segregate or go your separate ways on a national level, through deportation or even ceding territory. Otherwise you will continue to see childfucking terrorists driving lorries into crowds of people, you'll continue to see niggers amuse themselves in the most brain-dead, barbaric ways imaginable and you will continue to see Jews control your media, economy and foreign policy.
>mixed race
As long as you're not half nig, I really don't give a shit as long as you help create a white nation. If you are tainted, sorry, but please don't breed.
>they assimilate
The race is still destroyed. Very small numbers of non-ethnics are acceptable, but even Japan is now having problems with Nigerians.
Sure, pugs might be able to be raised by wolves, but will the pack stay the same? No, and that's why civic nationalism is bullshit.
That's neither civic nor ethnic nationalism - that's called fucking stupid.
Japan would probably the best example of civic nationalism. One language is strictly enforced, along with its culture. The only people that really fit in are ethnic Japanese or Westerners who try really hard and even then, those Westerners will never completely fit in - ever. You don't have to gas people to enforce nationalism; enforce rules, cut gibs.
You mean mixed people would be able to stay so long as they didn't breed with white people?
That's doable, so long as there isn't actual racial discrimination, which would be asking a lot.
I'd rather just go to a mixed shithole like Brazil desu.
You're alright.
>what are you
>the educated says he is blood and bones
>the brainwashed says he is state
>As long as you're not half nig
Quarter nig. The negroid is real. I find myself craving watermelon and on really bad days, I want to rob a store.
That's what I said mixed cunts live with mixed cunts in Brazil.
It really isn't in anyone's best interest to have a permanent class division. A few mixed bro-tier individuals like you are fine by me, but a whole population of them would introduce way too many problems.
100% Brazuka
Japan is ethnic nationalist not civic. Japanese hate white people and are treated poorly. The Japs usually stick to their own kind. You dont see people of all nationalities when you walk down a street in Japan.
Something akin to Japan or Korea is the best you can likely achieve in reality. Ethnographic nationalism that tolerates a small percentage of completely integrated minorities. You won't get anti-miscegnation laws Ina modern connected society. To much sympathy for the "other". But if minorities small and fully integrated they marry into the ethnic tate gene pool over time anyway. Small percentage of genetic diversity but nothing like we have now.
>one human race
It's one species. There's a bunch of different subspecies/subgroups/races with different temperaments, traditions, tendencies, and preferences. Forcing them to pretend to get along will never work out. Complete separation is natural and eliminates all racial strife.
I'm okay with white/Asian pairings but nothing else. I don't care about white purity, but I do care about a decent genetic standard of human.
Sheet, looks almost like my ex gf, tits included
You don't see apes with chimps.
>civic nationalism
Literally worthless. What matters first and foremost is the survival of your bloodline and your family. Then your people and then your nation.
Even culture changes over, building can be replaced and policy repealed. But once your genes are mixed with that of niggers, arab and other non-whites it's game over
If I could replace replace every non-white in the west with even the most annoying SJW white hipsters I would. Because the latter are repulsive, but they can only do temporary damage (unless they bring in a ton of non-whites that is)
>hate white people
I always get conflicting message on this. Some say that whites are despised, others say they're seen as really 'cool' (although obviously not seen as Japanese).
My guess is that they only hate the white niggers who go there as sex tourists, and I can't blame them.
I'm an honorary aryan so I don't know
If civic nationalism was workable, what have we been doing? Everything civic nationalism implies is being done already, and obviously isn't functional.
You know you can have both.
I try user. Applying the shit I've seen and experienced in the spic city of Brownsville with a few things that Sup Forums has said really activated my almonds. I don't know if it's T_D or just genuine newfags but mixing races without there being a strong dominant race just doesn't work because you end up with factions fighting for the dominant position and a lot of pandering policies that hurt everyone, even the ones being pandering to because they get stuck on the government teat and never improve themselves.
I'm an Englishman first and foremost and England is my ethnic homeland.
Because of the Jews. We have to be ethic nationalists because of the kikes
I think you could get 10% of shit skins and mixed to fight for an American ethnostate. Everything you hate about Niggers we hate even more intimately because we are a part of it.
I'd have ZERO problem going Wolverines in Civil War 2 against the liberal and minority horde that allowed the Jews to wreck this place.
What was the US doing before 1965? We always had niggers and natives as well as beaners starting in the 1830s before that, what changed?
The immigration act of 1965 threw everything off the rocker
Of course
>civic nationalism would solve more problems because we would begin to see ourselves as one human race
so basically globalism?
those tits are perfect kys
Nip? I have to say, I wouldn't even bother restricting their immigration to a white ethnostate. Almost none of them would move to begin with, and those that do probably didn't fit in well with their collectivist home. Although they'd see it differently, seeing as hordes of weebs would be trying to blast through the gates.
Good on you. Whatever you do, don't hate yourself. If everyone was proud of their own heritage, we wouldn't see anywhere near this level of mass immigration. Your people need more attitudes like yours.
found the motherload
There is no such thing as civic nationalism, kill yourself.
That's the point - there's no difference between ethnic and civic nationalism. Nationalism is nationalism, putting culture, people, and country first.
Here's the oath of citizenship to naturalization of the US:
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
>Main tenants
>Adherance to the ENTIRE US constitution
>Renounce any allegiance to any foreign entity (include religious states)
>Support and defend the US
>Defend the US to the death if asked to
>No reservations in making this oath
>So Help me GOD
The US isn't nationalist anything - we bring in too many shitskins and spics who will just blab this out and not care, wave the little flags will give them and the moment they leave the room, start screeching in whatever shit language they speak and wave Mexican flags.
God save the queen
I'm fine with civic nationalism, in the sense that I am fine with having a small amount of blacks and natives living inside the borders since they've been here too long at this point. Immigrants from the third world, including Latin America, need to get out.
Look at white people in San Francisco
Look at Ben Carson
Who would you execute?
I don't hate myself but I do really hate the vast majority of people living in the border cities and people who unironically want sanctuary cities and open borders. When you see 14 year olds in 5th grade bullying kids you know there's a problem. Fucking ESL illegals man.
Why not both? I'm for healthy nationalism based on ethnic, linguistic and ethnic identity. Doesn't mean we have to war each other all the fucking time. Anything else will ultimately erode nationalism and bring about the end of diversity, competition and human identity. I predict human extinction at the very, very end if globalism wins.
Humans are inherently tribalistic. You will never see a long term successful multicultural and multiethnic society. The latter can exist for a while though, but it's bound to failure
They knew there place. The race divide was obvious and they didn't bare push back. It's easier to live when you all know the rules. Now liberals have blurred the lines so much trying to get them to integrate it's fucked the entire dynamic. It's obvious to anyone that they're not all equal, there are smart nigs and dumb nigs but it's better to stay on the side of caution so it creates animosity. Liberals are so stupid.
Civic nationalism got us into this mess
Without ethnic nationalist you couldn't have civic nationalism you stupid fuck.
Civic nationalism is for united states, not for us.
>Fucking ESL illegals
Kek, can't blame you. At least the Mexicans have some semblance of family values. The Salvadoreans where I am are as bad as niggers. They never learn English, speak shitty ghetto Spanish, and shit out kids by 18 without ever knowing who the father was.
You're wrong. Keep the gooks and chinks out. They're a fucking plague.
*replace one "ethnic" with "cultural"
You know, its kind of sad when you think about it, I used to have this WWII Latino vet who fought in the Pacific, from what he used to tell me life was generally better for everyone back then so long as you minded your own business and weren't a piece of shit
Goddammit it worked, are we supposed to just forget that somehow we all coexisted for decades, if not a century, before current year?
The Immigration Act of 1965 was the death knell, we sold out the country and everyone in it, white, black, bean and red.
Its especially hitting the whites the hardest and I always argued that the moment we lose the white majority in this country is the moment we lose it
I mean for crying out loud, they were the ones who made the country, why would you want to lose them?
I believe in civic nationalism but with a strong preference for a singular culture.
Ethnic nationalism would be ideal but it would be hard to achieve and even harder to enforce. Not only that but if you do deny ethnicities from your country you're denying yourself potential outsiders who would do well.
What I'm against is invasive cultures (see Latinos in the US, Muslims pretty much everywhere) where immigration to them isn't seen as a privilege or an opportunity but as a right. Any immigrant prior saw immigrating to a new country as a challenge. To them, fitting in was not optional but necessary. Modern immigrants see immigration to a new country as nothing but a location change. They bring their culture with them and stay within their bubble because they're constantly being told that diversity is strength and that they ought to preserve their culture, even if it means severing their social ties to anybody outside their culture bubble. These cultural cliques within immigrant communities aren't new, but nowadays they can survive and are encouraged to survive for multiple generations. These cliques create divisiveness and further the natural distrust and dissonance that already exists between immigrants and hosts, and further worsens the problems of multiculturalism.
Out of my own experience I can say that for the most part people from a singular, stable culture which encourages social interaction and bonding within a wide, national community produces similarly successful and productive individuals regardless of race. It's just hard to see that because of the circumstance of these racial minorities coming to developed countries has put a disproportionate amount of them in the immigrant's position. I don't think it's a coincidence that the only non-naturally white advanced civilization (Far east Asia) is seen as having the "only other intelligent race" by a lot of ethno-nationalists.
virgin detected
I live in the area with the second-highest gook density in the country. About 35% Korean and Vietnamese. They're weird, and you never see them out at night, but they cause no trouble.
Of course, most of them came here when the commies took over in their countries, so they might be exceptions. I agree that chinks are absolute cancer, though. Fuck chinks.
Ethnic nationalists are idiots that would prefer stephen colbert and michel foucault over thomas sowell and ben (((shapiro))). They are usually the low iq half if the white race that wants to feel better about themselves by association.
Nationalism in no way implies open borders that's jusy stupid. They want to take us back to the dark ages before the enlightenment and individual values.
Some idiots even think socialism can work as long as it doesn't have jew cooties.
It's the most impractical nonsense that gives a bad name to conservatives.
the truth is that its a large swath of white numale cucks who are causing western society to be in jeopardy
>implying gooks/chinks are even comparable ot nips
Sort yourself out
> sag
I thought I was the only one.
War helps nationalism when you win.
Its neither. They don't give a fuck. They do really like some aspects of western culture and you see some White models in their ads
>be scottland
>be civic nationalist country
>96% white
>btfo koala-fucker
>reddit spacing
>Jew defending
>implying that NatSoc doesn't weed out degenerate leeches that make crappy socialism fail
Get the fuck off my board.
This is the most sensible option. I'm apalled with the way most Western ethno nationalist try to enforce their mindset because they usually end up turning off the smarter people of society from both the Right and Left who by and large view everyone as individuals. What's the use of an Ethno-state if you only have a mid to slightly high IQ genetic base to work with? You want the best people that society has to offer. No use in turning them away so long as you offer a means of assimilation which is so hard to acheive that only a select few ever pass the naturalization process. This is how it's done in Japan.
A lot of things would be fixed if we had a meritocracy but instead it's nepotism and pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Japan is ethnic nationalist but they actually do function more like Civic Nationalists because they'll hate an Americanized ethnic Japanese guy far more than they would a White Naturalized Japanese guy.
The Americanized Jap would most likely act too much like a typical ethnic minority inferiority complex retard so they would not get along with native Japs who are very strict when it comes to following rules. You're expected to walk on a certain side of the escalator. You're expected to eat with chopsticks on a certain hand. etc. It sounds stupid but that's exactly what makes Japan so organized. Japanese people can immediately tell who's not from Japan just by observing that you eat while walking. Any one who does that is not Japanese. Even if you're 100% ethnic Japanese, you're still not considered Japanese if you don't act like a Japanese.
TLDR: A random huwite guy like Jared Taylor would be far more accepted in Japan than George Takei would. I have a hard time imagining any Native Japanese actually labeling Takei as one of them because he does not act Japanese at all.
Is this Ethno Nationalism or Civic Nationalism? It's hard to say. 99% of people in Japan are Ethnic Japanese, but they hate Ethnic Japanese people who aren't from Japan far more than they would a Naturalized Foreigner. Japs would even respect a Naturalized Nigger over George Takei.
Retard-tier logic. Let Ben Carson be the based man he is in a black ethnostate. No need to kill anyone
Also liberal whites can be redpilled
>nation (n.) Look up nation at Dictionary.com
>c. 1300, from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci; see genus). Political sense has gradually predominated, but earliest English examples inclined toward the racial meaning "large group of people with common ancestry." Older sense preserved in application to North American Indian peoples (1640s). Nation-building first attested 1907 (implied in nation-builder).
there's no such thing as "civic nationalism."
>before this picture
>after this picture
Asians look like aliens
Mate i use to live in Sydney. Place is next level fucked. You can't have an ethno state then let in Asians. You can let individuals in based on necessity and merit but only temporarily and never for compassionate reasons. Maintain a 97-99% white pop at all times.
>You want the best people society has to offer
A nation is not just an economy. The race can always be improved, but once you lose your blood identity, you never get it back. If every (viable) ethnic group had its own inviolable homeland, I'd be all for international cooperation.
Whites are fine in Japan as long as you act "Japanese." It's definitely civic nationalism.