What is the core reason for protestant superiority?

What is the core reason for protestant superiority?

Is it:

A) superior genetics
B) just coincidence lmao

Other urls found in this thread:


c) superior work ethic

consensus on materialism, atheism, decadence and degeneracy. Unfortunately in catholic countries there are traitors who want to copy Protestants

That stems from superior genetics



Name one white catholic country

Superior genetics created a superior religion which created a superior work ethic which created a superior country.

I'm Protestant and i would never think we are superior.
Catholic cities, art and way of life is way better.
Protestants are all whiney and boring.
If you look at it historically Catholics had the better empire as well.

Okay Francis

wow you got me

d) Autism

Go to any city in Northern Germany or Holland or Denmark and then compare to any city in the South or Austria or Switzerland.
You will know what i am talking about.



Catholic countries were corrupt as hell and fought long useless wars with the Turks which ended up exhausting their treasuries and didn't give them anything of value until 200 years after said wars were fought. Meanwhile protestant countries had a form of proto-socialism which slowly gave way to nationalism, making them far more successful in the long term. The only Catholic nation which managed to keep up with the protestant nations was France and even they could be classified as pseudo-protestants.

Protestants are whiter /thread/

Reminder that majority of catholics arent even europeon

At least my country will still exist in 50 years
Also why is light hair better than dark hair? Dark hair is a better adaptation to the environment.

What majority of catholics are then?

>You will know what i am talking about.

Majority are bean goblins

Ive lived in southern catholic germany. Very nice, safe and aesthetic. All the pluses of protestantism with the ritual and beauty of catholic art and architecture.


Blue eyes.

People travel there for holidays unironically.
You can relax there.
Protestant cities attract a few of the edgy thrill seeking tourists at best.


Red headed and green eyed lasses are superior waifu

What are "bean goblins"?

Why does blonde hair matter? The russkies have it but their "currency" and "well being" score is shit


They say if you leave copper wire under your pillow at night they leave you a whole bean burrito when you wake up in the morning


I want one so bad, I want to fill her with my paddy genes and have pure potato babies

>bean goblins

The Majority of Protestants Are Black. The only Protestant Majority countries in the world are all in Subsaharra Africa, Black or asian tiny islands, or Scandinavia. Literally Nowhere else. The closest Non-Black nation to be majority Protestant is the USA and Blacks are by far the most Protestant Group in the USA


Was talking about in europe, still plenty more beans than nogs, and still a decent amount of catholic nogs

As you can see here the only protestant majority countries are 12 in Black Subsaharra Africa, tiny Black or asian, or rarely white island countries, or Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finnland. Blacks are by far highest percentage of Protestants in USA

>Blacks are by far highest percentage of Protestants in USA
Nice bullshit

What I mean by that is that 90% of Blacks in America Are Protestant, much higher than Whites or other Groups. They are not a majority of Protestants in the USA But they are the most Protestant Group in the USA, to clarify.

In Europe there are more Catholics than Protestants in Switzerlands, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Ireland, Netherlands, and Lithuania. Europe is a much higher Percentage Catholic than Protestant, While Africa has a lot more Black protestant percentage than Black Catholic. About 30% of Protestants in the world are in Africa, 15% in Latin America, 10% in Asia, 15% in Europe, 25% in North America, and 5% Elsewhere


I see, you were talking in percents, i'm talking about total percent

I will say that Protestant Blood is probably on average the best. 3/4ths of my Grandparents were Protestant, my Grandma converted and also my Dad. Protestants are Great People, From 1688 to now they've mostly dominated politically and in many fields. But the problem is that they tend to turn atheist and self-destructive. I'm conflicted because I'm basically an English-Scottish American with a lot of Protestant heritage but Catholic. There are a lot of Catholic areas of germans, dutch, and even some Scottish highland and northern english areas, though.

Protestantism has a serious flaw in that it encourages ever further splintering of the christian community. This of course leads to more infighting and crises of faith.

It also leads to more individualism. If you can't interpret it for yourself, you are at the mercy of the designated interpreter.

France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, non orthodox eastern European countries.

Just read The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism from Max Weber

Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, South and Western Germany, South and Eastern Netherlands,

Southern Latvia, Western Ukraine, Western/Northern Belarus, parts of Northern Serbia and Central Romania

Indeed. So I guess the question should be does the western world need unity or individualism more, right now?
The whole pope shit is pretty wacky. But too much individualism leads quickly into egalitarianism.

yep, definitely


Germanics tend to be Protestant and Germanics tend to have superior genetics

Protestants get along well i thought, only people i dont like are M*rmons
And Jehovah's Witnesses
And Pentecostals

>protestant are superior
>most sucesfull parts of germany are the south and west
>highly catholic south and west
Thank god I am catholic

That's exactly my point. Protestantism was the first step in a long line of fracturing groups.
By focusing too much on individualism, people tend to forget natural hierarchy and it's necessity. Not that pope is a great example of natural hierarchy, but it's at least a religious representation of it.

>tfw protestand master race country
Feels good man.
Also germany gib monies!

The communists did that

We're the only reason why you cucks even gained power. Should go back in time to side with the catholics.

we are shit now, but that is becouse of fucking commie bastards, pic related before russhit ocupations.

>the ukrainian part that wants to join russia is the blue eyed area

really makes you think, real ukrainians confirmed for being nothing more than tatar rape babbies

Are you implying that protestantism was behind the "womenz strong n sheit" movement? Because protestant women, (typically Baptist/Methodist here) are aware that there are differences

Are you a Texasfag(me) or somewhere else in the South or Midwest? Or maybe Rural North/northeast?

Right on the ball

It's also true for the Protestant parts of Germany that weren't part of Eastern Germany. Bavaria and Northrhein Westphalia etc. are much richer regions than Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein

>Are you implying that protestantism was behind the "womenz strong n sheit" movement?
Sort of. Protestantism was a big step towards (the values of) the enlightenment.
>Because protestant women, (typically Baptist/Methodist here) are aware that there are differences
Typically religious people are more understanding of natural hierarchies. The problem is the after effects of rampant individualism (which protestantism pretty much introduced into europe)

I don't blame you for thinking Catholics suck because most Catholics in Texas are Hispanics. My dad came from a Baptist family, my maternal grandmother from a southern protestant family as well. Cheers!

Ding ding ding
An Anglo in one of those superior countries
Feels good

The decline of enlightenment thinking lead to feminism (at least the extreme forms, indeed it did lead to suffrage), not the other way around

Most of the catholics i know are white actually, im in north Texas so theres less (stilll alot), I don't dislike them, i just dislike the idea of a pope and the papacy in general

just to add to OP's map, you could also look at Protestant American/Canada, but that isn't necessary and would be redundant. Protestant countries of the world have consistently proven themselves to excel under adversity.

Most of those regions are predominantly atheists now, though.

There's a difference between whether you personally like it and whether it's correct

Really? Did you ever go to cistercian, Plano east All Saints, Clark, Mcmillan, Plano West, Stinson, Williams, Murphy,or Otto? I'm in north Dallas suburbia.

France is the only white Catholic country, but they are barely white and barely catholic now. They are atheist/muslim and soon they'll just be muslim. The mistake should be plain enough, but your average (((atheist))) will sharply deny the obvious implication that they (and the cultural marxism they promote) are the sole reason for the current state of France and western Europe.

Please refer to

America is a protestant country. Most anyone who literally believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ converted to evangelical in the 60's. Blacks in the south are more likely to be Protestant, but urban black in northern/western cities are more likely to be catholic.

Nope, the present cultural stagnation is a predictable outcome of enlightenment values themselves. (egalitarianism, materialism, individualism, rationalism etc.) These values are all against the way of life before the enlightenment. Now we just see the after effects of it.


No, i think most of the nonwhites in my area are southdallas diaspora, (im a bit east of dallas) the only religious ones i know go to baptist churches usually, the catholics might have only been native here a few generations

Marginally more likely. The overwhelming majority of urban blacks in the north are still Catholic, see Detroit and elsewhere. The only area with any substantial amount of Catholic African Americans is southern Louisiana. Also you're reffering me to my own posts, they're both me.

Thanks, that was very helpful, François.

>anyone who literally believes in the resurrection of Jesus Christ converted to evangelical in the 60's

But literally every church that could be called Christian believes in the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ.

That should read Protestant rather than Catholic in the first sentence, my bad

Harsh environment that still manages to have plentiful resources? Plenty of water(ice), trees, and wildlife are boons for all, yet harsh winters cull the weak.
Just my theory

I would agree with your statement regarding mormon/jehova witness. Protestants in america at least look upon each other as brothers in Christ with those exception. Pentecostals aren't too different than other Evangelical Protestants, save for the speaking in tongues shit which is just an over interpretation of one specific bible passage.

In general the common binding faith of the protestants are the 5 solas, rejection of the papacy/priesthood, and believer baptism. None of this would have been possible pre-printing press of course, as in the word of God would have become misquoted etc.... so the centralized power of the catholic church was needed. However, Martin Luther is so revered because he was the first to point out the absolute herasy of the catholic churches practice of paying for indulgences and non-biblical teachings that were literally made up from catholic priests.

The problem has nothing to do with a lack of belief in a god. The problem is the west hasn't put guns to use on the invaders.

most catholics and orthodoxy don't believe in the inerrant, infallible, and inspired word of God and resurection of Christ. These are what I call cultural catholics... and mainline protestants are worse. The numbers within the 7 sisters plumeted along with the white catholics numbers during the Fourth Great Awakening.
I'm not disagreeing with you, and yes my absolute statement was more of a larger trend, and actually not worthy of an 'all' declarative. Also, yeah i see i refered you to your own post by mistake, but was going to put that same image up if i hadn't noticed it.

Because the smartest people in Catholic countries took vows of celibacy

>most catholics and orthodoxy don't believe in the inerrant, infallible, and inspired word of God and resurection of Christ

Do you even know what you're talking about?


We are okay with catholics too, i mean, some people might just outright tell you you are gonna burn in hell, but it's abit of both

Us getting along might just have to do with ignorance, like i couldnt tell you the difference between Baptist and Methodist

Snake churches also fall under pentecostal i think, absolute nutjobs

Don't you ever wonder if the Papacy is slowly over running your country from the south? South of the Texas state line is a bottomless pit of Popery. They originally flooded in through the port of NY and were at least Irish or Italian. I think border control has been weakened intentionally by Papal agents now well entrenched in your government.

Check it.
Lou's house received a bullet the very next day just missing his wifes head. He has never shit talked the Vatican or Jesuits since. I think your founding fathers are well quoted on the dangers of Popery and the Jesuits in particular in the new world.


I don't mean this as a personal insult to you, and perhaps you didn't see where i meantioned that mainline Protestants are the same way. It's a cultural association and they don't literally believe in the bible or Jesus' resurection. Maybe you do, i'm sure there are some. Next time you go to church sit in the back and see how many people are even paying attention, on their phone, etc. I'll take your response as you are offended by the truth and wish to duck out of the conversation.


just read The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber my dude

I remember Lou Dobbs was the one voice in the media questioning the Mexican horde invasion and he really grilled those greasy Jesuits on live TV there! They sent him a message, apparently the cops who investigated the shooting wrote it off as a stray bullet from a hunter?

They are now running your country and mine outright, Trump was actually trained by Jesuits at Fordham and is a predictable plant, out Turd II is also Jesuit trained.

And people wonder why the world is the way it is.

I don't like bashing catholics. The hatred that almost 100% of catholics have for the faithful protestants is not reciprocated by me. I have many problems with their practices, but they spend all their time in mourning, looking at a dead jesus on a crusifix everywhere they look, dead jesus here, dead jesus there... they are mourning a dead jesus who they don't believe is risen. The mainline churches of the north just invented the Megachurch which is just as godless and sinful.... muh $300,000 lighting system lol. Jesus would be flipping over their money changing tables if he entered their temple.

Methodist/Episcopalian are basically english Anglicanism for america. They still do the catholic sacrements and infant baptism, but when pressed admit that Sola Fide is the only way to salvation.