Why are a lot of us hating trump now?

What the fuck is wrong with you niggers?

We literally wanted ww3, but not a ww3 with hillary, but rather with a cool guy like trump.

We memed years before trump for a third world war, we literally seeked it out.
Do you really think that meme magick (law of attraction/quantum physics shit) would go away?

We worship the god of chaos, what the fuck do you think would happen? Peace and harmony with trump? Top kek, you guys are such hypocrites.

>daily reminder that the true Sup Forumsacks WANT ww3
>daily reminder that we knew this would happen
>daily reminder that this is the best thing and will lead to eternal peace after the war
>chaos is harmony

aren't you scared germany? you're so close to russia, and they have so many tanks and ground troops

He exposed himself as a neo con

No, those who meme war don't care about death, at least not me, if i can witness the bomb exploding right in front of me i would die in the most beautiful way i can imagine.

If i don't die on the spot i will just enjoy the pure heavenly chaos that emerges, i will be free.

Also, this country needs a reset.

what? we love trump and ww3

>true Sup Forums loves neocon wars


i really hope so, all these shill threads are triggering me

you are absolutely right OP. Just let the war break loose ffs



>Why are a lot of us hating trump now?
We're not, dumbfuck. Reddit isn't Sup Forums.

Yes I hope everyday that WW3 starts.
I hope all sides will use their complete nuclear arsenal to really shake things up.

yes but they expect one of us in the wreckage brother

if you survive we will completely reorganize.

fake Trump shill

Trump did nothing wrong but you're pretending to support what Trump did under false pretenses. Fuck off shill.


He turned out to be the first woman president. Getting all sentimental over some dead kids.

>falling for obvious subversion

>true Sup Forumsacks want more neocon wars
>true Sup Forumsacks support ISIS.

True denizens of Sup Forums support Ron and Rand Paul.

The world needs a reset. The future is bleak no matter who is in charge. Jews, whites, niggers.
We continue working towards technological progress that will lead to Utopia, never realizing that Utopia is only Dystopia of the spirit.

The core philosophy of pol is natsoc + libertarian + trump
I don't know why is everyone having a panic attack over some stupid shit

this guy knows what's up

>We literally wanted ww3
Yeah. When we were ruled over by leftist tranny faggots and niggers.
When it seemed like there was no other way out.
We don't need WW3 when we've started gaining ground.

They're just shills. I pray for ww3 every day. I just didn't want Hillary's bitch ass to be the one leading us.

>everything i disagree with is a conspiracy against me.

>not properly reading the situation like a dumb nigger

fuck off kike. don't you have some bad dragon toys to polish?

Labels are for losers

shouldn't we be encouraging interracial relationships so that we can eventually breed out all racial distinction. The end goal being a pure homogeneous human race.

WE want race war, not nuclear war

I fucking hate you dumb faggots. Kushner is a kike faggot but Trump did nothing wrong with these Airstrikes. If a jew lobbying a prime minister to remove muslims from Europe to feel safer would you be against it?
Kushner should be kicked off but the missile attack was a good play.
You have to remember this is a 3 way war. Sometimes we fire at the same enemy.

not gonna happen. We as a people have integrated almost totally and SJW's are grasping at anything they can to the point of self victimization in order to push their agenda.

the last big chimp out was ferguson 3 years ago. since then the porch monkeys have learned their lesson.

Hell a google killed 5 police officers and no one blamed race for it. If that didn't result in anything nothing will. Face it. Tension based on Race is a thing of the past.

Too late for that, lets just embrace the nuclear fire already.

The problem if we do that is this...

If you take every human who is alive on earth today, and were to average everything out, you would be left with a very dark skinned nearly african individual with an IQ of about 90 at best. A society of this type of human cannot advance.

>muh 4d chess
Fuck off, he's doing the same shit Bush and Obama have been doing for the past decade.

russian shill panic

>eternal peace in a kike ran world

if the east loses the kikes win, if the east wins we all have to live in a totalitarian state of being

either way, we lose and you're a fucking idiot


that's why you stupid the_donald reject

well total homogenization would take generations. Obviously we aren't just going to pair off into breeding pairs immediately. We want white people breeding with western blacks diluting their gene pool until the gap between african and western black is as signification as white and black.

This would take generations and have a net positive impact on lower socio-economic classes.

You think this is funny OP?

If it's really happening, this is it. Make your basecase scenario your untimely death, either from blast damage, radiation poisoning or starvation, because nothing worth eating will grow in a nuclear winter.

>50 outdated surplus missiles at one location all at once

>literally the same thing as daily drone strikes

>literally the same thing as 100,000 troops in dense population centers.

No matter who loses

We win.

>tfw it'll all come tumbling down
>this was the master plan all along

nice try fucktard

>if we've been doing it before, it's okay to do it now as well!

>doesn't refute a single point i've made
Answer my question.



Strange how you weren't freaking out about a regime change then though. Really makes you think.

I guess you didn't vote then? Did you fall for the memes and do no research for yourself? Did you really think Trump was Hitler?

bamping for spineless faggots


>I can't tell the difference between Reddit fuckfaces and Sup Forumsacks.

It's going according to plan.

there has always been a minority here that hated trump and every other pos running for president. it is just the trump autist reee the loudest and have the iq of baboons so it is not even worth arguing with them.

Kike loving faggot

>i'm a shill
>not embracing the sweet release of death

>muh chess

At this point Trump could go full Bush and it will be rationalized.

i was a big trump supporter, even up until a couple days ago. I read some articles and it turns out we got big league duped. I don't know trumps intentions, but kushner and whoever else are big influences and we are seriously fucked. I also loved alex jones, and that video after the strikes exposed him as a shill and not to be trusted. My whole world is upside down now, and I'm thinking of moving to russia. this country is totally controlled, it's completely evil. It's controlled by israel. this whole country is controlled by jews. it's over. seriously.

>Trump did nothing wrong with these Airstrikes

Why do you suck Trump dick with such passion? Trump ruined our relations with Russia in just a single strike, wake the fuck up.

You mean the anti Trump shills. The only legitimate people here who don't support Trump were those who supported other republican nominees. And none of those people were people who would care about jews.

Muh not an argument.

>we wanted ww3

U want to die 4 jews? I dont.

>Sup Forums tries to summon the
Happening for years
>Happening finnaly knocks /pol's/ door
>Sup Forums now is scared
you dumb niggers

Stop being dense. Russia was warned in advance. Russia is a paper bear. They don't give a shit about that airstrike, there was no damage. They can't however pretend like the U.S. can step all over them. So what do they do? They whine and bitch and try to look like tough guys. They'll be right back to laughing with us when we remove ISIS as Trump promised to do.

it's a small group of shills raiding.

4D chess is going on right now.

(((((Sup Forums))))) is scared
Newfags have mistaken excitement for fear in happening threads and shills don't understand anything at all.

We wanted war against the jews, not to work for them, we wanted a race war when we could be proud, we spend months hating on the islamic state, day after day watching those goat fuckers throw fags out of roofs.

This isn't the war we asked for.

>We literally wanted ww3, but not a ww3 with hillary, but rather with a cool guy like trump.

Israeli shill detected