>Sup Forums now supports a Muslim
I hate nu-Sup Forums
fucking redditniggers need to leave
Sup Forums now supports a Muslim
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T-Takbir !!!
muslims are the last Crusaders. We gave our masculinity along with out foreskins to the kikes and we lack the balls to help actual Christians in need.
better an alawite than a zionist warmonger
>A secular dictator needs to be deposed so ISIS and the FSA (really Al Qaeda) can rule like in Iraq and Lybia.
Really activates my almonds.
Looks like you are the new one to Sup Forums
This board has always been on the side of the truth. Remember when we shilled Ron and Rand Paul?? Oh you don't?
Go back.
Sup Forums has always stood behin assad
>elected president
cool meme bro
>>Sup Forums now supports a Muslim
So not wanting to get into a war with Syria that will end thousands of White lives is wrong but supporting a Zionist president that acts for Israel and the Jews is right?
Sup Forums has taken the final redpill. Allah has finally managed to win over Sup Forums! Soon Sup Forums will be a MUSLIM board
A muslim who
>fights isis
>protects christians
>doesn't pose a threat to US
Assad is fighting the real enemy and leading the christian and Alawites(who are not really Muslims and are anti-jihad at any rate) to victory against a sunni/Israeli/nato invader.
Who else has done more real fighting for nationalism than Assad? All in self defence.
If white christian Americans support Trump AND his action against Assad then they are worse than trash. I can understand supporting one of those but if you support both you obviously can't think for yourself and just support Trump because you are some kind of faggot.
honestly, i voted for trump, but honestly lie after lie for like 3 months. syria is the straw that broke the camel's back. im struggling to find a reason to stay on the train, but right now i feel like ive been conned.
there are only ape musli-
Weed lmao
this. reddit neocons need to be purged
>All the major Western powers want to topple Assad and install """"""Democracy""""""
>We should definitely be against Assad, goy! Fucking nu/pol/, supporting a mooslem!
Yeah, ok, seems legit
>Whenever you find yourself in the majority, it's time to pause and reflect.
Alawites worship Jesus and Mary, they are the opposite of Saudi Wahhabi goatfuckers
There is literally nothing wrong with old guard secular Muslim dictators
He is the last one standing.
(((THEY))) want him dead
and you support them.
Assad is a secular dictator. And that is preferable to an Islamic run government.
Every time we have supported Islamist movements (even supposed "moderate" groups), it's always come back and bit us in the ass.
So fuck you nigger.
fuck off shill.
Reminder that muslims are not a problem if you don't invade their countries and don't let them into yours.
He was an elected president. It doesn't matter. Still elected. Hitler was elected with overwhelming support, does it matter then? Dictator is a buzzword.
>let's remove Assad and hand Syria over to ISIS + Iran
Sup Forums has always been an Islamic socialist board!
Prey with me comrades!
>the dictator of ME country is a ME reee
Assad even has blue eyes
islam is kind off redpilled when you think about it tho
Assad loves infidels!! He insults our religion!!
>muh dictators are bad
Most arabs are sub 80IQ animals who can't behave themselves
they're lucky to have a strong intelligent, Huwhite (confirmed by Jared Taylor) dictator
kill Assad, kill traitorous pig western despot .Takbir
Allahu Akbar!
another donald dick-rider doesn't understand the difference between a ba'athist leader, and an insurgency of salafi-jihadist fundamentalists.
another asshat fails to comprehend that having the former in power is much better for the interests of white europeans than the latter.
what do you think would happen if we depose of assad? you think suddenly the entire country will metamorph into a bastion of libertarianism and white people?
look at libya. look at egypt. look at iraq. then tell me you know what you're talking about. and don't forget to explain away the hike in mediterranean people trafficking after gaddafi was killed.
controlled opposition wanker.