Has anyone here tried to give up addiction? I'm currently addicted to video games and I feel like it is having a huge negative impact on my life.
Tips on getting over addiction?
Has anyone here tried to give up addiction? I'm currently addicted to video games and I feel like it is having a huge negative impact on my life.
Tips on getting over addiction?
Stop playing fagget.
Seriously though just focus on something else. Go cold turkey for a week and find something else to do- improving skills to find better work, or gym and getting laid.
After a week or two relegate game time to Friday and Saturday only. Don't be a man child who plays games all day and thinks he can stil win
literally only enlightenment, better start meditating
You could easily get addicted to something else though, but that's not a winner in the long run.
Exercise, especially out-of-door exercise, is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself. This is also true of overcoming addiction to pornography. There is a lot of scientific research about this -- simply Google it and you will see for yourself.
I used to be video game addicted. Then one day I was playing and suddenly realized all games are the same. I'm just pressing a button on my keyboard and moving the mouse while random shit happens on a screen. It no longer mattered what happened if I pressed the button, it could fire a rocket, or it could simply pick up a rock, it really didn't matter. Because all I'm doing is pressing a button like a monkey, and nothing that happens on the screen from it has any impact on anything at all.
I'm addicted to Sup Forums. How do I get rid of it? I don't even want to come here anymore.
Awareness is your greatest asset. I smoked pot for 8 years and quit a month ago. Took me a while to ween off of it and I still indulged from time to time but I got there. InB4 weed isn't addictive but when you smoke it every single day from the age of 15, it starts to become more than a habit. Initially I began to make up for my habit by achieving more in other facets of life, but over time it dwindled and I became a reclusive pot head with no realizable goals or motivation. Dated a girl for 5 years and rejected socializing with other women who made advances on me because I was afraid (not entirely weed's fault but a big part.) Eventually I started to realize it was hurting my life and it took 4 years to completely stop. I can't socialize the way I want to when I'm high. The thing is my awareness grew every time I would get high. The point is... every time you are playing video games, you are aware that it is negatively affecting you. This doesn't mean you are going to stop but eventually you are going to reach a point of awareness where you realize that you'd rather be doing something else... and then you'll just do something else.
There is nothing I can do high on pot that I can't do better sober.
There is nothing I can enjoy high on pot that I can't enjoy sober.
This isn't true for all people, drugs affect people differently.
Realize that video games are your means of satisfying your boredom without supplementing your lack of accomplishment. You are going nowhere playing video games.
Need an happening fix soon
Same. I hate Sup Forums now. But I do want to find a real life National Socialist or Ethno Nationalist movement to join. There don't seem to be any... Hell I'd even join an all white biker gang if nothing else...
You cant be addicted to video games. You just have nothing to replace it with.
thanks for this man.
user here again.
Also realize that your other habits feed into your addictions. I.E. I was also addicted to video games and frequented Fagbook a lot more than I should have, because I fed on redpilling the fuck out of plebs. It's more of an internet addiction than a video game/social media thing (playing starcraft since 9 years old) and I also don't have a cell phone anymore. I needed to cut down on all of these things before I could actually stop my addicting to getting high. Be aware of the habits that feed into your addictions.
I was addicted to video games but I looked back and I realized I played top tier in most games but what did I had to show for it? It wasn't getting me anything, I guess I could have joined a team or whatever but that's not really my thing. The only people who give a fuck of the social awkward neckbeards who play that game. Why do I give a fuck what they think? So I just started playing casual when I have nothing better to do
Start playing tennis
Yes, a lot of stuff. Porn for one. That shit was hard, but its really helped me. another was video games, and I feel like my eyes were opened to a whole different world after quitting. I felt more productive because the stuff I was interested in felt more real than just a game. if you end up quitting, i wish you luck.
Find a way to be of service to others. Get outside your head. You're suffering from a malady in which, whether you realize it or not, you have placed yourself at the center of the universe. Start doing things for someone other than yourself, even if they are very small gestures. Good luck.
videogames are enlightenment
I'm seriously addicted to Sup Forums and spend at least 5 hours a day on here
I''ve been addicted to Sup Forums for the past 10 years, what should I do?
I'm addicted to porn. I hate it.
you simply have to find something else to do instead of playing videogames. I would suggest getting a job and going to the gym. Something that you genuinely enjoy doing that would substitute gaming.
>only 5
Alcohol addicted here. Used to drink most nights but I became self employed a year and have secured a very important contract which pays me well. I enjoy my job and I work 6 days a week. Therefore I had to cut drinking down to one night a week. Every Saturday I go out and get shitfaced with the lads.
Kind of wish I could just stop drinking all together, cause I blow a lot of money on my nights out and i do a lot of shit regret. Sometimes I wish I was a shut in autist like some Sup Forumstards here are. I would have so much extra money.
>tips on getting over addiction?
Get a hobby, make some friends, have a social life
You're lucky then. I spend 12 hours a day on Sup Forums every day.
I was addicted to meth and GHB for about 8 years, ended up in jail which was a pretty good motivator to kick the shit. Been clean for about 3 years now.
Great advice so far thank you everyone
I like weight lifting but that only takes up so much of the day. I don't have a job yet but I'm working on it.
Stop watching porn every day. Go as long as you possibly can without fapping to porn until you deserve to watch some porn.
Porn addiction feeds into the beta-male lifestyle and ultimately gives females more power over men by trapping you. You are trapped in a place where you desire something from women that you are unable to get through normal means.
I bet you are intimidated by attractive females and wish you could stop thinking about fucking all the time when you see a hot one. This is because you are psychologically addicted to the aspect of a female that you are constantly watching other people attain.
I'm no Chad but fapping lowers your test in the short term. If you have a high sex-drive, do not quit fapping but instead curb it and control it. If it controls you, you are siphoning valuable energy and nutrients that your body would otherwise be appropriating in other places.
Stop feeding the pornojew.
>see flag
No surprises there. Isn't meth a massive problem there? It's becoming quite bad here, though 9/10 people will tell you it's a shit thing to do.
Anyway, well done user. Keep it up.
Keep playing video games, the skills you garner are going to the key getting good work in about 5 years.
Go to a rehab program that involves interpersonal therapy, DBT and CBT as well as a strong exercise and outdoors component, it's the only viable treatment option. I haven't touched a game in over 4 years. Don't even bother with 12-step program, it's just a meme for whiners and narcissists.
Sure is mate, much more of a problem now than what it was when I first started taking it and getting worse every year, especially in the more rural areas of Victoria. Jail basically saved my life.
Life becomes the greatest video game after enlightenment.
Prepare for another decade.
i know
>muh not addictive
i smoked every fucking day 1-6 times per day for six fucking years
quit last month
feels clear-headed
having dreams is funky
I haven't smoked weed for 2 months after having smoked for 10 years +.
I haven't drank soft drink for about a month.
I still eat unhealthly and masturbate daily which I would like to stop.
I do not exercise.
Out of all this I've noticed that weed was slot easier to stop than drinking suger drinks, masturbating and eating unhealthy.
use yur imarginayshin
I strongly believe that near absistency is required to achieve any kind of greatness. I consistently compose my best songs when I've gone weeks without ejaculating. The clearheadedness and creativity you get from succcessfully mastering and channeling your sexual urges is unparalled by any drug you can take.
Is going cold turkey a valid way of breaking video game habit/addiction?
Spring and warm weather is upon us, so I recently started growing vegetables. Really satisfying to create life with your own hands.
go to the fucking gym
easy as that
>being addicted to anything that is not physically additcive
you are a nu-male low-test beta pissy bitch
you and your pussy ass 'video game addiction'
get the fuck outta here
Once you are aware that all 3 of those make you feel more like shit than feel good, it becomes easier to stop.
Will do mate I'm determined to change
>I haven't smoked weed for 2 months after having smoked for 10 years +.
>I haven't drank soft drink for about a month
That's still a good effort user. Work on one thing at a time and you'll be much less likely to slip back in to old habits, if you overwhelm yourself you'll end up saying fuck it, we all only have so much will power. In my experience small steps in the right direction all end up adding up.
Find spirituality
Not unless it works for you. For me I've settled to only playing games that have no long-term goals and I don't have to commit to. The feeling of accomplishment over completing an extensive game is actually an empty feeling... but playing something silly for 20 minutes is mentally stimulating and satisfying.
Better yet, find religion. Spirituality is the soul of religion. It's, fickle, hard to grasp and everchanging. Religion is a channel through which its easier make contact with spirituality.
I used to play video games a lot, but I eventually got bored of it, but not until after a lot of wasted time.
that guy
as far as eating healthy goes minimizing your carb intake will go a LONG way
basically the main problem most people have with their diets is massive over intake of sugar
carbs are converted by the body into sugars, so they contribute to this problem
the solution is to rely more heavily on healthy oils and fats
I've been eating shit loads of bacon and it's awesome
Avoid canola oil at all costs, if you can find it at the store try avocado oil for cooking.
also this guy is on the money
Well spirituality opened the door for religion to me. It also can focus more on yourself when trying to be an addiction but at the end a relationship with god is waiting for you
I am addicted to touching myself and thinking about OP sucking my dick. Do it around 20 times a day. It's not really a problem though. Carry on.
lower the amount of time you play, and if its on the computer do not go on the computer as much not unless it is for research,business.... (you will have to be self policing) incorporate other attributes to your life (new hobbies...) and actually figure out what you want to do with your life and how you can accomplish that, then every day work towards that
I think you feed an addiction when you are feeling a sense of emptiness. So you reach out and consume something. It gives you a temporary sense of fulfillment, but nothing lasting. You need to find some activity that builds your sense of self-worth. Maybe it is reading history books or something?
Trust in Christ.
carbonated water got me over soda...shit was hard, but worked after a few weeks. have probably had only 4 sodas in 5 months
One of the perks of ADD is not having the attention span to commit to addiction.
So much this.
This is 110% true. It's not always your addiction that is the main problem, it's the things you do that feed into your addiction. Porn/Fapping, Weed/Drugs, Sugar/Soft Drinks/Shit food, TV/Internet, all these things feed into your addiction by supplementing your sense of emptiness with temporary stimulus. But they have no lasting value. We are a people addicted to dopamine kicks
Pics or it didn't happen
>video games
You sound like shut a little bitch right now, try getting addicted to heroin and then come back to me faggot
When you get trolled so hard you changes your whole life lmfao, neck yourself
Just get out and start talking to people no matter how much u don't want to. Apply for some jobs and see what happens it'll give you the freedom to move on
i have been through various addictions, and i dont have tips of getting over it, but i have culminated one fact:
it's you not being content with your life that gets you addicted to shit
and how i dealt with it was to dismantle my life from ground up, and i did it twice by now
getting out of a certain scenario that you feel in loop in, job, apartment, friend circle etc
you gotta destroy your shit to get out of it i guess
Ordo Ab Chao, nigge
>try getting addicted to heroin
A1 advice, faggot.
I deleted all video games from my comp and now by the time i have one downloaded again i dont want to play anymore. Now i just lift weights for about 2 hours a day while watching reruns of tv shows on the internet, or making youtube videos(which takes about 4 hours total of setup, filming, and editing)
Pic related, i may be 30 pounds over weight but i'm lookin juicy erry day from this TV workout routine.
Contrary to popular belief, cutting it instantly is the best way. For 4 days, stop playing. On the first day you will feel bored as fuck. On the second day you will be less bored. On the third you will naturally find something else to do. On the fourth you will start searching for outside activities.
I just drink a lot. Only way to escape this shitty fucking Earth for only a little bit.
Are you drinking beer, shit liquor, or decent liquor?
Just stop being a pussy. I gave up porn
I haven't got a camera anymore because I used to do it on cam sites but my father caught me looking at naked men. Never again. How about some cats instead?
Get a woman.
Funny you say that. Some videogames actually really helped me with my emotional problems and helped me "find myself". Still do.
That'll do. I like cats.
Booze, cocaine, porn, Sup Forums.
I go to the gym everyday to sweat the booze out, then a few hours later need to restock.
38 Days sober from Alcohol reporting in.
That from 10 drinks a night the last 12years. Its been worth it.
I'm roughly 8 pints a night for 4 years.. I used to make fun of alcoholics and not being able to give it up, but god damn it's hard.
Switch to Heroin, get on my level
Yeah wasn't able to go more than 5 days until I swore an oath to God on my soul. Actually gave myself some slight moderation... the oath is for 10 years and I'm allowed 3 free for all drinking days per year, otherwise dry.
Only 38 days in and down 11 lbs too, lol.
Stop drinking so much fucking beer, for the love of god. Beer literally turns your physique into a female.
Hops is higher in phytoestrogens than soy is. Soy will turn you into a slender female and hops will turn you into a fat female and make you grow tits. It also prevents your dick from getting hard and makes you sleepy.
Watch this video. nutritionfacts.org
Hops was substituted into beer because beer (gruit) was making people more sexually active and physically motivated, which the catholic protestant church did not like. Now it turns men into females and stops your cock from getting erect. Take the beerpill.
Not gonna happen. (I'm not much of a videogame addict, more internet addicted, but still)
this user gets it
fighting an oxy and benzo addiction right now
shits fucked
seeing people whine about video game and porn and fapping addiction is like someone trapped inside a burning house watching someone outside whining that its too hot out.
Beer is low in 8-PN (the prenylflavonoid 50x higher in estrogen levels than those found in soy) but super high in Isoxanthohumol. Isoxanthohumol metabolizes into 8-PN
Sources: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
tried cocaine once, it was the best year of my life
Replace addiction with something. To stop smoking, vape. Video games, read.
I gave up cigarettes, weed and binge drinking but I will never be able to give up Sup Forums
Did you have anything specifically you did to change? Routine wise?
You have to find ways to trick yourself man.
I am equally conscientious and lazy. I will work my ass off with great dedication at work I feel bad if I don't. This was really bad for me with video games because I would feel bad if I didn't play because I was letting my teammates down, doing poorly, not improving enough, not getting my moneys worth etc. etc. I can also be lazy as hell in other departments of my life which could have really fucked me over.
What you have to do is analyze yourself and figure out how to make that conscience transfer to different situations. It really is a muscle you have to flex. But you must understand your laziness as well.
Application? I uninstalled steam and my games.
I'm too lazy to reinstall them.
Now I'm studying regularly and going to the gym 3 times a week.
Know thyself, know the world.
I have this one friend who is a crazy russian fucker, I love him but he's fucking crazy.
I asked him how did he stop drinking because he used to party a lot but now he's a1 sober. Only drinks water. He told me the only way to stop drinking is if I associate alcohol with something bad, but only I know what I consider bad from my own personal experience. He told me his dad use to beat his mom and that's why he's so aggressive and to stop drinking he'd associate alcohol with the beating. In his mind associating trauma with something you're trying to stop is key. But if I didn't have any traumatic experiences I should go to AA meetings and try living in a homeless shelter for 7 days so I can see what it does to some people on the outside, because that's what it does to everyone on the inside.
I love my russian friend
Set your day up where you're only at home to sleep. Spend all your time lifting or hustling or talking up chicks. If you're lucky you'll get into a situation where you hit rock bottom in a way that showcases your inferiority (get your ass beat/have a chick cheat on you really hard/get told by your successful relative in front of your whole family) and you'll literally never be able to look at a videogame cartridge again without puking from what a piece of shit you are for wasting your life. Also bring some of it out into the real world where you level up by going up on your lifts/getting notches/getting $$$.
This. Tricking yourself is the key. You have to not let the left hand know what the right is doing.
That being said, one mushroom trip broke me of cigarettes. I looked in the mirror and examined my yellow teeth/gums, looked at my ashen skintone, and made a mental scan on my bodily state. As I stared, I watched my body aging in real time. I could feel and see the slow gray death creeping on me, and realized I had a simple choice. After I accepted what was happening to me, the result was that I actually *wanted* to quit.
From there it was easy. A few weeks cold turkey and I was done.
Will yous get married? Yous should get married.
back to 8ch with you troll, sonce I know thats where yoy always flee to when shit doesnt go your way
He's actually 100% correct, Trump can't drink because he associated drinking with his brother dying. If you have a ton of addiction related problems and can't break out no matter how much you try because you've become a dopamine puppet getting cucked or better yet raped (in a way where you internalize that it happened because you're too weak to avoid it/wasted your time on bullshit instead of relentlessly reaching your potential) is a great way to instantly quit all of them cold turkey. It's like in The Revenant, after his son got killed he transformed into a different person who could crawl through hell indefinitely.
I decided to quit smoking recently, still an alcoholic, but whatever.
Go cold turkey. Focus on something else. Get ripped. Become a bookworm. Study. Learn to play an instrument. Force yourself to go out more. Eventually video gamest will just not appeal all that much to you.
Take a holiday where you're staying in some remote cabin or island with nothing but a dumbphone in case of emergency.
I can't stop smoking (tobacco, not that shit of a meme weed).
Once I managed to not smoke for a couple of weeks. On the very last day it was like I quited the day before. Hard as fuck!
Yeah. Chugged water and gatorade the first two weeks like my life depended on it. Also take a B complex (critical), C and D vitamins. Also critical, every time I felt the overwhelming urge, instead of replacing it with another vice I exercised. Also told my wife on day 9 that I'd been hiding how much/often I drink and asked her to be understanding. Alcohol is everywhere you look don't let it trigger you. Also been doing a little extra gaming to treat myself.
I gotta say I've had so much ducking energy for my kids and I'm genuinely happy this is happening. Days 3-9 though... Jesus fuck.
I have an Android App called sober time that I track my progress with. You can change the background and give yourself motivational comments and customize extra daily goals/messages. Love it.
Pic related. Some custom goals. Alejandro level focus refers to badass Benicio del toros character in Sicaro. You know, whatever works.
This sounds stupid, but how do you give up an addiction to Coca Cola? The combination of sugar and caffeine has me drinking shitloads of it.
Gave up a yuge heroin habit 7 years ago.
Had to move cities and took up exercise, healthy eating and NA meetings.
As far as vidya "addiction" goes I'd recommend just putting down the controller and doing something else.
Overdrink water. Drink it to the point that you realize you need it more than fucking anything else in the entire world. Drink it until you feel like water. Drink it until you piss 8 times in 2 hours and empty your system of the bullshit that you are using to keep yourself going. Then next time you drink a soda you'll feel like shit. Soda actually makes you feel like shit.
Thing is most people nowadays are accustomed to feeling like shit as if it is the norm. Most people feel like shit when they wake up... you aren't supposed to feel like shit when you wake up. Change that. Stop drinking Coke bro. It doesn't even taste good, it's just your body responding to sugar intake.