So your "Daddy" Trump turned out to be another Neo-Con ZOG agent. What do you expect from a man that allowed his daughter to be kiked? On the day of the rope Trump tards and reddit fags will be the first to hang.
So your "Daddy" Trump turned out to be another Neo-Con ZOG agent...
fuck off shill
The irony
rand =/= ron
Our (((democracy))) was a mistake
Schlomo get back in the chamber!
Buyers remorse Chumptards?
Still better than a fucking zog puppet.
Rand would have won the popular vote too.
>Goy in the user ID
Fuck off shlomo and fight your own wars.
But yes, Kushner used Ivanka to manipulate Trump. He also got Bannon demoted. Now American whites will be forced into war to die for Israel.
I cant tell whos jewing who anymore.
Hi friend
Not gonna lie,
you gotta name the jew,
to be my guy.
P.S., Ron you are grandfathered in, I worked your 08' and 12' presidential campaigns.
The only man in congress that hasn't been corrupted
fuck off back to reddiit shill
Reddit? You mean where the Drump tards talk about how much they love Trump and that nigger loving pedo kike faggot Milo? Shill harder Goldsteinburg.
>So your "Daddy" Trump turned out to be another Neo-Con ZOG agent.
Nope, he was blatantly a supporter of Israel from the very beginning. He didn't try to fool anyone. Now go back to /leftypol
Lefty? You do realize Jews invented communism right?
Say nigger
>Love for Rand & Ron Paul isn't one of the few stable topics of agreement on Pol since 2011
>turned out
Mate, everyone knew from day 1 that Trump was a Zionist shill.
See this is how you recognize a neogaf/reddit faggot.
We never called Trump "daddy", thats a milo thing and we all hated it.
Seriously, how new are you? Its like you read buzzfeeds "alt-right phrases" article anf are trying to fit in. Really really pathetic
Prove to me you arent a redditor by saying, verbatim, with "Obama is a filthy nigger and he should be lynched." without quotation marks.
Spoiler: You wont, which will expose you as a neofag
S--ss-hut up
Wtf the roles were reversed here. Based Israeli.
Well I am believer, kek is definitely fucking real. Now hes trying to warn us of jewish tricks, good guy kek looking out. Saying nigger you stupid kike fuck.
why do you keep asking me to say that? are you retarded, subhuman?