Sup Forums Sunday Prayer Thread

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:18

We are fastly approaching the end times, but it is not to late to turn from your sins and follow Christ.

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is over there. Try not to make this mistake again.

I pray that my life gets some direction soon. I recently broke up with my fiancee and now I wonder what is next. I hope that whatever calamities may come, that I may have the strength to protect those that I love.

I'm being initiated into RCIA in three weeks.

Very funny, your pride won't save you in the end.

If thou shalt not kill is a commandment why would he tell Caine to kill Abel? Why would he tell that guy to kill his son (I forget their names)? Why is Satan a bad guy if he preaches knowledge and acceptance?

Not trolling I promise these are genuine questions.

He didnt tell cain to kill abel. Cain did that out of jealousy. That other guy was a loyalty test, God never intended for him to actually kill his son.

Satan preaches love of self over God, which is against Gods commandment "thou shalt have no other Gods but me"

Yeah man. Christ has saved us from our sins. He gave up his life that we might all have life eternal. Pray to him if you are lost, and ask to know him and to know the truth.

> God didn't tell Cain to Kill Able, it was done out of jealously and he was severely punished for it.

> Abraham was told to kill Issac, as an example to Israelites that God doesn't accept human sacrifices, that is why he told him to stop.

> Satan may seem like an illuminator of knowledge, but all that he reveals to man is wickedness and malice.

>“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." John 15:18

Really good quote OP, and it follows John 3:16 well:

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

I'm going to through this in for troubled user for good measure. It helps.

Psalm 23:4New International Version (NIV)

4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

>Why is Satan a bad guy if he preaches knowledge and acceptance?

Because there is no joy, no goodness without God. Its a lie, and a consummately vile one at that, because it deludes people away from the ultimate truth of the Universe. It deludes them into thinking they can find joy without him. There is no love without God, all goodness finds its source in him, and if you commit yourself to a universe without God, you are literally committing yourself to hell.

I will pray for you.

God has a plan for you. Continue praying and living a devoted to him and He will answer. It may not be obvious, even the small things are thanks to Him

>why would he tell Caine to kill Abel?
Where the fuck did you read that story that way, retard?
>Why would he tell that guy to kill his son (I forget their names)?
Abraham and Isaac, dipshit. It was because you have to ready to do whatever you're told.
>Abraham was told to kill Issac, as an example to Israelites that God doesn't accept human sacrifices, that is why he told him to stop.
What bullshit.

ng we’re getting a lot of half-Asian firsts. The first male transgendered beauty pageant winner was Kylan Wenzel.

The owner of the largest half-Asian forum in the world prior to 2010 or so,, is now a woman.

Then this girl. More power to her for defining her own sexuality and breaking away from the preconceived roles her parents had for her.

Also remember that Mattress Girl, Emma Sulkowicz, was from a white father / Asian mother as well.

There seem to be an inordinate amount of Eurasians with white fathers, who are gay. This is evident just on casual observance. Taking a look at the Instagram of Eurasians with Asian fathers, such as Japanese Brazilian mixed model Kenta Sakurai, shows almost every picture with him being surrounded by beautiful women.

But in the case of Bobby Murphy, cofounder of Snapchat, worth 1.2 or so billion dollars, and being the son of a white male / Asian woman, there have been no photographs of him featured with any women. Same for male models like Scott Neslage.


God isn't real, retard.

Asian Mothers Pushing their Half-Asian Children into Television, Modeling, and Child Labor; On Modern Family's Half-Asian Aubrey Anderson-Emmons
I’ve seen a couple of these… in Asia there are a ton of mixed race babies on TV and in advertisements. The buck doesn’t stop there, now they’re doing it in America too.
I’ve noticed that this is way more prevalent with white fathers / Asian mother Eurasians, not the other way around. Liu Ye, the actor, has repeatedly said that he doesn’t want to put his gorgeous son into the spotlight despite being actually attractive.

The reason for this is that there is a market for it. Asian mothers know they can “sell” their Eurasian babies’ faces, but we have significantly less value in the west, but in the Orient we are considered “novel” and unique looking.

This is typical of WMAW narcissist helicopter parents, who use their half-Asian “superior” babies as a means to pad their egos, by forcing us into acting roles or TV roles when we’re young. You need to understand Asian culture to get why…. Asian culture is extremely status-bent. Amy Chua’s Tiger Momming is a good example.

My mother (against the will of my father) would constantly drag me to recitals, performances, trying to get me to sign up for virtually every public event where I could be “shown off.” I hated it so much, to the extent that at this point and for the last ten years I’ve been trying to relive my stolen childhood, and at that age you practically have no free will at all, and this is just a way for Asian moms to show off that “they’ve made it” with their white husbands, their upgraded babies.

Don't you have some tulips to plant, Jans?

Human sacrifices were prevalent in those times, surely an evil thing, God told Abraham to stop to show his difference between himself and the other Gods people worshipped.

You can sort yourself out, I believe in you

My mother (against the will of my father) would constantly drag me to recitals, performances, trying to get me to sign up for virtually every public event where I could be “shown off.” I hated it so much, to the extent that at this point and for the last ten years I’ve been trying to relive my stolen childhood, and at that age you practically have no free will at all, and this is just a way for Asian moms to show off that “they’ve made it” with their white husbands, their upgraded babies. You have to remember that Asian women are extremely status conscious – it’s almost at a genetic level – so having a “successful” child is the only way that they can feel validated, and what better way to validate yourself than to helicopter your kid and force them to succeed to prove to the world that you’re better.

In this case, the Asian woman wants to not only prove that she’s better than other Asians (with her multiracial baby) but better than monoracial whites (after all, she “stole” a white man), but ultimately her son is going to just face the harsh reality that most of the Eurasians he knows have white fathers. So essentially your half-Asian little boy grows up to just be a gook or a “chink with a small penis”… despite having a white father.

Being “Eurasian” is code word for “my mother, like most Asian women, believed white men superior.” Taeho’s hair coloration is identical to mine when I was his age. Light brown hair, light colored eyes. As you can see in my current photos my coloration is totally dark.


My man

To date the only Eurasian model I can think of who has had a successful print and runway career was Simon Tham, whose father is Chinese.

The mystique of being good looking when you’re mixed race is largely a lie and depends wholly on your parents and even sometimes is completely random – most of us with Asian moms look like absolute dogshit, especially when we get older. Taeho has light hair color and light eyes now – but his features will become much darker as he ages – which happened to me, as you can see from my childhood photos. Meanwhile I’ve been called “gorgeous”, “stunning,” “dashing,” while my brother is in his 30’s and a virgin.

And it doesn’t matter – even if you are a 10/10 WMAW Eurasian male model, we still suffer from depression, isolation, aloofness from our parents, from growing up under a fetish couple and a white dad, and being constantly told “oh, of course it’s your father who is white.” And then we will get shot down by racist white women, and used by racist Asian women as both a weapon to prove that their white-worship is valid…

…like when I pass an Asian woman and a white man on the street and she looks me up and down and does the “wow” face, like “that’s what we can make.” It’s gotten to the point that I just tell people my dad is Chinese now to save myself the trouble, plus it’s a lot more fun.


> Digits 888, symbolize jesus in Christian numerology.

Wew lad.

I did the "neckbeard challenge" and rolled not doing electronics for three hours. I cleaned quite a bit during that time. I think I'm getting started on it.


The millenial kingdom

Those who were raptured and those who died and believed during tribulation will rule in the millinial kingdom for 1000 years in holy bodies.

Those who believe and survived will still have their mortal bodies, and they will repopulate the earth

There will still be some traces of sin, Satan hasn't been defeated yet.

Where there is sin there death, however man with live for hundreds of years.

The oldest humans were 900.

Those who lived in sin will die prematurely, and will fight alongside Satan in Armageddon

There will be countries and life will continue as we know it today but it will be free of suffering

It essentially will be Utopia, now this is before new Jerusalem

First thing i do when i get to heaven is walk straight up to Jesus and deck him in the face to let him know who's alpha around up there.

I was super apprehensive after stumbling upon this subreddit. But…yall are actually on to something. Especially if its a WMAF.
So anyway I wanted to test this with my own mom. I asked her what kind of man she would want me to marry one day. She responded with, “A white man. You look white anyway.” I pressed on and asked her why not an Asian man. She grew kind of irritated and asked me why it mattered. She eventually said “Asian men don’t like white girls anyway. It is just better to marry a white guy.”
I asked her which she would prefer Id marry: an asian or a black guy. She had to think about her response much longer this time. But eventually said black.
I always loved being mixed. I don’t believe I look completely white passing, although I would say I lean toward looking more white than asian. I never realized it but as a younger girl, especially early teen years, I would purposely try to look more white. At the time I never really thought about WHY I wanted to look more white; it was just something I did as I saw my mother lighten her skin, dyed her hair, got colored contacts etc.
Damn. I’m really not trying to adopt my mom’s self hatred. Where do you go from here?
Her follow up.

Her follow up.

Back with an update!
Conversation didn’t go over so well. I asked what kind of woman she wanted my brother to marry, and without fail, said she wanted him to marry an asian women as they will “treat him better than white women”
As for the suggestion of me marrying a hapa. She said hapa males come out looking too asian. She said it as if it was a bad thing which then prompted a long argument. I fiercely love my younger brother (he is 11 I am 22) and I had to step up and raise him when he was first born due to family issues.
I brought up what this subreddit is all about. She said she wanted my brother to marry an asian women because they will ‘treat him better’, but I mentioned how is that possible when tons of asian women, like herself, disregard asian men. I didn’t expect her to give a well thought out answer of course. After accusing her she let me know what an ungrateful daughter I am and that I will not understand the struggle asian women face as I look ‘white enough’
Taking my brother and gonna sleep back at my apartment tonight.

Funny joke, your arrogance will not save you.



Trying to derail this thread, will not save you.

You know Aqua Fresh, if you're so fucking gitty about religion, how about you join the fucking military and fight the ruskies before you get plowed by ivan in your basement. You better be a fucking naturalist and also an existentialist, because I sir hope you've attempted to fill the gap in your life that you purposely ignore every day in an attempt to rationalize what you see. We're all going to fucking die one day. So heres the set up,

>WW3 Inevitable fucking happens in your life regardless and god doesn't exist.

In this event you die like a useless piece of dust on a ball of fucking iron floating in space like a spec of time on a 10 Sectillion year clock. So existentialism doesn't make any fucking sense now does it. But at the same time nihilism doesn't work because you exist. Naturalists can't unto war because they don't understand tribalism without confront the fact that American Conservatives are right at least about culture dynamics and semantic, which they never fucking will because they're willfully ignorant like their parents.

>WW3 Happens inevitably and you fucking die,
god exists, WHOOPS (Fedora memes and complaints filled with logically inconsistent points and instigations including Plutarch because even Plutarch can't wrestle with the idea that existentialism requires free will, and he couldn't fucking prove anything in that area of philosophy)

Welp you're fucked unless god chooses to do otherwise,

Looks like a bad rap, and the only argument you have against the former scenario is the life you currently live, but then you're just touting existentialism again and right back at point fucking A.

9/10 Shitposters agree, Christ Prohealth advanced is better.

Hi. Focus on prayer, your relationship with God. Disregard your racial ideological interests for now. It will not lead you to peace, only more strife. Follow God, he will show you true peace, and everlasting life. God Bless, lady.

I can't take it. My Asian mother hates my brother and always ridicule him

She hates him? She says she hates him? Or you think she hates him?

Maybe you have to step up again, like you did in the past, and care for him as you know is best. Forgive your mother for her hatred of him, and do the best you can for him. I dont know of a way to fix your mother, only God can do that.

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" 2 Timothy 3

She says so. And they are also Baptists btw. I am Catholic

Once I overheard my mom saying how asian men are pathetic and how my "asianness" make me ugly

Holy digits.

Is your father asian? Or your mother?

Bless you for being Catholic... how did you come by the Faith?

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Grant that we would build the space elevator, providing cheap energy to permanently end hunger and thirst on this planet you created.


Your mockery, will not save you.

It's not mockery in any way. I'm entirely serious. People are dying of thirst when we could create cheap energy to desalinate water. People die of hunger when cheap energy would allow indoor agriculture in areas with poor climate.

This is life and death. Chris have mercy on us if we fail to act.

My apologies, God bless.

Pray that God spares me from the wrath of my parents bc I'm now a NEET forever.

Also pray that I keep faith


Trust in Christ. He will not let you down.

your trips prove you're wrong

Thank you for this, I needed that bit of comforting wisdom.

Thanks Leaf, Good thing to pray and lift our voices up to God.......God bless You....

Deus Vult!!

I don't think this is the right place for prayer. It feels wrong.

If you want to make a difference on this board, show uprightness in all your posting, be fair and reasonable in your responses to others, be neither crude nor bilious. Post neither foul language nor indecent imagery. Etc.

RCIA is awfully slow if you are already well-acquainted with church doctrine. I switched to a different program because I was anxious to be baptised and confirmed and RCIA would have meant a lot of waiting.

RCIA is best suited to those who actually know very little about the faith. If that's you, go for it. But don't be fooled into thinking it's the only path to confirmation.

Prepare to be bored.

If I remember we started in October and finished on Easter. They go over the basics and usually do a prayer session at the beginning and end.

It is awkward but if you truly want to be baptized in the Catholic church you'll go through with it.

I think it is a great place to post, Sup Forums is a place of hatred, mockery, and madness, the result of a godless society, Christ ate bread with the poor, the sick and the down trodden, he would also break bread with frog posting anime Nazis.

What do you mean by 'different program'? I joined RCIA too late this year and won't be baptized until next year but I'm fairly familiar with church doctrine and would prefer not to wait that long.