Tfw north atlantid masterrace

>tfw north atlantid masterrace

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Where do you get these ethnic images? I see them all the time but i forgot where theyre from

theres a chart thing. I dunno look it up

I've been categorized as Pontid - Greek ancestors.


literally looks retarded

if this is the "master race" you guys are fucked

Shut the fuck up, Shylock.

stay BTFO neanderthal


You're Semitic and mixed with nigger. All races, except for sub-Saharan Africa, have neanderthal DNA.


keep telling yourself that
hows that wide forehead treating you, neander

Are you even white?

Says the jew with inbred genes

Are you so mad that you have a subhuman IQ that you need to make things up? Try a STEM class next time not your social "science" bs.

Might actually learn something.

Fuck you atlantisists cocksuckers

Fuck the nuage

Dude I have multiple jew friends that have told me they have asthma, wear glasses, and are short because of their shit jew genes. I'm not making anything up, stop hiding the fact you've been fucking your cousins for millenia that has lead to pic related.

>dominican republic
Do I even need to respond lol

Where do you find these images.


> the Jewnited States of Cuckistan

Nuage faggot

Juage aryans are a bunch of faggot mongrels with no culture.


>says the kike
I really hate that I have 20% of your backwards ass demon blood inside of me. Fucking kill yourself.

Are you referring to me or the pic?

pic related

You do realize that you cant say this shit unless you're 100% Sub saharan African right?

Yes he is white, stop using (((their))) memes as you're probably another "muh SPQR" "muh ancient greeks buttfucking persians" poster

First reply was meant for

You are literally nothing but a fucked up mix of shitskins and degenerates.

m8 when the day of the rope comes you'll be leaving too

Yeah, a quick google search gives you an overview, but is there some website where you can read info on all of them?

I'm sorry but if I saw him irl I would think he's a mudslime.

>You are literally nothing but a fucked up mix of shitskins and degenerates.

Jewtier hypocrisy there, you fucks are so mixed with Goddamned kike trash that you even mutilate your filthy shriveled dicks.

Pic related, it's an example of your ancestors and overlords

I feel the same way sometimes, but not everyone can be paper white pink nipped northern europeans like us user.

I don't know if there is a designated website but try just googling the ones that you think you look like and you'll probably be able to narrow it down. I'm not exactly sure that I'm north atlantid, but I look similar and my ancestry is from England & wales mostly so I assume I must be related at least.

Since I'm assuming your Norwegian since your from norway I think you'd probably be any of the Nordic types or possibly one of the peripheral nordic types, so that narrows it down at least.

Yes! The goys are all ugly retards!!

I don't have an ounce of kike blood in me wtf are you talking about?

If they're not why should we consider them part? I thought we were about homogenization not fucking diversity just because they have a foot on the continent. If we're going by that logic shouldnt we include turks since hey control Constantinople?

Here you go bitch


because even swedes can be swarthy and incredibly dark skinned. Its actually a cultural thing among people in Sweden to become as tanned as they possibly can during summer. At that point you're splitting hairs, we'd have to put everyone through genetics tests, as like I said there are outliers in each nationality/ethnicity.

Pic related is a Norwegian.


>I don't have an ounce of kike blood in me wtf are you talking about?

Are you cereal?

Oh shit top zozzle lol

Either way, Alice Bailey was a filthy fucking whore..



Let's be honest, that guy is obviously not your average Norwegian.

shitpost gets

Thats why I said he's an outlier, but are you going to claim he isn't white?

What is "white"? There are different European subraces. He is more Mediterranean i'd say, not Nordic. Norwegians are predominantly Nordic.

Cornish paleoatlantid reporting. Sows get out of my Albion REEEEEE

Don't ask me, ask the guy I was originally talking to. I'm not going to quantify what is white or what is Mediterranean. As you're basing your assumptions on small perception of what either look like. He's just as Nordic as any other Norwegian, until you look into his genetics and perhaps find different ancestry.

I would still be able to tell that guy is european due to his somewhat pale skin and green eyes, and besides his hair color he looks completely different from a middle easterner.

i got the face of a west baltid but the eyes of a east baltid

If I had no idea who he was and had to guess, I'd wager he's from the South of France or maybe Italy. I can agree that his facial features do not look middle eastern, if he had lighter skin and blonde hair he'd be a poster boy for WNs.

>tfw don't fit any of the ethnic categories
Feels bad being a euro mutt

lmfao rekt