The_Donald is waging Gorilla Warfare on Sup Forums
le_dolando has been downgraded to a cult of personality
good job banning half of your active users
only yes men remain
Reddit hasn't figured it out yet.
It breaks down into three different parts.
Is your post pro jew? Get out.
Is your post anti jew? You can stay.
Is your post neutral jew? You're playing jewish tricks.
Once they figure that out, they'll realize their mistakes.
Useful idiots until they're not useful at all.
The_Donald hasn't been able to do jack shit since the leddit admins neutered them by changing the algorithm. Now, it seems, they're migrating to Sup Forums for lack of anything better to do.
Anyway, trying to stop the donald is prolonging the inevitable. I fear that what happened to Sup Forums will happen to Sup Forums-- edgy fuckers, upon hearing that Sup Forums is the place to go for good meemays, will flood the board, saturating it with normie shit, and possibly with actual leftists eventually.
Maybe I'm just defeatist.
Correct about normie shit, wrong about leftists.
There's a wave of anti-leftist backlash coming. It hasn't crested yet, but its coming and its going to be a big one.
That's probably how it'll go down. Nothing stays good forever
RIP Sup Forums 2007-2010
You would probably be correct. Now is the time to sort out where you're going to go when they start to continually flood Sup Forums and shit it up with their neutered ideals.
None of this matters. The liberals are mad that's what counts.
the_donald stats are WAY down after the missile strikes, nowhere near as many posts or upvotes lol
Pepe is kill.
Do they not realize that we have actually hated Redditors for the better part of a decade?
At this point, Shareblue is riding off the rage.
They are getting the boost they want, but it's not their doing. This is Trump's doing.
On the other hand we are being swarmed by the JIDF, who of right now, are on Trumps and any posts relating to kiketry get deleted, so I'll keep this soft.
I'm a neutral fag anyways, so what does it matter.
I had 100K karma, then got banned for making a Kellyanne joke. Haven't been back since.
>gorilla warfare
Better read the chimpanzee manifesto from /ourguy/ to know how to deal with it
Nobody here likes the_donald mate. We just use them as cannon fodder. Nothing more than useful idiots.
>Gorilla Warfare
Wow, this is serious, without those upvotes they could die!
I really do fucking hate normies. Every single thing they join becomes awful.
This brings up an interesting thought in my mind: I hate the majority of western people, because the majority are fucking faggots.
>Gorilla warfare
Fuck off rhesus shills
As someone who migrated here from Sup Forums a few years back, I can confirm your theory. It started the same way back in 2012 as r/Sup Forums was gaining traction and little shits from 9gag were posting screen caps there, edgy 14 year olds were swarming the board with shitty copy-pasta and crappy LARP threads. Then "rate my dick" threads started showing up every now and then, afterwards came a massive wave of shitty green text of them retelling their dumb fucking day and we started fighting it, but they just kept posting Reddit tier memes and spamming the words faggot and newfag at us, like they actually thought they were oldfags. By late 2014, the board became unusable, just dickpics everywhere and people being assholes for no good reason. The same is happening in this board, there is no saving it.
I always get sad when I go to Sup Forums. It's literally all
>rate my gf
>snapchat pics you shouldn't share
>more porn than /gif/
Yes, it was always pissing into an ocean of piss, but it was comprehensible at one point
i knew it all along
You have to go back
>Sup Forums became bad because of r/Sup Forums
>He's so fucking new he doesnt even know that b died because of chanology in 2008
>hes been posting on a trap/furry/cancer containment board for literal years and thought it was only in 2014 that it was shit
I got banned on the_donald for saying the Israeli strike was not a good move.
all the cool kids have long moved from this shill v shill board
I popped over and looked at their rules.
Essentially anything that isn't supportive of Trump is deemed either a shill or concern trolling and not tolerated.
Infinity chan was a result of moot, not of newfags
That's fucking shit fuck reddit.
shills are out in force today boys
There are shills of all stripes (post related: ).
This isn't anything new, nor is it particularly bad.
Check the post count, check the image hashes, inform newfags, and sage bullshit.
I doubt any of you have entertained the idea that trump was trying to get china tonplay ball did you? It was only the one single thing he was obsessed with for decades after all. of course m, Sup Forums is just reactionary faggots after all, no use trying to start a dialogue with anybanons here. youve been trained by stormfront and reddit to question nothing and follow the narrative.
Yep. They banned me the other day for not sucking Kushner's dick and worrying that Trump might be getting distorted intel.
They've turned into total fucking idiots over there. There's zero free speech on T_D now. Insufficiently enthusiastic = ban. And you're a Shariablue shill.
Used to be a decent place to have a conversation. The censorship now has purged most intelligent commenters. They must have been banning left and right because there were a LOT of people speaking up about how they were doubtful of all this.
>those shmucks
and /ptg/ is a hub for their faggotry
It's already been like that though. For almost a year I've noticed it.
They ban shitloads of longtime posters (pol made T_D lest we forget) and wonder why they're getting slimed.
Idk but I read something that stated they jad 6 million subs. And that's enough people to found Israel..
Doubt that have you been to one of those threads recently? The only people you can tell are genuine and not bots/shills/disnfo/trolls are some of the trip fags and people you can recognize by content like the polls guy. But its getting nuked its like 90% jewery rn
we need to ban /ptg/, it's effectively a t_d colony at this point
>unironically uses "schmucks"
Kike fanboys detected. You can't beat Sup Forums dahnold.
You criticize anything related to trump you get banned. Fuck worthless fags at the_faggot
i was banned for posting pizzagate when it was not cool to post it
/r/the_donald is a bunch of mentally handicapped cultists.
How do they justify that? I can understand why you'd have that rule in place before the election, but banning criticism or discussion of Trump's policies now is only going to make it a sterile circlejerk. He's won the election, people holding him accountable now isn't going to somehow make him unwin it.
>ban /ptg/ because is e celeb shit
>T_D go apeshit about it
>call Sup Forums a bunch of leftist ,the cry about on their safespace
>we are free again
The elections are over , why are they still here?
/ptg/ got banned? When?
Paranoia is a hell of a drug
Lets hope soon
Only gave T_D a safespace
It's rebbit what else would you expect from a site designed to facilitate circle jerks
Its the "all who disagres with me its a shill" mentality.
The problem is that you can implement it there but in this place just creates chaos.
They imported the finger pointing to this place and now people are getting mad
Here's their shitty little post-Syria sticky
>We have banned thousands of shills over the past days. They figured out Syria was a wedge issue and went for it. They forgot we always come out on top.
Silly little board, but this has always been Sup Forums's critique of Reddit. They don't have open discussion, on any board, and never have.
it looks like shareblue is waging gorilla warfare on Sup Forums. did you happen to read your image before posting?
>Sup Forums funds guerilla reddit board to create shitpost on reddit
>it turns around to bite them in the ass
its just like real life
its like pottery
>muh shills
Shills are a real thing but these fuckers are too dense to realise that Trump has alienated a massive chunk of his supporters with this action. If they don't let people discuss it and just call them shills and ban them they are gone for good. TD apparently has 6 gorillion subscribers, not all the people criticising Trump can possibly be shills
It's disturbing on a variety of levels how fast T_D can turn on someone because of a different point of view.
>And we can't tell if you're a shill or just someone helping the shills - so you'll be banned.
At this point it would have been better if the masses hadn't been redpilled about that super PAC, now they use it to silence all dissidents that have real concerns. Fuck reddit, thats why I never go there.
>praise kek!
>good post centipedes
Telltale signs of leddit posters, remember they share the same site as commie trannies that use discord to raid Sup Forums
Lots of people here don't realize what r/The_Donald is. It's a support sub for our President. That's all. The rules are clear, you shit on Trump you're out. Makes perfect sense since it's a support forum. If people wanted to see opposing views, they go on any other subreddit on reddit.
Saw another thread there today calling us Nazi LARPers. Then I got banned by those fascist pigs.
yes an echo chamber
keep going with this mentallity and you guys will sit alone with a buch of bots.
Basically that what dictatorships do, they clean the oposition, and clean and clean and clean until people are fed up with this crap and revolt.
I think you still don't get it. It's a support sub for our President. That's all. The rules are clear, you shit on Trump you're out. Makes perfect sense since it's a support forum. If people wanted to see opposing views, they go on any other subreddit on reddit.
A further service announcement for newfags:
162 pages (~ 4000 results) of posters saying "T_D" in the pol archive, dating back before the election (~ 9 months).
100 pages (~ 2500 results) of said "T_D" references have been made this week alone.
~ 1,000 pages (~ 25000 results) of posters saying "the_donald" in the pol archive, back before the election (~ 9 months).
125 pages (~ 3100 results) of said "the_donald" references have been made this week alone.
It's quite clear that the shorthand "T_D" is reddit shill vocabulary.
Leftypol is at least intelligent enough to sound like a shitposter.
Can't buy lived experience with shekels.
Really makes you think...
You have to go back.
user at least tell me you know about the Jewish question, with everything going on in the ME it's all for the greater benefit of Israel. Please tell me you know that. Please tell me you don't support a pro kike war.
Good, go keep your support for him over there.
I will never understand why Sup Forums dislikes the redpilling machine that is T_D
They redpill the FUCK out of people about islam and white genocide
Would you rather NOT have them and let leddit be a perpetual liberal echochamber?
So you know I'm not a shill, nigger faggots
share the script bro
I use "T_D for shorthand faggot it makes it faster to type.
>questioning one aspect of his policy is shitting on him
Don't you find it boring to sit around all day talking about how great K̶i̶m̶ ̶J̶o̶n̶g̶ ̶U̶n̶ Trump is all day? How many of the members of that subreddit want a place where policy discussion is banned?
I literally just started using it because I'm a lazy fuck
Why is it that anytime some splinter group forms from Sup Forums, that group invariably fights with Sup Forums at some point?
hilarious, and Sup Forums wasn't cult of personality too?
You guys were had. Your fucking tears are so delicious right now.
The fact that we turned on Trump when he abandoned his principles demonstrates that we were not.
Gorillas don't wage wars dumbfuck.
Just how stupid are you? Berner stupid? Trumptard stupid? Decapitated chicken stupid? Poo in the loo?
The_Donald is just another /r/Politics
This was their megathread for the Syria airfield bombing. Right before it happened, there was some deep research into White Helmet groups, and everyone was saying the gas attack wasn't Assad. Second those bombs dropped, all posts deleted, and mass censorship went down.
Place is an echo chamber that spreads fake news while criticizing stations like CNN for doing the same.
>We have also banned non-shills who were stupid (or drunk?) enough to fall for it. Wait a day or so and then appeal nicely to modmail.
The board is a cult.
>Gorillas wage war
It isn't so much war as it is consistent brawling (see most of Africa for a live example).
There are a lot of shills here trying to spread discord, though. Don't buy it. If it tries to divide, it's a shill.
>Posts that disrespect President Trump will be quickly removed
That shit is just embarassing. I thought it was already pretty bad in the summer when I checked it out during the AMA. Nothing but people calling each other 'pedes'.
Daily Reminder The_Donald has become an identity politics based subreddit.
Holy fuck that place is pure fucking cancer at least some of the people there know Assad didn't do it
T_D has been used increasingly more recently because people shorthand shit they have to reference it more often, such as when calling someone a t_d shill you stupid faggot.
Why don't we just hit it with a ton of racist shit? They're already half way there. Look at the front page right now. "Lets explore why whites commit 50% ish of crime" with a pic of a bunch of niggers and spics.
Just meme it subtly, and sure enough that faggot Spez will drop the hammer on them.
>that shitty pigeon meme
Who the fuck are you trying to fool?
>when calling someone a t_d shill
A 4channer would call them a Redditor faggot
The first people who belong in the gas chambers is anyone who unironically has a Reddit account
They always censored worse that r/politics which they ironically call r/redacted
To spell this out more concretely:
~ 2800 posts per month of "the_donald" historically, 3100 posts this week (~ 4 x ppm increase)
~ 167 posts per month of "TD" historically, 2500 posts this week (~ 60 x ppm increase)
Are some shitposters using shorthand? Sure.
Would they all suddenly switch to shorthand at the same time for some reason? No.
Are some of the shills not totally retarded and trying not to sound like shills? Sure.
Would they all know how to blend in with a board's culture and vocabulary? No.
Can they change tactics and stop using TD? No.
We'd see an effective drop in "TD" and an effective gain in "the_donald", or any other term. They can't hide.
The shills blew their load immediately when they arrived, just like they always do
Just last weekend, there was 4 of the top 20 posts containing a picture of some dude duct taped to a yield sign. The title, read "ANTIFA BTFO! DUCT TAPED TO A STOP SIGN!"
All the top comments, were "OMG ANTIFA BTFO!" and "WE LOVE OUR PEDES!" and "BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST!!!"
All the downvoted ones? The ones at like -50. A link to the twitter account showing some dude losing a bet with his friends for March Madness, and getting duct taped to a pole.
The place promotes fake news, the top comments are always complete irrelivent to any topic at hand. And its basically turned into a karma farm for egotistical score whores on reddit.
Its an echo chamber. And its cancerous. And that style of shitposting is fucking obvious on pol, because its the people who bring no original thought to the table.
I'm fucking ashamed when I see my posts displayed on The_Donald now. Twice, I've seen shit I've written here, screen grabbed and thrown up on that place for easy karma. My last one was my research into Syria White Helmet groups.
They banned me directly for being from the r/Sweden sub. Funny people.
Haven't been there in a while, is it still an unwieldy mess to post to or has it improved?
I don't understand what concern trolling is
thats what I was banned for
Since its reddit, its most likely overseen by the CEOs of reddit who want the_donald to be as unpleasant to visit as possible so they are all faggot mods that probably voted for Hilary
It seems like it's gotten better