Highway Patrol - why do these pieces of shit exist?

Highway Patrol - why do these pieces of shit exist?

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to protect drivers from you.

They keep drunk drivers off the road.

Because you drive like a batshit crazy bitch.

All valid.

Tell us about your recent ticket and let us judge you.

To beat niggers.

Tend to retards wrecking fucking up my commute


To serve and protect. If you don't drive like a fucking Indian, you don't have anything to worry about.

If you're not driving like a fucking idiot, they're not really a problem.

To make money.

This was the scary Po Po car in my youth that you did not want to see in your rear view mirror in the State of Florida....

lel looks like someone just got a ticket. how much was it and how over were you?

To pull you over, unlawfully search your car, fuck up your glove box, panels and seats, then rip out the stereo. Wen they don't find any drugs, they just say "sorry senpai" and leave you on the side of the road with a fucked up vehicle that is cheaper to fix on your own because suing the officers and their department to fix it is futile thanks to their kike lawyers


legally law enforcement isn't obligated to protect your fat ass.

That's not only in the job description, but also in the oath they take. You're wrong, you retarded shit eater.


Nigger detected.


To kill niggers

>Funded by certain amount of taxes.
>Given quota for amount of tickets they need to issue
>Ticket fee is essentially tax expected to exceed the amount of taxes put into the agency

>things that only happen in movies

To fuck your wife

Do you own a pair of work-boots?

To perform highway robbery.

>legality == morality

Top bur

To bad the supreme court has ruled that the police has no legal obligation 1protect you. Jackass.

I believe he's referring to the Supreme Court ruling that said police don't have to protect you or come to your house if they don't feel like it. I believe the only thing they're constitutionally required to enforce is the tax law.

t. statists
Why do you like the taste of rubber boots on your lips, you spineless faggots?

YOu just BTFO of half the thread.

>They keep drunk drivers off the road.
>to protect drivers from you.

Wrong and wrong. They exist to write speeding tickets. To make $$$ for their employers.

to enforce vehicle and traffic law and collect revenue for the state


>Why do you like the taste of rubber boots on your lips, you spineless faggots?
lol what? i don't give a fuck if police beat the shit out of and murder niggers 10 times a day.



>lol what? I don't give a fuck if police violate the fourth amendment rights of fellow citizens

highway patrol is a make work program for people that can't get trades or a real education

if you watch a show like cops you'll see that when they talk about how they got into policing it usually goes something like:

"well, i didn't know what i wanted to do with my life but i heard my cousin had signed up for the police academy so i just did that and here i am"

Only if they're white.

I thought more people knew this. Protect and serve is a meme that only the most honorable cops believe in. We need to reform the police desu. Too much nepotism and incompetence. I say rename them to peacekeepers and arm them with batons. Their single job is to beat niggers.


"The trial judges held that the police were under no specific legal duty to provide protection to the individual plaintiffs and dismissed the complaints."

And it's been upheld since then. Unless you are in police custody they have zero legal requirement to protect you.

Thanks, senpai

Yall niggas posting in a statist bootlicker thread

this is why taiwan hates china

>first, they came for the niggers and I did not speak out—
>because I was not a nigger

I know. Just Google

>Keith foster

The second in command of Fresno pd got busted and conbicted for federal narcotics trafficking. Corruption start and the top and runs down.

>nguyen loc loan

Bullshit. Look at any cop show and you'll see when they start searching someone's car they will rip it apart looking for drugs.
How's the states cock taste in your mouth?


Highway patrol pulled me over for going 5 over the speed limit fuck them.

>Protect and serve is a meme
...but they do actually protect and serve.
Just not you and me.
Lrn2meme fgt pls

read this book:


the publisher will only sell to verified LEO but i borrowed a copy from a detective friend that used to work patrol and the absolute only reason you get pulled over is for drug interdiction

the state does not fucking care about broken tail lights but that is a foot in the door to stop your car and peek inside while talking to you to try to escalate to a search

Not drugs, weed. Ever wonder why they want to keep it illegal so bad? It gives them unlimited power and all they have to say is "I smell Mary Jane".

>If you don't drive like a fucking Indian,
You mean like a filthy chink.

This x 100000000
Cops exist for one reason only, and it isn't to protect shit.
>cop friends and family will disagree with me

Put your hands in the air, and give me all your money

t. every fat and crooked cop

Accidents and drunks, atleast in my area. The troopers respond obscenely fast when an accident happens.

that's how anyone ends up anywhere

I agree, they are fucking scum. I can't tell you how many tickets I got for going 80 when my spedometer clearly read 79. I was young and stupid so I never asked to see the radar.

Anyways at least a few of these guys get gunned down/run over on the side of the road in my state a year and I crack an extra bottle of champagne that weekend to celebrate.

loves beating that nigger ass

First post best post

Hahahahaaa, here in Texas, I was going 80 on I-35 today, and I wasn't even keeping up with the rest of traffic.

Oh, and we're full.

the world isn't andy in mayberry type retard life planning anymore

get your shit together

Full of Mexicans. I'll stay here thanks.

Are the Texas Rangers based?

I got pulled over by one at night and he asked if I had anything in the car. Told him I had 200 rounds of 5.56 and he shortly ended our encounter after that and didn't bother to cite me lol

Well they don't use radar. So yeah, they're based. But I've never actually seen one, so I'm not even really sure that they're real.

>at work
>browsing rebbit
>some random post about a guy complaining about a traffic ticket and him being too poor to pay
>tell him that he shouldn't have broken a law
>replies with some sob story muh jobs muh constitution muh rights
>get 99999999999999 downvotes and banned from whatever subrebbit it was

I don't understand why they hide. If you're trying to get people to slow down, why not be out there and have your lights on and if people still pass you going too fast, then you pull them over. Sitting out of sight and trying to pick off people only temporarily gets them off the road.

Gb2rebbit le Donald

>even thinking for a moment that unironically wearing a cowboy hat in public in the year 2017 is a good idea

come on, user

What bugs me is that around here they have "stealth" patrol cars doing traffic enforcement. Instead of the obvious black-and-white, they're all black, with black decal lettering over the black paint, so you can only read it from the side, on a sunny day, if you squint just right.

In my state, some small towns can't afford to have their own police force. So our State Troopers pick up the slack when it comes to that.

I completely forgot that part too. I mean sure it's one thing to hide an actual police car, but taking some fucking Mustage or Charger and tricking it out to be completely black and hidden at night especially, that to me screams bullshit.

samee same, other sunshine state. noice

Driving 80 mph speed limit on S-130 to Lockhart

You could probably drive 85-90 and still not get pulled over. Or are they super strict about not going over 80?

I fucking hate these pieces of shit.

American police are such niggers, generally useless aside from acting as revenue generators or sperging out on spics and chimps who appear to be using their hands. There are a few good apples, such as police in high crime/black areas that actually do their jobs and mind their own business, however the vast majority of police officers in this country are total dogshit and not to be trusted.

I did 90 on it. Never got pulled over.

Slowpoke. The speed limit is 85 on 130.

I'm so jealous of even the idea of being to drive that fast without worrying about getting picked off

Aren't most highway speed limits 85 in Texas now anyway? You'd have to be doing 100 to get pulled over

Is he ok

The default speed limit on good highways is 70, but a few get 75. The 85 is only on a few toll roads that don't get much traffic because, you know, tolls.

>t. DeVoyn Jackson III

Oh, and speed traps haven't been much of a thing since they passed a law that prevents cities from getting more than a certain amount of income from speeding fines.

Seems one famous speed trap was a little town just outside San Antonio by the name of Selma. They speed trapped a few too many state senators on the way to the Capitol.


extortion isn't protection.
Highway patrol exist merely as state thugs to blackmail drivers for paychecks.

Wow, that is fucking awesome. That should literally be nationwide. Based senators.

dat car

They were probably tired of being pulled over themselves and having to pull favors to get them revoked.

So why not skip the bullshit and just pass a law?

FHP can suck a dick. These fuckers get behind you and you can kiss $200 goodbye

> Wrong and wrong. They exist to write speeding tickets. To make $$$ for their employers.

Maybe if you don't break the law, they won't make any money!

Also this

At least you're not in Virginia. Get caught doing 80 and spend a weekend in the pokey.

>a fucking leaf posting about niggers

Makes sense. I'm white as can be, it shouldn't surprise you that taxpaying, law abiding white citizens that violate archaic traffic code hate police for constantly harassing them for it instead of being productive member states of society.

What based laws, aside from (((tolls))). I've only driven through Texas a couple of times, not much experience driving down there. I generally don't have any trouble going 85-90 on interstates in Missouri, feels good senpai.

>op just got a ticket

LMAO get fucked

So the state can rob you more

Because of people like (you).

My sister lives in New Braunfels