thoughts on transhumanism?
why should or why shouldn't we embrace the next step in our evolutionary process?
thoughts on transhumanism?
why should or why shouldn't we embrace the next step in our evolutionary process?
The whole 'machine' thing is temporary.
Think of the Tyrannids from Warhammer 40k and think of what you know about modern biology.
Our bodies operate at a molecular level while machines are much larger.
In a thousand years, we won't have metal machines. Everything will be organic, including transhumanism.
Because mentally and spritually we are still adapted for hunter-gatherer lifestyles.
maybe 1000 years in the future we'll be so spread among planets and galaxies that no government could be able to keep an eye on everyone. maybe we'll revert to a hunter gatherer society
Agreed user, we must work to get rid of this weak meatsuit and give ourselves immortal inorganic bodies by which death can only occur through sufficient destruction not the trial of time.
>emp behinds you
>nothing personal kiddo
Transhumanism is a modern expression in the Aryan belief in eugenics. They are both philosophies of genetic self determination.
organic bodies only work for hivemind tier species, we are humans, apex predators of the universe, we deserve a place among gods, millions of years in the future we will be know as the progenitor race of all things as we rule over everything with our literal iron fists
Ironically a lot of transhumanists are Jews
Which is probably exactly why they'd like to determine their own genetics, instead of being born into them like modern humans.
go back to r-ddit holy shit.
Just wait a couple hundred years and i'll be a thing bro lol
Transhumanism aims to achieve equality for human beings not just a select race.
because its fiction at the moment
So let's remodel our bodies so we can finally have a real hivemind instead of a fake one that you can opt out of at any time
nice idea in theory but in reality it just means the government can physically control your body
eg smart TVs and self driving cars seem great but in reality it just means the government can spy on you whenever it wants and crash your car into a tree if you're a disident
So what? Jews believe in all the shit that we do, the only difference is that they monopolize it. Just looks at Israel. It is:
> an ethnostate
> with a strong military
> with a physical wall
> with a capitalistic free market economy
> with a love for it's own identity
> with a murderous disdain for Islam
> with a reverence for tradition and faith
The only difference between Zionists and White
Nationalists is hypocrisy. Jews have everything that we want, they just pretend that they're the only ones allowed to have it.
They try to keep others from having it because they know that a nationalist world is a world at war, and the jews get exterminated in that situation
This is true.
I am CS major. Machines are extremely dumb and inefficient. You would melt if you were a machine because traditional computers are so inefficient.
DIsabled people might get fancy prosthetics, but dry nanotech is impossible, so the future is genetic engineering.
Genetics is too random, we must escape biology totally.
No, I get it, Jews want to monopolize this philosophy for a reason. They understand that loving your identity makes you stronger, and that ethnic guilt makes you weaker. That's why they cultivate and enable white guilt but fear white pride, even though they see nothing wrong with having pride in their own ethnic identity. It's easier to dominate us when we don't share in their strengths. If whites revered eachother as much as the jews revered eachother would would take them in a week.
because people with brains will have brawn too. that's dangerous.
I was on board until i realised the Jews would use it to enslave mankind
"warhammer" ... 12 year old boy detected.
On a personal level I like the idea and technology, but on a redpilled level I see as nothing more than another way Jews will take control of us. Right now holocaust denial is illegal speech, with a brainchip we may get hatethought crimes.
Or they will pull a deus ex human revolution and make the goyim mindless drones
how is trans-humanism the next step in evolution? evolution is supposed to be a natural process, seems contradictory to evolution
Some people need to embrace their own body's health and reach its maximum capacity, otherwise, it will be just a new level of laziness causing genetic degenerescence.
even if the "jews" were able to enslave mankind. their empire would eventually fall. it's not some ultimate prophecy.
Transhumanism is for the lower races.
The Nordic Aryans have kept their genetic figure sound over thousands of years and are tracked to become Angelic Gods naturally through the mastering of diet, health, psychology, fitness & attire.
The ubermensch should want to perfect themselves naturally, and not become dependent upon internal machines.
The only acceptable form of "transhumanist" technology is in the form of external smart jet-suits and wireless external technologies.
Internal transhumanist mechanism are unacceptable and are for the Jews who are trying to play evolutionary catch up,,,
Our thoughts really don't matter , do they?
The powers in the world pushing for trans-humanism are bigger than you may dream......
The advocates all say oh it will be know supermen & all that no disease bullshit.....
Did you see or hear of the movie called Splice?
Trans-humanism is going to provide a way for very strange & perverse things to start happening.
Chimeras, giants, the nephalim & gibborim.....they are going to be seen again.....
When you see these things on the earth, judgement will be at hand......
Aryans are only uberrmensch by a pre-transuhmanist standard. You can be superior to all the "natural" races, but does that mean that you can still dominate a race that has been enhanced by biological engineering? I doubt it. Refusal to evolve gets you left behind.
Also, don't underestimate the Jews. They aren't like mudslimes and niggers. They're formidable rivals to Aryans, there's a reason that they've been able to secure power for so long within our societies. They have high IQ distributions and they know what the fuck they're doing. It is unwise to write off their strategies.
Why would there be judgement so late in the game?
Why not now, before it even begins?
>not wanting to replace all of your body parts with bionic body parts
Why wouldn't you want end muscle diseases and other stuff? Sounds pretty cool to me. Besides, you'd never grow tired in your limbs.
With transhumanism, would we ever reach a point where we are living so comfortably with no worries in life at all, that we become apathetic to life itself?
Would we die off from this apathy, because there would be nothing worth living for, due to infinite life?
im down for genetic upgrades in a signle generation. but that computer clone shit is retarded. if your idea of yourself is loose enough to the point were you can say "im not me, im this tamagatchi toy", you can probably just donate sperm and be immortal through that.
there are theories that we could build a matrix that just keeps us content forever, but we'll be able to just do that with brain surgery at some point. possibly even now, i haven't looked into it.