Is there any good argument against police bodycams? Unless you are a corrupt cop...

Is there any good argument against police bodycams? Unless you are a corrupt cop, I couldn't possibly see why you wouldn't want them.

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It makes the police even more comfortable with using their firearms, video evidence exonrates them when they have to put down Tyrone D. Nuffin, so yes body cams are a good thing.

The only thing I worry about with it is price.

What do you do for work? Why don't you wear a body cam the whole time?

Those cameras are not pointed at the police.

Expensive. They should be everywhere in big cities, but in bumfuck ohio with a population of 2000, they're mostly pointless and a waste of funds.

They cost a couple hundred dollars each. A large city could have like 1000 people out in the field, so you're talking $200k for them.

There just needs to be a site where you can watch every body cam video from the police. I'd pay to watch that

fuck user. i just moved out of Ohio. that was ? somewhere just north of columbus

It's expensive

They're expensive, and I doubt their effectiveness.

They're to prevent corruption and misconduct by police officers? If a police officer is corrupt, wouldn't he just... turn off the camera? Breaking department regulation seems less of a big deal than getting caught planting evidence or some shit.

also. I would like to see google cams. Body cams bounce around too much and can point away from whatever situation and not cops line of site.

did i just spell GOOGLE fuck me.. sorry.

The cost of maintaining uploaded video. It's very expensive.

>PUBLIC servant
>Working for a private company
There's a difference

I'm not a public servant whose job gives me the power to injure and imprison.

"Expensive" relative to what? How much do cities pay for police corruption and brutality?

>if a police officer is corrupt, wouldn't he just..turn off the camera
They wouldn't be able to turn them off in all circumstances. For instance, if they remove their gun, the camera saves the previous 30 seconds of video and runs regardless. And just having the requirement of bodycams will decrease corruption because if your bodycam is always having mysterious "malfunctions" people will get suspicious.


>They wouldn't be able to turn them off in all circumstances. For instance, if they remove their gun, the camera saves the previous 30 seconds of video and runs regardless.


How would the camera know if the gun is removed from the holster?

Some type of bluetooth technology or something?

My dad's a cop and he said it would get him out of more trouble than in

>Is there any good argument against police bodycams?
nigger population control

only real argument is $$ - though not a great one. BLM made the argument that bodycams were 'mass surveillance' which i think is just cover for "it proves that niggers gonn nig", which is the real reason i want them. they can't pull dindu nuffin if the police have 1080p HD footage of chimp outs.

Contrary to leftist opinions, police actually love body cams. It makes arrests and shootings so much easier, because it allows them to show that they were in the right without any doubt.

Most cops actually lobbied for their depts to get them once some state's passed laws. An abysmal failure all around for the anti-cop leftists. They were supposed to show widespread corruption and racist nigger killings on the daily,

instead they show how restrained most of the officers are except in rare trigger happy cases.

Body cams are not going to show what BLM thinks they will. Mark my words they will be filing lawsuits soon calling them racist instruments of the white patriarchy being used to oppress blacks.

you could go to your electronics store and make something like this with infrared sensors or an magnet plates that can either send a radio signal or a much higher frequency to a small reciever.

probably cheaper than Glocks

Dont forget

>Those cameras are not pointed at the police.
Most of the time they're not even pointed at what the police are looking or shooting their guns at, either.

NASA once had to design and engineer a chest-mounted photographic camera for the lunar missions. Take a look at those fucking photographs some time. Do they look centered on the subject? Fuck no!
That shit was designed and made by fucking NASA to go to the moon, do you really think a chest-mounted button sized camera made by the lowest bidder is going to do the job?

Fuuuuck. No.
Chest mounts fucking suck.

Helmet rig or gtfo.

There have been some videos of cops doing perfectly normal shit, like beating the stuffing out of niggers who are calling them names... The body cams lead to niggers getting payouts for dumb shit like that.

Run your mouth to a cop, get your shit pushed in - Especially if you're a nigger. The body cams have completely neutered our police and have disturbed the natural order of things. Get ready to see more niggers provoking an ass kicking and then suing the city.

Honestly, wearing a body cam all the time would probably be beneficial to the average person.
Of course, that is assuming that you are in control of the footage and can do whatever you want with it. Not if the government or someone else mandates and has access to it.

Also in many instances, the camera might see something the officer doesn't, or the officer might see something the camera does not.

I don't trust piggies so I want them to wear body cameras.

If you disagree there is a 100% chance you enjoy the taste of boots.

Bodycams keep cops honest.

Some niggers need to be roughed up to stay in line, the only thing the simians understand is violence.

I don't want public servants to be so immature that they feel the need to kick someone's ass just because they got called pig. Your delusional "natural order of things" is actually retarded.

I wonder if technology has advanced since we went to the moon..... Nahhh surely not.

>BLM knows that police body cams would immediately destroy any chance of them having a future reason to loot shit when people realize that the guys who get shot are usually just niggers nigging
Wew lad

It would. At least in major cities.
Speaking in regards to the NYPD, they don't even fight lawsuits against officers. The city just pays the complainant to make them go away.
With the cameras starting to become standard, they can get the footage and tell people making false reports to go away.

Of course, the cameras and storage will require money.

Another concern is that the footage will show some stuff people don't want to see. A cop responds to some fucked up call and it's suddenly filmed and public record. Someone got raped, murdered, jumped in front of a train, and all other horrific images that will show people in their worst moments.

Brother is a cop and the body cam pretty much saved his career. A nigger falsely accused him of being racist and rough but luckily the body cam showed that he was in fact completely polite and following protocol.

What if a police officer knocks on your door wanting to ask you questions about something and they record something about you or your property that you would rather not be on video. Even if they leave and you haven't done anything wrong, that video still exists and could potentially fall into the hands of others and be used against you if not stored properly, and do we really trust law enforcement agencies to keep it all safe? There will be mistakes of this nature in all likelihood if these become ubiquitous.

The more indignant take is to say, why should some state law enforcement officer be able to record and keep video of me on private property if I haven't done anything wrong? Go away asshole.

I don't think this is a compelling enough reason to ban them, but there certainly exists a potential for compromising video of people doing nothing illegal to surface, and that could be damaging in some cases.

>police get body cam
>dindu does do
>caught on camera
>riots and smashed windows still happen
Waste of time desu but at least it'll stop phone recordings pushing agendas when we get to see the raw from the state

7.7/10 decent idea but won't stop or deter crime since a chimpout will happen even with a police recording

The cost of not having to pay settlements would more than make up for the body cams, usually.

>free open source gore videos deliver red straight to my 4chins

You are immature for thinking it should be within the confines of the law to allow screaming like a fucking chimp in any cops face and be allowed to get away with it. I mean seriously if you don't have to respect any cop than why should you respect any law? Don't answer that i know you are either a shitskin or a faggot cuck with abysmal father issues and have never experienced introspection.

>dindus du
>chimpout happens when they win the stupid prizes for their stupid games
>msm continues to push their bullshit narrative
>normies begin to wake up when footage shows how they're constantly in the wrong
There's a light at the end of the tunnel, friend

I think that removing the jewing of at least the educated populace from BLM is certainly worth it.

On one hand, I do enjoy the POV shooting vids we get from them.

On the other, I really don't care if some cops put the boots to some crackhead nigger.

That having been said the footage from these cop cams somehow often seems to pan away at the moment the perp is down on the ground with a cop on top of him and remains this way till after the nigger is shot in the chest.

>screaming like a fucking chimp in any cops face
That's not within the confines of the law you fucking mongrel. It's not withing the confines of the law for an officer to kick anyone's ass for doing this. Keep in mind that if such a nigger is to resist, then beat downs are certainly justified, but just being a cunt certainly does not warrant any sort of ass kicking, especially from an adult.

I actually work as an engineer in this space. The biggest hindrances I've heard from sales (from most important to least):

>Police unions don't want to give management a tool to fuck officers.
>Most body cams can't handle 12 hour charge times, which is the average officer shift length.
>Cities demand unrealistic specs, prices, etc. that just aren't feasible. Sometimes they demand that you sell the cams at a loss.
>City budget issues. Most cam acquisitions seem to be funded via grants, and not every dept. receives them.
>Some cops are too paranoid about wearing more equipment that can get in the way.
>Some departments have so much invested in their IT structure that they either A) don't have the will to overhaul the layout or B) Don't want to spend a penny on IT issues.

It's attached to their chest, there's not gonna be a clear view when they're wrestling on the ground.

Yeah, no. Cops have to maintain the appearance of control, and niggers ONLY react to the use of force. They don't know, or understand, anything else. If you take away the cop's ability to enforce the natural order, niggers WILL NOT respect them or know their place. It will cost some cops their lives. I guarantee it.

Try training a tiger without teaching him the sting of the whip. Try leading a bull without the nose ring. Animals only understand force, dominance, power, intimidation.

You are retarded and have never carried a duty weapon.

The cost isn't with the cams, its with the data and storage...and you're talking about a shit ton of it

True but the video I was thinking of was from the POV of the assisting officer.

I'm of the opinion that every politician should be under 24/7 bodycam surveillance publicly broadcasted on the internet.

there is nothing wrong with this if the video is just reviewed in case of a complaint and if the "judges" are not subverters

I'm sure Amazon or google or whoever is handling the logistics for this data storage is doing so in a non profit arrangement. They're just as charitable as the BLM supporting leftist kike media that pushed so hard for these cameras.

I can see what you are trying to get at, and it makes sense in a more perfect world, but the reality is that hood niggers really don't give a fuck either way what punishment they receive. Also,
>It will cost some cops their lives
Exactly. Letting the legal system and justice deal with niggers is much less threatening to your every day police officer, especially if body cams allow a use of force at appropriate times without the jewish media being able to incite chimpouts.

That is why they DON'T want them.

Like most Government Officials of all types who think they are GODS gift to the planet. They don't want to be held accountable for their mistakes.

This. The left assumes it'll help catch LE EBIL CAWP NAHTZEES, but it statistically ends up proving the Dindus wrong.

>the reality is that hood niggers really don't give a fuck either way what punishment they receive.
are you sure about that or is it just a case of them being spared too often

In most cases, I'm pretty sure about that. Hood niggers have shit to lose. That's why hood niggers exist in the first place.

they clearly don't care about the legalese but the idea was they're physically scared like when they see a wild dog, anyway i don't know hood niggers

expensive as those brand new 60,000 vehicles they run ? i think they can afford a camera

I can admit I've had few experiences with them, but also keep in mind that prison in the US isn't a nice place. They have the potential to get plenty of whooping in there just for how they look.

I am just suprised the liberal left and nigger activists fail to understand this doesn't help their cause. For "intellectuals" they are not very swift.

>please take away my free speech

And you wonder why people call you fascist

One thing that is not considered is that it potentially removes the option of discretion from the officer, so for example officer jones pulls over a dude and only finds a small amount of drug on him, sometimes the cop would let that person go because they don't care about that, but body cams may make the officer feel like they must arrest this person because the footage could be reviewed and they could get in trouble. this is what i have heard not what i spout or believe or an excuse to me, just tryna answer your question also this is my first ever post here wooooo

To the Cost crowd, my city council just approved buy new rifles for every PD EMPLOYEES. Not just patrol officers but all employees. Secretaries, desk jockeys, everyone. I think they can afford 500 cameras.

>haha fellow citizen like why don't you want more government surveillance lol
Yeah I dunno, fellow not-CIA-agent haha

imagine being this much of a cuck

Is there any good argument for police bodycams? Unless you are a statist, I couldn't possibly see why you would want them.

There were no police departments when we ratified the Constitution. They arrived decades later and are a modern invention designed to skirt around the deadly "standing army" issue. They need to be disbanded and armed citizens need to enforce their own laws again.

You're such a faggot.

I don't support constant surveillance BUT I'd have it designed like that gopro option where it records the last hour only and keeps overwriting it as it goes.

That way if there's an incident that needs to be documented the officer would have to activate the "save" mode and keep the incident and an hour leading up to it on file.

That way you don't end up having to archive and sift through insane amounts of data or back all of it up somewhere, but if shit happens you have it documented.

Essentially when an incident takes place the officer presses a button and then the camera saves the hour leading up to it AND continues recording and saving everything after that

That's jack shit. My kids high school spent $2 million buying all the kids laptops

in a state of private laws, there would be no public laws
police only exist to serve public laws
police should not exist then

Mixed feelings/thought on the bodycam thing. Because they can be used both ways. I mean it's not like some DA or judge who is like a brother or gay lover of a bad cop won't just erase them. On reason no one really believes in courts anymore is that no matter what even if you can prove your no guilty, if they want you convicted, You're getting convicted. No if's and's or but's about it. Of course it goes without saying that it's best to avoid those types of situations in the first place. I don't think it's a big secret that they've lower the max IQ cap on cops in America so niggers can become cops too.
- Laws are for people who need them

If those laptops had webcams and the kids took them home, I can just about guarantee that someone watched those kids masturbate.


The problem is people think eyes work like cameras and they don't. Eyes are attached to brains and can get tricked by optical illusions.