What is the country with the best looking women?
What is the country with the best looking women?
Israel, Canada and Ukraine
Why do you guys like to fight each other?
>obesity and acne intensifies
Stayed in Moscow for about 3 weeks, saw maybe 4 genuinely unattractive women there the entire time.
In USA, 8/10 women are visibly SJW
In Moscow it was about 1/100.
Not really partisan towards either country, but relevant to the thread.
Czech. It isn't even close, familia.
This. Would love to visit Israel and lick some kosher cooch.
>I will never have an Israeli soldier gf
Why even live?
Forgot pic
>dem freckles
>not liking plus size women
I can tell you which one doesn't
Go back to Mexico
>filthy brown noses with bodies hanging from them
Ukrainian women are okay besides the 70% of them that look like dudes or old babushkas
I went to Mexico this winter and stayed in a touristic area (Puerto Vallarta). I thought the women were way hotter than in Canada (and mind you I live in Montreal)
About one in 10,000 Mexican women look this good. Most are Indian troll people
USA hands down
Italy is No. 1.
Argentina and Colombia are better than Mexico imo. Mexico had wayyyy too many fatties
No way man. Hideous beasts.
In Austria, from what I could see, 8's are the average. No 6's in sight.
It's all a matter of taste. And there goes my streak. *zip*
As long as you stay on the coasts in my experience
Go there and find one.
Italy by far
go back
Germany for sure
Estonia has some nice ladies.
who cares, they are all worthless sluts
How adorable ! I don't know which is cuter, the girls or the bunny !
are u jewish?
Scandinavia, particularly Sweden.
France, Spain and Portugal after.
Ukraine/Russia, Italy
Balkans, Poland
British Isles and Germany
>girls on coasts
>all plastic faces fakeup drenched coal burners
>all redneck tard whores who are "religious" when they want and cunts when they want
Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries.
Rape. Marry. Kill.
Their faces look like they're constantly going really really fast
>Blonde hair and blue eyes
pick one
Israel ((soldiers)), what the fuck do they even do?
>goyim us president send more soldiers we need a military here
In my experience, countries with lots of racemixing produce the hottest women.
Such countries are also either Third World hellholes (everything south of the Rio Grande) or well on their way there (US, Canada).
Hot women or nice things, gentlemen. Pick one.
Mexican criollas are GOAT t.b.h.
I've seen better in Egypt
We wuz Kangs m sheeit..but them jew slaves was jus propaganda
Don't know who's no 1, but I do know who's last
Was just in Mexico for vacation and I have to disagree
dats raysis
>posts picture of nigger
>she's not a queen
Why did this make me laugh
I know what you people do to cute bunnies, savage !
Fuck off with the whoring out of your disgusting Jewesses, Moishe. I see through your tricks.
As far as the countries I've actually been to, Italy, France and Spain are at the top of the list.
But as far as the absolute number one spot, it's actually quite a shocker, but:
Good fucking god, 90% of that country is a shithole, but never have I seen such a high concentration of gorgeous women.
For real, though, I may have seen 2 or 3 chicks that were below a 7 (young women, at least) when I was in Bucharest.
All of the men in that country look half-retarded, though. It's weird, I don't know how they reproduce.
portuqts are the best
I'm no longer attracted to conventional beauty, too many bad experiences. When I see conventionally attractive women I become hostile (in a civil way), give me a plain Jane any day.
Shoot the rodents, all of them!
Israel has best women
Puerto Rico gave us Jennifer Lopez
this is a nigger not an egyptian
Choose one lads
What is South Korea?
Any girl with the last name Fienstien is always a babe!
then why is that the only picture you post?
theres about 10ish IDF girl pictures that get posted every time and that particular one I've seen over 6million times
The cutest girls in the world are a mix race. Half Japanese and half white.
>lives in Montreal
You better speak French bud
4th from left
There are still some good quality women :(
Half Nigger half Jew girl is best
You can't argue this
Every other answer is objectively Wrong.
Northern Europeans
Iranians / Paki / North poos
wherever Japanese hapas live
select Rangas in cold places
non-wog/wop/slag/turk Australian women
redhead is prettiest but that body is disappointing
Definitely not Serbia. Fuck off, we're full!
going from left to right - number 7
Sure Shlomo I would love to have some IDF qt submit my uncut aryan cock
bunch o Mike O'learys fat fucks
I feel like Russians would be fucking hot af, but aint been there so idk.
goddamned fighting Uruk-hai
third one from the left.
>Plastic looks
>Plastic personality
As if hapa kids don't come out ugly enough now you get to gamble on if it'll be super ugly or jaws-ugly.
And they all have filthy kimchi farts
Ill take far right
Any eastern euro country. Also Hungary.
Btw, the only good looking israel woman are the eastern European descendant ones. The arab, Persian and Berber Jews are ugly as shit.
Either 2nd from the left or the one on the far right.
anything else and you're retarded